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Undies in November

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    Undies in November

    byebyebridgetjones;1210959 wrote: You were told not to open it. You'll be in trouble now.:new:
    I thought it was the cats :H:H

    So for those of us not in the know .... did you guys send a banana box to Sunny and what did it have in it?????

    Rags;1211036 wrote:
    And we've asked chef to cook up a rhubarb and avocado tart for dessert
    No vegemite??

    I'm having a big attack of the warm fuzzies too :l

    Which of the teddies are there????

    Off to have a bath - have been doing physical labor in the sun and I smell!!
    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

    Harriet Beecher Stowe


      Undies in November

      myhappyplace;1211058 wrote: Seafood platters are apparently HUMUNGOUS so we've been warned to remove computers soon....
      Put the web-cam on!!
      Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

      Harriet Beecher Stowe


        Undies in November

        Muffy, Misty and Bathtub are here it's an all girls do!
        Sunny is surrounded by pressies


          Undies in November

          Raggsy here. More picies on their way... Sunny is photobucketingas I type, and the big P&O cruies ship is just pulling out from thedock .... on its way to wild and exotic faraway places. Tne Teddies are making a beeline for the boat...


            Undies in November

            Here are the mains...

            And here's a picture of Sunnybump!


              Undies in November

              Ummmmmm .... I hope you are managing to have a conversation in amongst all this technology :H
              Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

              Harriet Beecher Stowe


                Undies in November

                Parmesan olives



                  Undies in November

                  The glasses!
                  If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                  Rejoined life 20/5/19


                    Undies in November

                    The glases are a great hit! Everyone in the restaurant is looking at us.


                      Undies in November

                      hp at the wheel!!

                      Sunny with ssstars in her eyes - wot where is Wazza and Brinny??

                      A Bridgey Undie card lurvley

                      A gift from beaglebum - teddy inspection required

                      Superb seafood platter scoffed by super hungry Undies


                        Undies in November

                        Multi tasking to the extreme - wait staff have been asking what is going on??


                          Undies in November

                          Zenstyle;1211115 wrote: Aye. But is that because of the glasses?! :H
                          Nup, it's the hot chicks behind the shades!


                            Undies in November

                            Zenstyle;1211105 wrote:

                            That teddy is going to grow up to be a wild child Raggsy!
                            Just like it's owner..


                              Undies in November

                              Lunchis finished.. the maitre 'd is waiting to kick us out, so Sunny is going to gather her goodies together, the Teddies are about to jump into their travel bag, and Happs is thinking about driving me back to the station......
                              a wonderful time... we'll have to do it again some time


                                Undies in November

                                Just at home now in the relative peace and quiet and have to say that was a lovely lunch with two very lovely people I am pleased to have met and now have more of a bond with. That is all...stuffed...and I think maybe next time we will leave the puters at home coz it was hectic for Rags particularly as my lappie battery carked it and all we had left was hers. So much fun...and the time flew...

