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Undies in November

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    Undies in November

    Morning all...

    Saph.......that is such a beautiful story about your brought tears to my eyes.

    Heading off down south at lunchtime with a small mountain of smelly egg sandwiches in tow. No car journey would be complete with the smelly egg sandwiches. When recently travelled on a budget airline and hubby wanted to take the same smelly egg I reckon we would have been disembarked.


      Undies in November

      techie;1205968 wrote: I'm looking for a bigger challenge and to grow my career and I couldn't job hunt part time while working. It didn't seem ethical to use my former employer's time.
      god techie that is pure power.
      when i need words with punch i will seek your consul.
      btw, got a spare huggage for me?
      if not then i'll throw you,catch....:h


        Undies in November

        & good morning everyone.
        yesty's news has really sparked me up, that combined with impending doggie nuptials just lifts my spirits!!
        also i think the sunny weather returning helps!
        doesn't help though when hubby is just starting to stress out AGAIN due to machinery issues. the all important combine harvester is not yet ready for harvest. electrical problems to do with the machine's computer. & so far trying to fix that, well it's like trying to fix the Middle east. why not go simple, i say, & go back to hand swathing with a scythe? i mean surely it would only take the next 12 months to get the crop off!:H
        & whilst i'm trying to be all smiley & supportive, any attempts at frivolity is quickly dampened, so best i go back to grimly commiserating huh!
        farmers. don't ever marry one.
        i'm out now to repot some veg seedlings a friend has given me.
        bad news tho : my tomato died a gruesome death at the paws of the dogs. & my royal blue spud has drowned. blast.


          Undies in November

          Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail xxx
          I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


            Undies in November

            beagle;1206058 wrote: & good morning everyone.
            yesty's news has really sparked me up, that combined with impending doggie nuptials just lifts my spirits!!
            also i think the sunny weather returning helps!
            doesn't help though when hubby is just starting to stress out AGAIN due to machinery issues. the all important combine harvester is not yet ready for harvest. electrical problems to do with the machine's computer. & so far trying to fix that, well it's like trying to fix the Middle east. why not go simple, i say, & go back to hand swathing with a scythe? i mean surely it would only take the next 12 months to get the crop off!:H
            & whilst i'm trying to be all smiley & supportive, any attempts at frivolity is quickly dampened, so best i go back to grimly commiserating huh!
            farmers. don't ever marry one.
            i'm out now to repot some veg seedlings a friend has given me.
            bad news tho : my tomato died a gruesome death at the paws of the dogs. & my royal blue spud has drowned. blast.

            you are such a clever little vegemite....everytime you feel stressed say these two simple words and breathe....."I AM" and take three very deliberate breaths. Do this one thoasand times per day if necessay. The simple act of focussing on your breath and therefore the present moment many times during the day is all that is needed to keep us conscious and present and not in the alternative state of unconsciousness. Hope this does not sound like crap but it works for me and the longer i practise it, the less i catostrophise. I am not meaning to sound superior or trite, i just know what works for me and believe you me Beags, I WAS hardcore piss-head; angry; discontent etc. Luv ya and yes I actually mean that xx Saff
            I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


              Undies in November

              Ellaq;1206042 wrote: Morning all...

              Saph.......that is such a beautiful story about your brought tears to my eyes.

              Heading off down south at lunchtime with a small mountain of smelly egg sandwiches in tow. No car journey would be complete with the smelly egg sandwiches. When recently travelled on a budget airline and hubby wanted to take the same smelly egg I reckon we would have been disembarked.
              Hello Ellaq, I am very pleased to meet you. I have been around here for a while but had a period when I could not access the site. Anyway it is lovely that you have joined us in the fight. I am just a little ratbag with lots of energy and can at any time do the most unpredictable stuff..ask the others....I credit my recovery to the amazing support on these boards, especially the undies drawer which is full of folk who are priceless, and and and and and and and and .....bloody beautiful people. Talk soon, luv Saff xx:h
              I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                Undies in November

