jeez sunny that's bloody annoying. we had our credit card cancelled after bank contacted us just after a trip to Phuket where it was suspect that hubby's card had been tampered with....
ellaq hope you get a good night's sleep & yes that your kiddy wakes up all better.
good news ; missy's meatloaf a certifed hit. i added danish feta & used toasted alomnds as had no pinenuts, mr b raved about it. i explained that meatloaves were coming back into culinary fashion. it definitely put the smoked chicken salad in the shade.
it was a plesant enough arvo , but my previous hints that in-depth crop talk is not my forte have been forgotten , it seems. back to square one. we sat in my camper with the roof up & swatted away lots of flies & hubby talked about crops. this is going to be very hard, the steps i will take now. but they must be done.
further good news : mare has been AI'ed & following a positive 16 day scan she will come home to brew a baby. mares have a gestation of 11 months so sorry sunny i won't be able to really commiserate with you, as you'll be a few months ahead! but don't worry undies, pics will abound.
also finding a boyfriend for my Rosie is possibly getting closer. when she next comes into season we will try to get a litter, & then puppy photos will abound.
goodnight everyone.