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Can't delay life until I'm sober

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    Can't delay life until I'm sober

    Today I am 21 days sober and my brain decided to celebrate this situation by gifting me with a rotten mood and a determination to go drinking, which I some managed to avoid, mostly by circumstance rather than will.
    But it occured to me that I have done nothing productive in the past 21 days bar staying sober. I have been eating crap, avoiding the gym, napping all day and generally just lying around and my justification has been "get sober first and when you achieve a stable sober you can worry about getting on in life". Its a pile of BS though. There are no guarantees that I will stay sober, and if I had drank today 3 weeks of my life would have gone down the tubes for a prize that wasn't coming. I have to get on with things but it may be the case that I might never be able to achieve lasting sobriety- it may be that I am marked to continue this folly forever. If that is the case there is little more I can do about that than I am doing now, but I cannot afford to defer all the other parts of my life. I feel that relapse is basically inevitable, and I don't want to make that worse by being ignorant to that fact.

    Anyway just a thought.

    The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.

    Can't delay life until I'm sober

    Hi EOL. First off, CONGRATS on 3 weeks of AFness. I know exactly how hard that is. I do STRONGLY disagree that relapse is inevitable, and I hope you can see your way clear to trying to change that channel in your head. It's just not true.

    I totally agree with your ideas about re-joining the land of the living - especially getting back to the gym, eating right, etc. According to the My Way Out book, exercise and a diet free of sugar and non-nutritional junk supports sobriety physically. So those would be good things.

    I really needed to stay active when I first sobered up, and I'm very active to this day. I realize I wasn't really "living" before at all - most of my days were just "marking time" until the drinking could begin anyway. AL is not ruling things in my life today. Please don't throw in the towel. Sobriety can be yours too. I'm really really selfish with mine! I will do whatever it takes to keep it. But it's not all sunshine and roses - that's just life. Life today is sure better than it was though - by a long shot.

    Good luck to you!

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Can't delay life until I'm sober

      Oh Miles...I so feel your frustration, but I am convinced it WILL get better
      my biggest issue is exhaustion, and I am willing to give my body time to get it's natural rhythm back.....
      being a highly functional drunk was in itself I am giving myself a break
      hang int here friend...
      I love my family more than alcohol.:h
      Live in the Solution....not the problem


        Can't delay life until I'm sober

        EOL - I really believe you can keep from relapsing and change your life. Two things I want to mention:

        One - here is a link to Super Crew's thread - please read and see how you can change your thinking with self hypnosis. Amazon has lots of books on the subject. And SC is going to post some suggestions. I'm convinced if you can change that conversation in your head and start getting active with exercise, eating healthy, etc. you can turn things around. Here is the link:

        Two: Please try reading Kick the Drink by Jason Vale. It has helped me and others here -- couldn't hurt!

        Best to you!


          Can't delay life until I'm sober

          CONGRATS ON YOUR 3 AF WEEKS EOL :goodjob:

          Have you made a plan?
          Look in the for some great ways to help get yourself back into the land of the living
          I have been so busy these past 2 1/2 years ~ catching up with my life - you can do it too

          Staying sober is something I want more than anything so I am doing what I have to do!

          Let us know how you are doing!

          AF since 03/26/09
          NF since 05/19/09
          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


            Can't delay life until I'm sober

            mama bear;1190430 wrote: being a highly functional drunk was in itself exhausting.......
            AMEN mama bear... it is exhausting. and i think laying around and sleeping and checking out for 21 days is perfectly acceptable. your body needs to heal itself. when we "sleep"drunk its not sleeping. take your time!! your doing great...

            AF since Sept 2013...


              Can't delay life until I'm sober

              You get sober by participating IN life again rather than being excluded from it. Step into your life and take responsibility for your actions and make the world a better place for your presence in it.

              Have a blessed day Miles
              "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
              Clean and sober 25th January 2009


                Can't delay life until I'm sober

                Miles, I agree that relapse is not inevitable. Just by posting here and asking for help you are taking positive steps to reshaping your life. Unwasted's suggestion about the Jason Vale book is good advice. He shows you that not-drinking can be a -and should be - a great way to go through life.
                You have already shown that you can kick this thing. You are over the physical part of withdrawal, now you just have to convince yourself that the alcohol-free life is a life worth having.
                Good habits breed good habits; bad habits breed bad habits.


                  Can't delay life until I'm sober

                  Thanks everyone for your kind replies, you gave them a great deal of attention but I'm afraid I have thrown in the towel essentially, I can no longer rely on my psychology, I'm too exhausted. I'm thinking of trying Baclofen.
                  The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.

