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Working Out

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    Working Out

    Hi All,

    Just wanted to drop a reminder to anyone who is feeling a little down or depressed or if you just lack motivation. Get your body moving and do a little workout.

    I am 300 days today from my last drink, and about 500 days since I started this journey. I was feeling a little down in the dumps, I have some stuff I have been putting off and I took a couple days off from my workout routine, and guess what.... I wasn't feeling like myself, and I was feeling a little trapped.

    Now in the past before I started on getting sober this would be the perfect excuse for me to drink. I don't drink anymore, so it was just an opportunity to sit idle and feel like crap. So after an hour of doing nothing and surfing the web, I decided to workout.

    I did not feel like working out when I started, in fact I felt like taking a nap...but I put on my workout shoes and did a yoga/plyo/cardio workout for about 50 minutes. As I was working out my mood got better, and I came up with some ideas to get out of my procrastination mode, and now it's an hour later and I feel refreshed here typing as the sweat drips off me.

    It took me about 10 minutes to go from feeling like crap to feeling somewhat normal, and then to feeling great. I know most people know that exercise gets the endorphins flowing, but sometimes I forget and I just don't feel like getting off my butt.

    Well I did today and I feel great for it, and I recommend a good workout for anyone who reads this!

    Stay sober my friends!

    Working Out

    Hi Supercrew! I agree with you about the benefits of working out. I would also like to encourage anyone who hasn't done so to download and read the My Way Out book - the basis for this support site. Specific diet and exercise recommendations are included along with the other elements of the My Way Out program (supplements, hypnosis CD's, prescription medication)

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Working Out

      I agree with you DG for people who have not started a program already, but my message of getting active and getting sweaty for an hour goes for anyone feeling down or who might have a lack of motivation. These were the times that I would just drink to try and cheer myself up and to keep occupied. Now a little aerobics or a run in the park or lifting some weights not only makes me feel better, but it keeps me mentally and physically healthy, which will make me sleep better which will make me happier tomorrow when I wake up.

      My program is in place, and I don't drink anymore, but sometimes I need a reminder to get off my butt and get sweaty.


        Working Out

        Hi Supercrew,

        Boy are you singing my song. It is so true what you say. Yesterday I kept procrastinating and procrastinating....and felt sluggish all day and a little down in the dumps because I missed my time outside walking/running in the fresh air. It is also very important to get outside and breath in the fresh, windy air.

        After I read this post today, I pushed myself out the door. Thank you for reminding me how something so simple can make us feel so good.


          Working Out

          You are bang on again.
          There is no feeling like when you get out of the shower after a workout - a complete natural high.
          Even when drinking I have managed to keep up exercising to some degree.
          However already I see my workouts improving, more frequent and have begun some running in the last few weeks.
          It absolutely improves your mood plus the overall feel good factor.

          Nice One.


            Working Out

            Check out the fitness section -- lots of inspiring threads there!


              Working Out

              Yep, whenever I'm feeling down or "just not right", I make myself go running. It usually takes about 10-15 minutes before I start to feel like I'm getting in sync with myself.....then I go another 15-20 minutes running on autopilot with no discomfort...just cruising along, "in the zone". After I'm done and walking around cooling down, there is no better feeling. Helps me to put things into prospective and clean the cobwebs out.....



                Working Out

                I was so tired tonight and just wanted to flake out. But my hubby and I headed out for a beautiful trail run and within 5 minutes I was wide awake and re-freshed.

                It's so true how exercise and fresh air can be so energizing!

