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jealous of normal wine drinkers

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    jealous of normal wine drinkers

    I had an interesting interaction with some ladies in my walking group yesterday. We were talking about wine. One of the ladies' husbands works overseas quite a bit so she has no one at home to share some wine with on certain evenings. She wanted to know if there was some kind of wine bottle stopper on the market that would keep an opened bottle of wine fresh for a few weeks. My first thought was, are you kidding me??? You have left over wine in an opened bottle??? for weeks???

    The discussion became quite informative, talking about keeping the wine for a month and cooking with it, vacuum sealing it, refrigerating it, decanting it, etc. I thought I was listening to a conversation amongst aliens from another planet. I have never been able to keep an uncorked bottle of wine for more than 12 hours. (more like 2 hours) Many times I would spill out half the bottle in an effort to get rid of temptation, Only to open another bottle and spilling out half of that one. I have even resorted to buying the more expensive half bottles of wine.

    I found myself starting to get jealous that I wasn't one of them. I was wishing that I could be. And then I thought, I'm not one of them, I tried to be one of them for years and I will never be. So what's the use of wishing? It's kind of like I wish my 5'2" 51 year old body looked like Heidi Klum's.... ain't never gonna happen. So get on with it. There is no use in being jealous for one moment. I should just be happy to be getting on the right path for me and keep looking at alcohol for what it really is, a toxic poison and be happy to be rid of it.

    jealous of normal wine drinkers

    Hi Lfp,
    thanks for making me laugh! Seriously, I've never been able to understand how anyone can have an unfinished bottle. I remember years ago we visited a couple, the wife said she likes red wine but since her husband doesn't like wine, she doesn't bother opening it because the rest of the bottle will go bad. I could not and still can not wrap my head around the fact that she could take it or leave it...just like that!??
    I am no Heidi Klum either....maybe I will use that reminder as a tool. Day 3 for me.


      jealous of normal wine drinkers


      Yeah, that ain't me, either, Peace. Neither the stale wine nor the Heidi Whatshername.
      That's a great way of looking at it, btw. You're absolutely right. We don't fret and actively try to attain the unattainable (as in looking like a celebrity) - and normal drinking in our case IS unattainable.

      I've spent much time wishing and feeling cheated, done wrong by, blah blah blah. What we need to focus on and appreciate is how well we feel when we cut the poison out of our lives.

      Great post - thank you!
      Okay, WHO put a stop payment on my reality check?

      Winning since October 24th, 2013


        jealous of normal wine drinkers


        Me too! I just had a conversation with a girl that said wine lasts around her house for up to 3 weeks.
        Are you frickin' kidding me?
        Mine never made it 3 hours and to be honest it was less than that and then the second...

        The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.

        *Don't look where you fall, look why you slipped*


          jealous of normal wine drinkers

          Oh how I can relate to boss at one time voiced her concern about how she has a nightly habit of drinking one glass of wine a night. I quickly turned my paranoid, alcohol smelly head away and said 'Nooooo, can't see that as a problem....'
          Years later, I wonder was she maybe trying to dig a little deeper and find out about me.
          Relapse starts long before the drink is drunk!!.Fresh Start!


            jealous of normal wine drinkers

            looking for peace;1202056 wrote: The discussion became quite informative, talking about keeping the wine for a month and cooking with it, vacuum sealing it, refrigerating it, decanting it, etc. I thought I was listening to a conversation amongst aliens from another planet. I have never been able to keep an uncorked bottle of wine for more than 12 hours. (more like 2 hours) Many times I would spill out half the bottle in an effort to get rid of temptation, Only to open another bottle and spilling out half of that one. I have even resorted to buying the more expensive half bottles of wine.

            I too get astounded when I hear "normies" talking like that!!! Never ever in my house either, that's for sure. Funny about the "wishing won't make it so" comment - I just posted that exact same thing on another thread right before reading this!!! Great minds think alike!

            LadyLush;1202071 wrote:

            Me too! I just had a conversation with a girl that said wine lasts around her house for up to 3 weeks.
            Are you frickin' kidding me?
            Mine never made it 3 hours and to be honest it was less than that and then the second...

