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Merry Christmas to you all

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    Merry Christmas to you all

    Hi all,

    Just wanted to wish you all the very very best that you could wish for this christmas.....

    I won't try to mention everyone by name because I wouldn't want to miss anyone out...........

    To ALL OF YOU that are suffering any pain at the minute I truly wish that I could reach out and touch you all and help to ease it...........

    To everyone that has ever responded to any of my posts, I am eternally grateful because without you all I would still be reaching 'into the bottle' for help instead of coming here.....

    To all the newcomers that I have yet to meet, you have found the best place ever, read & post ........

    To Paulb, I feel a special bond with you because we joined at the same time & you have been an inspiration, may you and your family share a special christmas .....

    Finally I need to thank this 'addiction' that we all share, because without it I wouldn't have 'met' all of you very very special people........

    Have a very special christmas all of you.

    Love & Hugs, Paula :l :h :l

    Merry Christmas to you all

    Thanks Paula,

    .....right back at you.

    Love and best wishes.....


      Merry Christmas to you all

      Merry Christmas to you and your family Paula. I love the tree!!
      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


        Merry Christmas to you all

        Merry Christmas Paula, may all your wishes come true.

        Love from Louise xxx
        A F F L..
        Alcohol Free For Life


          Merry Christmas to you all

          merry christmas paula hope you have a lovely time ditto on the tree it is fab really cheered me up

          love maryt


            Merry Christmas to you all

            Great tree Paula! Thanks for your wonderful wishes! May you have a blessed Christmas!

            Love to all on MWO!:h

            AF as of August 5th, 2012

