and yet I still don't feel like I want to quit, or like i'm ready to quit. my life is revolving more and more around this need to distance myself from reality, to escape from who I am, and yet what can I do? I want the worry to be over about money, about what happens if I cannot get my daily dose but I can't make it happen, I can't work out how to make myself want it enough. I am struggling with this, it's hurting me, yet I cannot make myself feel anger towards my drinking habits, only towards things that stop me drinking.
I wanted to put this out there, I know the simple answer is 'stop', I knwo alot of replies will just say I have to quit, but thats not the real problem, I knwo the how, I know I can do it and have done it before, but the wanting it? the how to actually get to that stage? I'm so lost I don't know where to begin...