Although I have felt very strong and happy to be free from the death hold of the AL Beast, I had thoughts haunting me last night about how sad it is that I can't ever drink again.
Ugggghhhh. Must go through all the wonderful things that I have done and felt since this stretch of sobriety thus far. I can go on little stretches of AF then I seem to get weaker and weaker and eventually slip up.
Just recently I have been trying to get excited about food. Rewarding myself with a great, healthy meal. Not beer on an empty stomach at the end of the day during the craving hour.
I'm scared and I fear I am getting weaker as I get more Af days under my belt. The Beast has a very clever way of playing mind games with me (as well all know too well).

I must remember that's my ticket at the end of the day. EAT.