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Army Thread 11th.October
Army Thread 11th.October
betty boop;1191298 wrote: Have I missed anything exciting while I've been awol???
Army Thread 11th.October
Recluse;1191304 wrote: Well, zenners has got the go ahead from the DEA to set up a pharmacy with her bf and Jackie has lost loads of wobbliness at Slimming World (she's all svelte and trim now!) and is about to be set loose on drug addicts and alkies as a volunteer counsellor. Starty had left her job, last I heard. And JC is busy with her knitting needles. (I'm still waiting for me beanie hat!) And Mr A is giving up the booze for a month or so. Mrs A is still running everywhere. Tips is busy at work and we're all a poor as church mice. Haven't heard from EW recently. Stirly's hubby got a big fine and a driving ban for jumping the traffic lights (and he's still driving!) But apart from that, nothing much has changed! I've missed out loads (apologies to all concerned), but you get the general idea...
How about you Reccie??? how are you doing???sigpicXXX
Army Thread 11th.October
betty boop;1191306 wrote: :H:H:thanks:
How about you Reccie??? how are you doing???. How's it going with you? You don't visit us much nowadays?
Army Thread 11th.October
Recluse;1191304 wrote: Well, zenners has got the go ahead from the DEA to set up a pharmacy with her bf and Jackie has lost loads of wobbliness at Slimming World (she's all svelte and trim now!) and is about to be set loose on drug addicts and alkies as a volunteer counsellor. Starty had left her job, last I heard. And JC is busy with her knitting needles. (I'm still waiting for me beanie hat!) And Mr A is giving up the booze for a month or so. Mrs A is still running everywhere. Tips is busy at work and we're all as poor as church mice. Haven't heard from EW recently. Stirly's hubby got a big fine and a driving ban for jumping the traffic lights (and he's still driving!) But apart from that, nothing much has changed! I've missed out loads (apologies to all concerned), but you get the general idea...
Hello!I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way
They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....
Army Thread 11th.October
JackieClaire;1191271 wrote: Ach it's time I start paying my way. I've worked in all sorts of jobs since I was 16 and these last 9 years haven't sat comfortably with me.
I'm off to a computer skills class this afternoon to see which level they'll start me at. So I'll have a luvverly certificate to add to me CV.
Yes Reccie-I TEFL!:H I could never make it as a "real" university professor.
Hello Betty-good to see you.
The walk helped to calm myself down a bit. And I went to have a chat with my friend who is going through the divorce. We both had a good cry and I think we feel better now. *sigh*
Now I have to run and pick up my son for his speech therapy session.
I'll be happy to return to work tomorrow, lol!
Back laters xxx
Army Thread 11th.October
pingu1997;1191332 wrote: And :new: and I am trying to be nice to everyone cos I want to join a thread but it took me a long time to be brave enough to join in, and I hate housework, and I have 2 mental kids who I am always talking about. And I love music. And on Sat I will have been totally sober for 7 months
Congrats on 7 months:l
Now I'm off to pick up one of the mental kids-the little one.
Army Thread 11th.October
:wavin: Betty - good to see you, pretty lady. And good to hear that all is well with you. How's the new house going? I saw the pictures you posted of the kitchen and it's divine. Hope you're enjoying it.
And :hallo:Patty and Pingu.
:H:HReccie you gave me a right good laugh with that post as did Pingu and Patty with theirs.
Just for the record, Mr. Stirly's newly issued license is in his wallet but it won't be officially official til the 13th. But that's only 2 more days so I'm not foreseeing any problems. Now if only they would put off the gas station strike and we weren't forced to fill the gas tanks on three vehicles to make sure we can get back and forth to work, things would be a lot better...
Off to walk the dogger. Catch up with youz laterz...For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread 11th.October
Recluse;1191326 wrote: Feck, I left the cooker on again! Still waiting to find out if the saucepan can be saved. And where was the smoke alarm when I needed it? :upset:
As for the smoke alarm.....:bomb:
Army Thread 11th.October
What does the computer course involve Jackie and how many sessions is it? I'm sure you'll do very well, knowing your way around a computer like you do.
Weigh-in night tonight eh? But then we already know that you've lost at least 2 more lbs. Don't know how you do it, really. You haven't platformed once. :goodjob: That SW really works for you. You must have a whole "new" wardrobe of old clothes...For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread 11th.October
JackieClaire;1191361 wrote: I'm back and assessed, start on a complicated computer course Saturday afternoon. Then I'll get certified.
Luvverly to see you Mrs Boop.:l
Orff for noice cup of tea.
Army Thread 11th.October
Hello Army--had a great long weekend here. Hope you all did too.
Reccie, let's get ya outta the asylum for tea. K? Sounds like your day is a bit trying, but glad you saved the pot.Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.