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Undies in November

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    Undies in November

    “Lets go for a walk, we’ve never been in Brizzie before....”

    “Look, look Misty, colouring in pencils.... if we got a ladder and moved the paper around it would colour in”

    Look, look, one of them just fell down.. glad we weren’t underneath when it happened...

    “They’re not much use for colouring in any way, Let’s get home and get to bed, we have a big day tomorrow meting Sunny and Happy......

    Next day...... how strange they won’t let you buy a return train ticket.... it has to be a plot.... We have to sit very still and behave, as Teddies don’t have to have tickets, we get to travel everywhere for freeeeeeee.....

    Stop Happy, Stop, I want to get a pic of those guys cleaning the windows.. Wonder how much a 2 bedder in there would cost. (More than Mr Rags andI have)

    Here we are at he restaurant. “Look at all the presents Bathtub. I wonder who they are for...”


      Undies in November

      “Hey Muffy, there aren’t any bananananas in here... it’s MORE presents!!!”

      “WOW”!! Star sunnies!

      “Ooooh I love presents... and it isn’t Christmas yet... I wonder if we’ll be allowed to take these sunnies back to the other Teddies...”

      “No you can’t Teddies, they ALL belong to Sunny...”

      Oooh look at mummy... typing, photobucketing and eating all at the same time...


        Undies in November

        Giggles from Teddies.. “what is it Muffy”?

        Whispers... “Look mummy, she holds her finger out ...”
        “Shhh, there’s nothing wrong with that. I think it s a secret sign that you are a mason or or or something exotic....”

        And here’s Misty modelling a bib...

        And one of the cards... cute or what..

        Hmmmm........ nup too impatient ....... rip, tear,

        And look what Happy got! Just like mummy’s except different.


          Undies in November

          And here’s a present or Raggsy.
          “Shhh Teddies, I think I hear a scratchy noise coming from the bag.”

          “Let me out, let me out, let me out....”

          “Quick Misty,lets tip the bag over and see what is inside.....”

          “Who are you?”

          “Sunny said I was going to live with new friends and I had to be had to be very quiet until Raggsy took me out of the bag”

          "Hmmm girls, does he remind you of another certain teddy?????"


            Undies in November

            Suddenly there’s three very deep, loud, long blasts outside.........

            “My engines are going astern” says Rags.

            “What?” says Happs, givng Raggsy a strange look.

            And off goes the P&O liner with a ship full of blue rinse ladies......

            But, more exciting things are inside.... like this bumblebee outfit....

            And Happs had THE scrummiest dessert. To die for.... almost.

            But, all too soon it was over.... our waitress had gone home, tables were being set up for the evening, so we had to leave... with promises of another lunch sometime,b ut no computers next time....


              Undies in November

              And before they knew it, the Teddies were at the airport waiting for the flight back home to tell the other Teddies.....

              Back home, before the girls introduced doggy to the other Teddies.....
              “We’ve been thinking and thinking and thinking......what say we call you TAG, after we take the tag off your ear...”

              Oh and here’s Chrispaul... he had a hat like that, but he took it away and buried it. Kept the scarf though in case he goes skiing..... I think the’ll be mates.

              This means I have to draw up a new Teddy Roster...........


                Undies in November

                And a lovely gift from another Undie....... thankyou. I shall light it at the weekend....

                Now, how did the what I sent Zenny competition go?

                Are you sitting on the edge of your seats??? Want me to tell you?????


                  Undies in November

                  Rags - they are such great photos!!!! So lovely to see the Teddies on their adventures :l

                  A Better Me;1213517 wrote: How excitement Missy - are you going to Whakatane (pron: Fuck-a-tar-nay)?
                  Oh, that's right - you're in Wello, so no Whakatane...
                  [QUOTE=Rags;1213524]Oooh Missy, that sounds like you miht be thinkng of Bay of Islands area?

                  Nothing as exotic as Whakatane or Bay of Islands!!! Just Kapiti/Horowhenua region (Parapararaumu/Raumati/Otaki) (a chocolate fish to anyone who isnt a NZer who can pronounce those words properly :H)

                  About an hour from Wellington, on the coast, great climate (2-3 degrees better than Wgtn).

