Just wanted to wish you all the very very best that you could wish for this christmas.....
I won't try to mention everyone by name because I wouldn't want to miss anyone out...........
To ALL OF YOU that are suffering any pain at the minute I truly wish that I could reach out and touch you all and help to ease it...........
To everyone that has ever responded to any of my posts, I am eternally grateful because without you all I would still be reaching 'into the bottle' for help instead of coming here.....
To all the newcomers that I have yet to meet, you have found the best place ever, read & post ........
To Paulb, I feel a special bond with you because we joined at the same time & you have been an inspiration, may you and your family share a special christmas .....
Finally I need to thank this 'addiction' that we all share, because without it I wouldn't have 'met' all of you very very special people........
Have a very special christmas all of you.
Love & Hugs, Paula :l :h :l