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Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

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    Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

    I haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday. I'm really feeling pathetic Pansy has been very kind I can't drink today but I'm worried about the damage I have done to myself And I can't stop shaking I know I'm not spelling very well but I'm not thinking to straight If anyone out there has advice PLEASE PLEASE tell what might help!!

    I hope when I am feeling better I can return the favor
    AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
    Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

    Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

    This is by far the worst hang over I have ever been on
    AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
    Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


      Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday


      Please go out and take a walk today. Lots of water, lots of water, lots of water!!. See you on chat later. Read the boards. I have dentist today, but will be back.

      Hugs and kisses,


        Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

        Hi Sue....Oh God sweetie,You must feel awful, listen, you better check this out with a pharmacist before you try, but I used to take diarolyte sachets after a hangover, they are the rehydration meds used by those who are seriously dehydrated for one reason and another, and put all the essential salts and electroyte things back into your body. They were always faaaar more effective than water alone,,,,,BUT check first, I don't want you to feel worse...Take vitamin c and if you are drinking, make up a mix of white grape juice and boiled water (drink warm....apparently it gets into your system quicker)...this is a good but gentle toxin flush....hope some of this helps...honey, if you are really scared, is there any medical person near you who you CAN talk to??? I'm hoping you get this sorted......I'll be here for a while...Hugs melon xoxo


          Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

          Thank wee I just afraid I will feel to sick to work tomarrow and i really can't miss work. I so tired and out of it I wish I could just sleep it all off.

          AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
          Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


            Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

            And I apparently cant type either
            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


              Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

              KitKat your typing not so bad!!!!

              You need something to calm down your nervous system. I don't your insurance issue but there are over the counter sleep aids (like Benadryl)/ or maybe even a muscle relaxant that you can find (like Midol maybe that doesn't have caffeine in it). You are going to have to white knuckle this for the most part but go to the store and find whatever you can. You said you already have the Calms Forte so please take that and take some advil for your hangover and drink a boatoad of water ALL day and flush out and try to sleep as much as you can. Please hang in there. We're here.
              Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

                I tried drinking some water but I think I drank it to fast because I threw it up
                I know I shouldn't but I'm having glass of beer just can't stop shaking
                AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                  Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

                  Hi Kit.
                  WhenI feel that bad the Only thing I can do is sip water all day and sleep. It's just a matter of getting through to tomorrow. Your body has been poisoned and needs some time to recover.
                  I'll be thinking of you tonight.
                  Love and healing vibes....


                    Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

                    Wow thats alot of info
                    AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                    Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                      Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

                      I really can't add anything to Fan's post but, I will offer my support and healthy, healing vibes your way!!! A hot bath really works wonders too.
                      Sometimes I wonder...."Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"...and then it hits me.


                        Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

                        Hi there Kit,
                        I may be new to this site, but I've been where you are so many times. For me it was/is always water and vit C together with sprays of 'Bachs' Rescue Remedy. I'm not sure if they have it in the States, its a herbal remedy which calms the nerves, comforts and reassures. I stops my panic attacks and lets me sleep. Whatever you find that works keep remembering that tomorrow is another day, and things will look so much brighter.
                        Sending you much love from England


                          Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

                          KitKat -

                          Lots of good advice here. I cannot seem to get myself back in balance on water alone so I always drink so Pedalyte.


                            Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

                            Oh Kitkat,
                            I've been there all too many times. Hope you're able to get some some rest. I can't add much more than the advice already offered, but I'll be thinking of you. Keep drinking that water.
                            A warm bath, followed by some Benedryl maybe.
                            You'll feel better soon.
                            :l Judie
                            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                              Haven't stopped drinking since last Thursday

                              been there done that bought the t-shirt

                              You will feel better tomorrow and don"t worry so much all that anxiety is what's eating you up.
                              I have found that just making peace with yourself for now is a great way to get thru and yes
                              tomorrow is another day