                beagle;1206058 wrote: & good morning everyone.
                yesty's news has really sparked me up, that combined with impending doggie nuptials just lifts my spirits!!
                also i think the sunny weather returning helps!
                doesn't help though when hubby is just starting to stress out AGAIN due to machinery issues. the all important combine harvester is not yet ready for harvest. electrical problems to do with the machine's computer. & so far trying to fix that, well it's like trying to fix the Middle east. why not go simple, i say, & go back to hand swathing with a scythe? i mean surely it would only take the next 12 months to get the crop off!:H
                & whilst i'm trying to be all smiley & supportive, any attempts at frivolity is quickly dampened, so best i go back to grimly commiserating huh!
                farmers. don't ever marry one.
                i'm out now to repot some veg seedlings a friend has given me.
                bad news tho : my tomato died a gruesome death at the paws of the dogs. & my royal blue spud has drowned. blast.
                Oooooiiiii!!!! did you mention that you had the offer to come to Tassie? If that indeed was not a vert belated post-alcoholic halucination of mine, then my advice is to run as fast as you can. This place is heaven Beags. I have lived in most states in Oz Land and I cannot compare the tranquility. We dont seem prone to many natural disasters, the grass is allllllwwwwaaayyysdssss green and there are too many land lubbers living here YET!!! BTW I still have the catch the mainlander nets in place, so dont get any ideas. If nothing changes, then nothing changes. I rest my case:h
                I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                  Undies in November

                  Your in a lovely mood is good eh?


                    Undies in November

                    byebyebridgetjones;1205970 wrote: Jeez it's good to have you around again Sapph.

                    Re job interview Q's...your answer will be exactly that won't it? You are so committed to client care and advocacy that you could not align yourself with the organisational ethics....simple...who wouldn't want to hire you?
                    Thanks for that Bridgeroo, you give me strength to stay authentic.......I defo will not sell meself out for a buck. lUv ya xx
                    I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                      Undies in November

                      myhappyplace;1206105 wrote: Your in a lovely mood is good eh?
                      Yep Happster, life is good...anyday above ground is something to celebrate, it really is as basic as that. When things get too heavy for us, we have to be brave enough to strip away the layers of unconscious egocentric thinking and just allow oursleves to be. We have to understand that our thinking is not the real us. it is a product of learned behaviour and experiences that replay like a really bad film. If we identify with our thougts and take them to be a refelction of who we really are, then we will continually recreate misery and pain.

                      Until I learned this truth at a very deep level (not just intellectually) I was completley identified with my thoughts and erroneously took them to be my whio I am. Pain and abject misery followed this way of being. These days I practise present living, do not identify with my thoughts and know at a very core level that I AM not my thinking. Luv ya Saffxx
                      I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                        Undies in November

                        sapphire60;1206107 wrote: Yep Happster, life is good...anyday above ground is something to celebrate, it really is as basic as that. When things get too heavy for us, we have to be brave enough to strip away the layers of unconscious egocentric thinking and just allow oursleves to be. We have to understand that our thinking is not the real us. it is a product of learned behaviour and experiences that replay like a really bad film. If we identify with our thougts and take them to be a refelction of who we really are, then we will continually recreate misery and pain.

                        Until I learned this truth at a very deep level (not just intellectually) I was completley identified with my thoughts and erroneously took them to be my whio I am. Pain and abject misery followed this way of being. These days I practise present living, do not identify with my thoughts and know at a very core level that I AM not my thinking. Luv ya Saffxx
                        thank you saffy darl that is a truly excellent post, as indeedy the one in reply to mine.
                        the offer to tassie was dead set, they want a surgeon, & i cut well!!! :H:H:H
                        but to do that, means leaving hubby ( which i am still not yet wanting to do) & ...ummmm....what were those excuses again??!!!
                        you are a true gem.


                          Undies in November

                          happy did you get my package?


                            Undies in November

                            not yet beags...

                            Stinkling hot here....just about finished my project - sorry work project - which has been lots of fun!

                            Love it when you talk spiritual Saph...


                              Undies in November

                              beagle;1206111 wrote: thank you saffy darl that is a truly excellent post, as indeedy the one in reply to mine.
                              the offer to tassie was dead set, they want a surgeon, & i cut well!!! :H:H:H
                              but to do that, means leaving hubby ( which i am still not yet wanting to do) & ...ummmm....what were those excuses again??!!!
                              you are a true gem.
                              Beags could you negotiate a deal where you work days and then fly home? Like the miners fo all over the country. Then you would have the best of both worlds. Can you just up and leave that farm which seems to be the cause of so much angst, and start again on soil and climate that wont rip your heart to shreds? My sister works in W.A. for eight days and flyes home for six. Hubby stays home and does his thing and it has been a fabulous solution to their failing marriage (5 years ago). Just a thought, this place is the emerald isle. The lifestyle is so easy and every day I pinch myself to make sure It is real. Maybe it is time to take a leap of faith xx
                              I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                                Undies in November

                                happy - have you opened my package?

