yes, I won't be able to lie on that side for a few weeks or months, but I have a special travel pillow, as long as you don't put your whole head's pressure on the ear it will be fine in a few weeks..
No announcement yet.
Army Thread 12th October
Army Thread 12th October
yes, I won't be able to lie on that side for a few weeks or months, but I have a special travel pillow, as long as you don't put your whole head's pressure on the ear it will be fine in a few weeks..I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way
They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....
Army Thread 12th October
hey eveyrone, flying by, headachey and exhausted (my own fault of course) sending hugs to molly and Ktab n on with the days work... about 3 hours behind schedule
xICI have faced it, a life wasted, and I am never going back there again
To ya'll my name is inchy. I am an alcoholic - and priority number one is making it to the end of this day AF. No excuses.
Army Thread 12th October
Hi guys, just wanted to add my thoughts to everyone else for KTAB, Mollie & Expat, and to be honest anyone else going through a tough time at the moment because sometimes we keep things to ourselves. Life can be a real bitch at times, like everyone else I?ve no answers just a huge amount of love, compassion and kindness to send on to you all. Sometimes a big cyber hug can make you feel loved and special, it can?t solve the problem but can make you feel connected and understood :groupluv::groupluv: Like HP I don't want to sound smarmy I genuinely feel for all of you.
Dewdrop :hEnjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....
Army Thread 12th October
mmm I could use a big hug right now
kids..... come here, your mum wants a hug
and they come running.. how sweet......I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way
They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....
Army Thread 12th October
Hello Army!!KTAB;1191732 wrote: Morning Expat, haven't managed much sleep last night. I read back on Molly's plight, it's crap and this week could turnout as a watershed for me also. I found out yesterday that my main client has decided to appoint someone locally who was freelancing for them and dropped me right in the proverbial. In the current climate it is going to be impossible to replace the void left. The thoughts of throwing the towel in and trying to get a job is the only viable option but they are as rare as hens teeth and for a man of my age and having been self employed for over ten years I feel even less likely to find anything. I could try and start another business but with no money and a void of ideas I am stumped. It is bleak. On top of that my dad is undergoing major surgery this week and my son is moving out. In a couple of weeks I am goIng to struggle to put food on the table never mind pay the mortgages. If anyone has any answers or suggestions please pop them on the back of a postcard please addressed to the tramp with a confused face.KTAB, I hope your Dad gets through his surgery okay and am sending wishes for a speedy recovery. I am so very sorry to hear about your financial problems. I've no answer of course, but just wanted to let you know that I hope you can find something to supplement your income ASAP. Fingers and toes crossed. As for your son moving out, I'm sure it's going to be very difficult for you. It is for all parents. Suddenly we feel like we've lost control and we're not sure what to do. Just try to think positively about it. It's a new door opening in his life, the first step to adulthood and a new experience for him. Just support him as much as you can and let him know you're always there if he needs you. Cause he still does and always will. No matter how independent our kids try to be, if we've got a good and open relationship with them, it's us they'll come running to in both good and not so good times. My kids first left home to go off to serve in the Army. It was not an easy time for us but we got through it. And here's a big :huggy to you.
pingu1997;1191774 wrote: morning everyone. Sorry to read about other people's struggles. I really wanted to drink last night and only my super strong will said don't do it you'll regret it in the morning. And that was enough for me to stop thinking about it
I think I am going into town today for a break from computers, numbers and childrenGood for you on getting through the evening AF, Pingu. Well done. Hope you enjoyed your day.
Recluse;1191924 wrote: Afternoon troopers,
sorry to hear about Mr molly's and Mr ktab's work situations and Mlle expatty's financial situation. They all sound shite. Well done on the weight loss though, jackie. Also wanted to apologise for all my drunken posts over the past week. Thought I'd give it a try, but it's not working so I'll be cutting them out once and for all. Hope your dad's surgery goes well ktabs. In the grand old scheme of things, that's much more important than anything else. Nice ear pingu. Nice hair too...Well Reccie, I didn't notice anything either and like Molly says, you're better off here than elsewhere.
Dewdrop;1191938 wrote: Hi guys, just wanted to add my thoughts to everyone else for KTAB, Mollie & Expat, and to be honest anyone else going through a tough time at the moment because sometimes we keep things to ourselves. Life can be a real bitch at times, like everyone else I?ve no answers just a huge amount of love, compassion and kindness to send on to you all. Sometimes a big cyber hug can make you feel loved and special, it can?t solve the problem but can make you feel connected and understood :groupluv::groupluv:Like HP I don't want to sound smarmy I genuinely feel for all of you.
Dewdrop :h
pingu1997;1191942 wrote: mmm I could use a big hug right now
kids..... come here, your mum wants a hug
and they come running.. how sweet......
tiptronic_ct;1191948 wrote: :hallo: ArmyFor every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
AF since 10/10/2015:yay:
Army Thread 12th October
Zenstyle;1191959 wrote: Oh man...
Pingu... I have 2 holes in each ear and that's it for me... (and I'm pretty sure one set have closed up...). I'll be the old lady of the group!
I have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way
They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....
Army Thread 12th October
Hallo again, folksies - I'm in and out, busy with homeowrk help & getting dinner ready.
The no-smoking lark is going well - thanks for asking. Today was the best day so far - day 5. Or 5 1/2, had I really been counting :H My sense of smell definitely improving already. Not so sure about taste yet. Airways definitely clearer.I'll do whatever it takes
AF 21/08/2009
Army Thread 12th October
Evening All,
One piercing either side when I was 26, took the girl in the place long enough to get them two in so I doubt she'd want to chase me round the place again with a piercing gun any time soon.
Me daughters got a few in her ears and her belly button done, quite like it.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread 12th October
yeah it will be fine, I'll swap it out for a flat back stud like the others in my cartilage and they are mega comfy. Normal butterfly backed earrings are a no-go in non-lobe piercings really
xI have a drink problem, I have been AF since 15 March 2011 and I am working hard to stay that way
They don't call me Pingu Purple Pants for nothing....
Army Thread 12th October
Crikey Pingu, you certainly know what you're talking about. Only been able to sleep in earrings when I was passed out drunk.
Well Reccybear, been to have a look see at a few of your old posts and you could have knocked me down wif a feather. I didn't know they were drunk ones.:l
And :goodjob: to you young man, Tippers.It could be worse, I could be filing.
AF since 7/7/2009
Army Thread 12th October
:hallo: everyone. Really heart warming to see so many messages of support. :l
We have just finished up dinner and need to do some homework now. I hope to get the kids to bed early tonight-I'm completly exhausted. I'll do a proper read back in the morning. It's my favourite time-when the kids are still all peaceful and snug in their beds (and it's quiet!:H)
Army Thread 12th October
JackieClaire;1191986 wrote: Well Reccybear, been to have a look see at a few of your old posts and you could have knocked me down wif a feather. I didn't know they were drunk ones.:l
When do you start doing actual counselling? Is it this week?