            The only way wine would last more than 3 hours at my house is if it came in a box, and I was the only one drinking it. :H

            Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
            Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

            One day at a time.


              jealous of normal wine drinkers


              I was the same way for a long time. Seeing people
              at big company dinners walk away from a half
              glass of Pinot Grigio? The horror!
              My perspective has changed drastically. It's poison
              and would kill me if I let it. I let go of so called
              "normal drinker envy".
              Have at it my friends-none for me. I choose to live


                jealous of normal wine drinkers

                Can't remembert the last time i had an unfinished bottle of wine in my house either. I can't be a moderate drinker i drink till the last drop is gone.


                  jealous of normal wine drinkers

                  I hear ya with the normal drinker envy. I also can't wrap my head around having an unopened bottle of Cab, Pinot or a good Chardonnay HOWEVER, I will not touch a glass of any sweet wine even at my worst! My husband's family drinks sweet pink wines and "Arbor Mist" which is one of those screw top koolaid like wines. Makes me gag just thinking about it. After parties I have had half bottles of that crap in my fridge for weeks, then I throw it out. But I don't have to worry about ANY alcohol any more. Done done done with that!
                  February 27th, 2013. A New , Successful Start. :h

                  When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top!!


                    jealous of normal wine drinkers

                    I am amazed when i go to peoples houses and they have unopened bottles of wine, spirits etc just sitting there, my house never ever had that. People say to me they might get on it this weekend and i think gee i get on it everyday. How good does it feel to wake up with no hangover. Tired and shaky but NO hangover and i can drive to work not in a haze hoping i dont have an accident in my alcohol haze.
                    AF free 1st December 2013 - 1st December 2022 - 9 years of freedom


                      jealous of normal wine drinkers

                      available;1202243 wrote: I am amazed when i go to peoples houses and they have unopened bottles of wine, spirits etc just sitting there, my house never ever had that. People say to me they might get on it this weekend and i think gee i get on it everyday. How good does it feel to wake up with no hangover. Tired and shaky but NO hangover and i can drive to work not in a haze hoping i dont have an accident in my alcohol haze.
                      Wow - your post reminded me of the many, many times I drove to work after only a couple hours sleep after a Big Night (drinking, of course). I wasn't even hung over yet because I was still drunk. I remember more than once begging the Universe to get me to work safe (and I'll never do this again, blah blah blah) without a DUI. I figured a DUI in the morning would be SO much more embarrassing than a DUI at night. Of course I never stopped to think that my driving was impaired and what if I killed somebody. Nope - never considered that part. (thank God it never happened)

                      Today I walked past my old house and now that the leaves are off the trees, I can see the back yard and the deck we had built. Lots of drinking on that deck. I had a flash of a pleasant drinking memory. I very quickly made myself play that tape to the end....the getting drunk, saying stupid things, fighting with my husband, making an ass of myself, and then having a horrid hangover the next day. Nope....drinking was definitely not glamorous for me.

                      Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
                      Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

                      One day at a time.


                        jealous of normal wine drinkers

                        For so long I have had the normal drinker envy, even the daily functioning drinker envy and waster so many years trying to be like that. I need to get it fixed in my brain that I am not like that, and cannot ever be like that so forget it, for me drink destroys my life and hurts the people who love me, eventually it will kill me. Those things dont sound like anything to do with a nice bottle of wine because there not. My mum drinks around a litre of whiskey a week so Ive tried justifying my drinking with that, but then the litre of vodka lasts me a day so I proved I cant do that even never mind leave wine in a bottle.


                          jealous of normal wine drinkers

                          Brilliant thread guys, it really makes you think - thanks :h
                          Enjoy today - there will be no other one quite like it....


                            jealous of normal wine drinkers

                            Great thread!! Never had half empty bottles in my house either - are you kidding???!!! Or wine, whole bottles, lasting more than the amount of time it took to peel enough potatoes for my children's dinner. Then on to the next....such hard freakin' work it was too!! Not peeling the potatoes - being a drunk. And, driving to work still wasted....that was frightening. I once got pulled over on the way and because I had been so sick from a binge a few days before I hadn't been able to drink - how lucky. You know what? I don't miss ANY of it, not for a nano second. One thing about not drinking is the worry about all sorts of things is just non existent which makes life fairly peaceful. Have a beautiful day everyone!
                            It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
                            Mother Theresa


                              jealous of normal wine drinkers

                              I love all of the responses, so glad I'm not alone. Sunshine, I like what you said about wasting time wishing, feeling cheated, wronged, etc. (I don't know how to copy quotes...). Anyway, that is me. Not just with alcohol, so it's a good thing to be watchful for.

                              My husband and I went to visit his friend and his wife in Long Island for two nights this past summer and they are not big drinkers (understatement of the year). The first night he went downstairs to get a bottle of wine, got out 3 really small wine glasses, poured us about 3 oz each for me and my husband and poured his wife about 1 oz. Same thing the next night, from the same bottle. There was more than half a bottle left and that was for three people over the course of two days. I must say, I was distracted and mad about it. Like a child being refused candy. I was aware of their non drinking and knew what I was in for but it still bugged me.

                              I don't want thoughts of drinking, not drinking enough, not drinking at all to preoccupy my nights anymore. I just want to enjoy myself.

