Well Meech, believe it or not the government does step in alot. They have with the more stringent laws regarding DUI's, underage drinking, and where I live they have banned alcohol at most parks and beaches. These laws obviously don't affect me now, because I don't drink, but if I did, I would be mad that I am not allowed to bring a cooler of beer and sit on the beach if I chose to. The gov. is also outlawing certain types of drinks....that I drank on occassion, because they mix energy drinks with alcohol, and market them to college kids.
I don't drink, but if I did I sure don't want anyone making new laws to tell me where and what I can and can't drink....and all the while there are people trying to legalize pot.
Now don't get me wrong, when I was young I drank Michelob because I saw Clint Eastwood drinking it, and I drank California Coolers because they seemed ....well cool, and we tried pounding Jack Daniels because Belushi did it in animal house...you get the picture. I was heavily influenced by TV and movies on my beverages of choice, but alot of my problems really occurred because my parents were not knowledgeable enough to know the real dangers, and they were not involved enough in my teenage activities to know that I was drinking regularly at 15 years old, and very heavily by the age of 16.
I knew all the tricks from my highschool experiences, so when my oldest son was at the age where alcohol started to surface I was prepared to make it known that it wouldn't be tolerated.....even though I was still drinking heavily at the time. Now I am sober the message doesn't seem as hypocritcal.