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A Different Kind of Christmas

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    A Different Kind of Christmas

    Firstly, I didn't drink on Christmas Eve, so I woke up fresh, happy, and in the mood for opening presents with my hubby and child.

    Secondly, I had TWO drinks at lunchtime - a record.

    I felt fine for the rest of the day.

    Thirdly, and most importantly, there was no fighting, no looking for more to drink, and no "family issues" of any kind.

    If the New Year can go as smoothly I think it will be a lovely 2007 for my family.

    I hope you all had a good Christmas.

    Lots of Love

    "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon

    A Different Kind of Christmas

    Congrats Cash - Very nice Christmas Story!
    Looking forward to hearing about your NYE!
    happy for you-


      A Different Kind of Christmas

      Thanks Lisa,

      It's not that easy, but it's getting easier...

      NYE is a challenge - especially here in Oz where binge drinking is a national passtime, and NYE is the biggest binge of all

      Finger's crossed.

      "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


        A Different Kind of Christmas

        got'em crossed -

        you can do it



          A Different Kind of Christmas

          Thanks for the support Lisa, I think we will try and organise to do something with our daughter in the City which is a "dry Zone" - therefore taking all the pressure out of the situation. We have already said no to a couple of parties. I think, although I feel on top of the world, that it could easily be a slippery slope down if I don't focus - it's so hard in the first few months of success to get a grip and think about how many times i've slipped before - mostly without noticing.

          It just creeps up.

          Just keep on keeping on I guess

          Thanks again

          "Life is what happens to you when you're busy making other plans" - John Lennon


            A Different Kind of Christmas

            Cash - I do think that is the right idea. Better to just not be around it all if you don't have to. It has gotten easier for me to say 'no thanks' but that has taken some practice and some nail biting at times. Hope you enjoy the 'dry zone' with your daughter.
            I have found that once I make a decision - yes or no- the pressure is off.
            Sounds like you have decided 'no'!!

            I'll still cross my finger though just for extra good luck.


              A Different Kind of Christmas

              Cashy - -

              Congrats! SOunds like you are making very positive progress. I think dry zone with kids is an excellent idea. Wish there were something like it here. Actually I don't care for NYE - too many freaks out!


                A Different Kind of Christmas

                Hi Reggie....tried to post yesterday, but computer went el blinko..(small town in Mehhheeeco for ageing technology....)
                Good idea with the dry would be nicer for the kids, and, if no one else is doing 'it', there's no temptation. Also, if you go, you don't have to be surrounded by drunken half wits regaling you with the same 'funny' story accompanied by sprays of peanut and partially digested vod and lime...see? It sounds better already...
                I will either be abstaining from the cels. or also going to a dry beach celebration (no booze, not no sea) ...not that that will please the Bald...he still drinks...we may have a seperate venue thingy going on this year....

                Here's looking at you blue are sooo sensible to plan and think about this thing beforehand, that way, you get the mind ready...and that's half the battle.....Love melon xoxo

