How lovely
stirly-girly;1191241 wrote: K - if I remember well, you mentioned some time ago about when you were building your house that the bank was only too glad to hand over lots and lots of money. The problem, IMHO, is that they were giving money to people (and I don't mean you personally, here) without doing a detailed financial check on them to see if they would really be able to pay back the loans. Then of course, people are given the loans and start over-spending and it's all downhill from there.
There is no easy answer to this for anyone bar battening down the hatches and trying to live within our means, hopefully paying back what be borrowed but will never see it again because of negative equity in most people's homes, which is our biggest asset/chain around our necks.
I do understand the anger and fear of people because we dont know how much worse this could get and it could get way way worse. In addition the anger at the bank bail outs using taxpayers money when schools, hospitals and all sorts of services are being cut to the bone is totally understandable but can any of us imagine the anarchy if the banks were forced not to open their doors tomorrow?