So all three of the kids are sick and grumpy. I can't go 3 feet from the baby. My husband calls at 3:30 and says I'm on my way home. I say so I guess your mother and step father aren't coming. He says yeah they'll be there at 5:30. The house is a wreck, the food is not done, the baby has diahreah, my other son has croup and my daughter I believe has a sinus infection and she's miserable when sick. My son who has autism won't take a nap so he's bouncing around the house and I do mean leaping off the ground from one end of the living room to another. I am the only one who cleans and to date there are 8 people in the house.
Not to mention on Friday I drank way too much and felt like crap on Sat. He says to me 'well like usual I have to come down and lock all the doors and when did you even change into your pajamas? Who the hell cares? My mother is still not home and that's all you can think about?
Okay done venting. I feel better. Gotta run, my daughter wants the computer and my baby is at my feet crying. Everytime I get near the computer I'm like a magnet ..what's that all about. I'm sweating
Take care and I'll talk to you all later. Thanks for allowing me to vent.