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the drinking culture

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    the drinking culture

    I just had to get on a little soap box and need to vent. I just got back from a 4 hour accident reduction class at a hospital that my 17 year old son had to attend. He got a speeding ticket this past summer and was ordered by the court to take the class.

    They give you a lot of information about various causes of accidents among the population, alcohol being a big one. They presented a lot of statistics and information. 50% of all visits to the emergency room involve drunk drivers. 60% of ALL emergency room visits in general involve alcohol (the additional 10% being stuff that happens while drinking that does not involve a car) When the nurse presented this information, she basically said "that's just part of the drinking culture in America" as though that's just the way it is, like the earth revolves around the sun... that's just the way it is. We are in a healthcare and economic crisis and don't seem to be addressing one of the biggest killersany money drainers out there. It's like... address the symptom (driving drunk) instead of the root cause... drinking alcohol in the first place.

    We are so brainwashed to think that alcohol is totally OK, with some restrictions. We are OK just trying to manage the driving drunk accidents. Changing the "American drinking culture"... Not necessary. I know it's been said before, but I really hope that alcohol will one day go the way of cigarettes. Smoking was once considered cool, normal and people who didn't smoked were considered weird. Smoking doesn't even cause as much devastation. Drinking is so ingrained in us it makes me ill just thinking about it.

    If any other substance cause so much devastion, the government would be all over fixing the root of the problem.

    It's maddening, at least to me!

    the drinking culture

    You're absolutely right Peace.

    BUT.... you are forgetting how much of a CASH COW alcohol is for governments everywhere. THAT, I believe, is the main reason why all health aspects are being ignored.
    Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

    Winning since October 24th, 2013


      the drinking culture

      That's right sunshine, the alcohol industry, advertising and the government make a ton off of this killer!


        the drinking culture

        You should read Jason Vales Book then "Kick the Drink Easily" he makes an entire premise about the media and brainwashing - culture - and AL. As does Alan Carr and his book EasyWay to quit drinking. Jason is more up to date and current though. Check it out. Its worth the money.


          the drinking culture

          Quittin Time, I am just about finished with the Jason Vale book and that is probably why I thought about this class the way I did. I think if I had gone to it without reading the book, I would have thought the same way as the nurse, that's just the way it is. When I first started reading the book I was fascinated by the way we've been brainwashed throughout the centuries that alcohol is something that is somehow good for us. Now my feelings have developed into anger. I am really livid at how we've been duped into this idea that life is somehow better with alcohol.


            the drinking culture

            You can't escape alcohol. It's been around forever, and will always be around, and it has always been a problem. I think the government shouldn't be involved though. This is a personal responsibility issue. I can control my actions by not drinking alcohol, and I can pass my knowledge on to my family and my kids and those that want to listen. But to coin a recent phrase, it is what it is. Many people drink responsibly. Why should the government punish responsible drinkers just because I can't handle my alcohol? Ihave learned to be around it now and not drink it, and I like the way it loosens up others in social situations. Don't get me wrong, I don't like being around drunk people, but I am not their keeper. I find that I have the advantage of being a sober person in a drunken society. I already teach my sons regularly about the dangers of alcohol, and the advantages of living life sober, but we have found that prohibition works alot like abstinence for an alcoholic who is not ready to quit, it doesn't. The more you try to take it away and limit it, the more everyday society willl obsess over it.

            Just my thoughts on the drinking culture.


              the drinking culture

              Looking for peace, I feel just the same as you. I think Jason Vale is right though. The brainwashing is on such an enormous level that if we try to get our points across, I would guess that we would be shouted down. The larger part of the population does not want to hear that what they are doing is in any way wrong. Vale suggests that living without alcohol and proving to ourselves first of all that it is definitely 'the way to go' will undoubtedly have others in our circle asking questions and wondering why life is so good for us now. When they realise it is because alcohol has been taken out of the equation, then hopefully a ripple effect may happen and others may follow suit.
              I felt just as angry as you immediately after finishing the book. Brochures popping through the door for boxes of 'special offer' wine, adverts on telly glamorising alcohol, soaps and tv programmes showing many drinking alcohol as if it were tea yet without showing the real side effects. One of my real 'beefs' is the way teenagers are generally frowned upon for their drinking habits and bad behaviour - these young people have not yet fully developed, so of course they are buying into what they have been brought up to believe - alcohol is fun, cool, the more you drink the better. Whose fault is that??? My daughter has just started uni and in that particular city most pubs and clubs cater to influencing these young people with 'drinks for a pound' nights and 'happy hours'. That's them hooked - job done! We can then guarantee they'll be back for more but no responsibility for how it will affect their lives.........
              Oh dear, here I go again; yes, it is a disgrace........glad my eyes have been opened!
              Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                the drinking culture

                Cross-posted Superscrew. I tend to agree and you make your point very well.
                Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


                  the drinking culture

                  Prohibition didn't work because we are all brainwashed into believing the "forbidden fruit" syndrome. We think (even non drinkers) that there is something, even if it's the smallest thing, beneficial we get from alcohol. It's drug addiction same as heroin. It is possible that we would have had the same attitude towards heroin as alcohol had the circumstances been right. I do agree that the attitude perpetuated toward alcohol is so prevailing and so much money is made from selling it that it would be nearly impossible to turn the culture around. Just because alcohol has been around forever and 90% of the population drinks it, doesn't change the fact that it's watered down poison and a drug. IMO.


                    the drinking culture

                    SC et al - I sort of agree - I don't think prohibition is the way - but I also don't think "The Most Interesting Man in the World" commercials ought not to be conning men into "staying thirsty". Like Cigarettes, another addictive substance which has no redeeming qualities, a bit reigning in with the brainwashing is in order. We don't legalize pot or other drugs I don't think ethanol should get such a free pass. But it has been "grandfathered in" so to speak. It is a personal responsibility, but if ethanol had more stigma attached - like smoking - instead - maybe there wouldn't be as many people being sold a bill of goods, and people might just take this drug more seriously. My sons drink occasionally and my wife likes her wine nightly, but at the first sign of dependance we will be having a discussion.

                    THe most interesting thing I find is that you can drink alot everyday and few people will take exception. You can brag about knocking down a half dozen at the bar and no one blinks. But tell people you are quitting and suddenly youve grown a third eye.......


                      the drinking culture

                      .... And you're congratulated and supported if you decide to quit smoking. I agree with your point Quittintime. The pushing of alcohol could certainly be reigned in.


                        the drinking culture

                        Its starting:

                        Binge drinking costs U.S. $224 billion: CDC - HealthPop - CBS News


                          the drinking culture

                          THe most interesting thing I find is that you can drink alot everyday and few people will take exception. You can brag about knocking down a half dozen at the bar and no one blinks. But tell people you are quitting and suddenly youve grown a third eye.......

                          No doubt about that QuitinTime!!!!!
                          AF since 03/26/09
                          NF since 05/19/09
                          Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


                            the drinking culture

                            Drinking culture

                            I agree that our culture is saturated in alcohol.
                            Even before reading Vale's book I used to argue
                            that alcohol is a legal drug, poison but oh so
                            socially acceptable. No doubt about it.
                            Day 11 and doing fine without it


                              the drinking culture

                              I don't have much wisdom to share here that hasn't already been said. Very good thread Post and so true the posts so far.

                              So when does AL get ugly enough that the government will step in and at least encourage healthier lifestyle habits? Never? Very sad. What about those sober people who are getting injured/killed due to drunk driving/fighting, domestic violence etc.... just accept it because it's part of our culture.
                              I hate AL and what it does.