                  I have ruled out the semi-rural bits as they are not on public transport and I still need to work FT and in town. And I am not quite ready for what fully rural would entail. But a decent 1/2 acre - 1 acre section I think I could manage. Bottom lines are town water supply and no septic tank!
                  Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                  Harriet Beecher Stowe


                    Undies in November

                    Rags;1213543 wrote: And a lovely gift from another Undie....... thankyou. I shall light it at the weekend....

                    Now, how did the what I sent Zenny competition go?

                    Are you sitting on the edge of your seats??? Want me to tell you?????
                    Whichever Undies have access to candles with gold frankincense and myrrh ...... I want your supplier!!!

                    The "what you sent Zenny" competition has been lurking in the background and needs to be resurrected. Spurtles have been ruled out. Is it something from Uepi?
                    Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn

                    Harriet Beecher Stowe


                      Undies in November

                      Hello Undies!!

                      Just a quick fly-by from me to say that I enjoyed the pictures immensely. Thanks Ragsy for once again entertaining us. It was so much fun to see pics of the meet-up and the lovely ladies who were there. And the food looked super delish. Love the presents that Sunny got. So glad that we were given the opportunity to contribute to that special surprise for her.

                      Ella - just want you to know I'm thinking of you. So sorry to hear about your Dad. Will be keeping an eye out for updates on your test results. For now, try and stay as busy and as positive as you can. I have to agree with what Bridge said - low priority could be a very good sign. Virtual hugs sent your way...:huggy
                      For every 60 seconds that you are angry, you lose a minute of happiness.
                      AF since 10/10/2015:yay:


                        Undies in November

                        REggie ... thanks HEAPS for the heads up - I would have missed it without ya. What a good, talented, interesting bloke. I've got the CD.


                          Undies in November

                          Ella - you haven't checked in today - you ok?

                          Missy - throbbing the idea of the change. You've already got the boots!

                          Raggsy - lovely stuff, as always.


                            Undies in November

                            David Attenborough on in about 2 minues.

                            REGGIE And TF Thenkewe.

                            Saw the Hugh Laurie snippet too.

                            MISSY... Think back to Zenny's discussions a month ago pertaining to a certain foodstuff.


                              Undies in November

                              Evening All

                              Crazy busy day here and it is so hot.

                              Lovely pictures Rags and thank you for putting them up for us all to see.

                              Keeping busy and that area of my throat is very first I thought it was because it was being poked............but now I am starting to think maybe it is a blister or something and it is getting ready to pop soon. Bloody awkward place where no-one can see it.

                              Missy.......I love house-hunting but am not very good at it because this current house is a dud, lemon, money absorbing dump.


                                Undies in November

                                hi everyone.
                                not much reportage on shittage here. harvest ticks along, one embuggerance following another.
                                example : knife part falls off combe from front of header (interpretation : an important piece of welded shit breaks off the other huge thingy that draws in the crop as it's being cut), which needs to be towed on a trailer 80 kms to be fixed. men have trouble getting big thingy on trailer. then trailer blows out a tyre. which happens to be an awkward size which finally gets replaced with another old retread to get FIL within 10kms of town where thingy is going to be fixed then BAM that tyre blows out also. so FIL has to wait for town's tyre boys to go fix him up. all in 33 degree heat. but wait for it, it gets better, tomoz is going to be 35, then 37 on fri. charming.
                                but so long as i cook food & do washing & shit, apparently i'm an "important part" of the operation. hire a housekeeper , would be my retort.
                                so unfortunately mr g man, i have broken my af status. 5 days. wowie.
                                & the usual struggle to get back onto af horse.
                                thank goodness for the real equines which i work on in the best part of the day, early morning. at least for that part, i am sticking to my efforts - up at sparrow's flatulance to get into the day. but the backfiring part is that then i am inside (due to heat,flies) &old habits come back to give the inner saboteur some love.
                                magpie is doing good , though. she flies around the general area, waiting for me for a feed at first light ( god damn bless her!) but she is confident & happy & very affectionate.
                                i have also been given the task of hiring some young male help, oh dear. applied thru an employment agency & i will personally screen all the fit, strapping, back-packing young fellas who might want to gain some jen-you-wine Oz farm work. now THAT may be a task huh ladies????
                                okies. you're all prolly nearly beddie byes.
                                better go feed dog-a-logs. before they eat the magpie.

