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What has alcohol cost you financially

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    What has alcohol cost you financially

    I was pondering this question while reading the eBay thread. Besides the cash spent on alcohol, what are some of the things directly related to alcohol you have spent a lot of money on?

    There are definitely my Amazon one click late night purchases that have shown up on my door step a few days later without remembering placing the order. Having to pay for fixing my car that I scraped up pulling into the garage, twice. Cleaning stained carpets and upholstery. Broken crystal vases and glasses etc.

    There's the money spent on books, supplements, CDs etc trying to beat this.

    Then there's losing stuff...... I've lost at least 3 pairs of prescription glasses, jewelry and money. I once left $4000 in cash that my husband asked me to deposit on my dresser and forgot about it, due to drinking. I happened to have people working in my home that week and they took it. Couldn't prove they took it, but it was because of drinking that I left it lying around.

    Finally, there are the many times I could have made more money actually working my shifts instead of frantically trying to find a sub because of a massive hangover.

    Putting this down on paper and reminding myself of it makes my stomach turn. Over the years, this "collateral damage" has cost me thousands on top of the liquor itself!

    What has alcohol cost you financially

    Great Thread Peace. It hurts to look at, but we have to always remember what alcohol has cost us. Wow $4000 beans all in one go must have cut like a knife. When I was actively drinking I would have said something to Mr. Nursie like "you should know better than to leave me with the money, what did you think would happen?" bad bad bad

    So, besides the actual cost...which I estimate to be about 10-12 thousand dollars in the last two years...

    Breaking things, ruined keyboard, missed work days, missed financial opportunities due to lack of productivity, thousands of dollars for a DWI that I wasn't even driving the car for, and did eventually get straightened out, but if I wasn't drinking I wouldn't have gotten in a at with someone who was.
    Lost money, jewelry, purses, jackets, etc. Crashing my car 10 yards from my house and my car needing it towed. (my best friend that recently died saved my ass on that one). Getting too drunk in NYC and having to take cabs and get a hotel (hey, we didn't drive!). Thinking I was hot shit at the bar and buying rounds. Ordering stupid stuff from

    Basically when you're drunk, any phrase that starts with "hey! Let's ...." is going to end poorly.
    Day 1 again 11/5/19
    Goal 1: 7 days :heartbeat:
    Goal 2: 14 days :happy2:
    Goal 3: 21 days :happy2:
    11/27/19: messed up but back on track
    12/14/19: bad doozy but back on track

    One day at a time.


      What has alcohol cost you financially

      Nursie, that $4000 made me physically ill for a week. It took months to start to let it go mentally. That was about 6 years ago. Bringing it up again is literally like opening up a wound. I guess looking back is a good reminder of the destruction alcohol has brought us and we can be free of that devastation in the future.


        What has alcohol cost you financially

        OH god, where to begin.. between my husband and i we probably spend close to 600 / month. and no we can't afford it, our credit cards are maxed, line of credit maxed, no equity left in our house etc etc. Its been going on for years and we have literally drained ourselves financially. its sickening. and how do we get through it? well by drinking... funny isn't it. the AL is the cause of so much trauma and heartache but its the AL that lets us forget.
        AF since Sept 2013...


          What has alcohol cost you financially

          Caper, that sounds really overwhelming. My heart goes out to you. Remember the AL lets us forget only very temporarily (more like obiliterates us). Afterwards, things are 100 times worse.... always. As long as we keep drowning out our problems, they will never be solved, just made much worse. If we face our problems, there just may be a chance we can take steps to solve them.


            What has alcohol cost you financially

            I just thought of one more big thing that really cost me a bundle, but I didn't attribute it to drinking... although now that I look back, drinking definately had something to do with it. I was in the car with my husband, driving to a social event (he was driving) and as is my usual pattern before social occasions, I had a couple of drinks at home to get myself ready to socialize.

            He needed gas, and I offerred to pump it. I took my purse out of the car while pumping the gas and left it sitting by the gas pump. Then we drove off without the purse, I didn't notice I didn't have it until much later. The purse was taken and with it an iphone, ipod, house keys, car keys, wallet with cash and gift cards in it. All totalled it cost me about $2000 to replace everything. To get remote keys alone costs $450 and to re - key 5 doors in my house cost $500. I attributed my leaving the purse on the ground to the fact that I'm just not used to pumping gas in someone else's car. Now that I think about it, if I would have had a clear head, I would never have left that purse on the ground....


              What has alcohol cost you financially

              Lost hours at work due to hangovers, extra cigs to go hand-in-hand with the vino, purse containing 400 quid lost or stolen in pub, fresh veg and meat in the bin as unable to cook due to usual vino the night before. Not getting the decent job with decent wage that I am capable of getting because I lost my drive and optimism. Being overly generous when buying rounds in the pub. Buying extra wine for visitors in case they wanted to join me - they weren't getting any of mine! Aaaaaagghhh!!!!!!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                What has alcohol cost you financially

                Zenstyle;1192532 wrote: There are two words to describe that nonsense... "drunk" and "fool". C'est moi... drunken fool. (

                Other than that, "Oh, I'll get the tab!"... too many times to mention.

                OMG... I could go on...

                Basically, had I not been drinking all my adult life, I would be in a better place financially right now.
                Ummmmmm............ DITTO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


                  What has alcohol cost you financially

                  Zen Style: "Drinking = Poor decision making = Financial distress" I like this reminder

                  Daisy: I didn't even think about all of the food in the fridge gone bad because I was not up to preparing a meal and ordering pizza for delivery instead. At least I had some sense and didn't drive to pick up the pizza.


                    What has alcohol cost you financially

                    I quit a six figure job because my boss was onto my drinking. Rather than choose the employee assistance program and treatment, I quit my job and kept drinking.

                    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                    One day at a time.


                      What has alcohol cost you financially

                      It has cost me more in emotional damage to my husband, forget about the money! But for all to know...I never like cheap wine. So, around $300 a week on a good week! $600 on a bad week!


                        What has alcohol cost you financially

                        What does Alcohol cost in calories ?!


                          What has alcohol cost you financially

                          Wow Lovemygirls that's between 15 and 30 thousand dollars a year! Monacat I hear you on the calories. I think the bottom line is that alcohol is robbing us financially, emotionally, spiritually and physically. It's sucking us dry in so many ways some of which we are so used to, we've become blind to what it's really doing to us!


                            What has alcohol cost you financially

                            Bumping this thread up for Mauri.


                              What has alcohol cost you financially

                              This is interesting stuff. I'm still struggling with Amazon 1-Click while sober as a judge. That feature is pure evil! :H
                              Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                              Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                              One day at a time.

