They give you a lot of information about various causes of accidents among the population, alcohol being a big one. They presented a lot of statistics and information. 50% of all visits to the emergency room involve drunk drivers. 60% of ALL emergency room visits in general involve alcohol (the additional 10% being stuff that happens while drinking that does not involve a car) When the nurse presented this information, she basically said "that's just part of the drinking culture in America" as though that's just the way it is, like the earth revolves around the sun... that's just the way it is. We are in a healthcare and economic crisis and don't seem to be addressing one of the biggest killersany money drainers out there. It's like... address the symptom (driving drunk) instead of the root cause... drinking alcohol in the first place.
We are so brainwashed to think that alcohol is totally OK, with some restrictions. We are OK just trying to manage the driving drunk accidents. Changing the "American drinking culture"... Not necessary. I know it's been said before, but I really hope that alcohol will one day go the way of cigarettes. Smoking was once considered cool, normal and people who didn't smoked were considered weird. Smoking doesn't even cause as much devastation. Drinking is so ingrained in us it makes me ill just thinking about it.
If any other substance cause so much devastion, the government would be all over fixing the root of the problem.
It's maddening, at least to me!