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Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?

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    Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?

    I've had a horrible headache for about 8 days now! Comes and one spot behind my right eye. It is so piercing. I think it?s because of WD from alcohol, but then I have only one or two beers and it becomes more excruciating. Did some research and found it is called a ?cluster headache? and is much more common with people who drink excessively?CANNOT make it go away. Anyone else have these?? Funny thing is, my drinking has reduced considerably and the headaches sometimes get so much worse if I DO drink anything...

    Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?

    I have had every kind of ache from drinking from stomach to back to heart pain to headaches in every part of my head. Maybe your having a hangover while actually drinking? I wish I could tell you to take something but they say pain relievers and alcohol are a big NO NO.


      Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?

      Hi jerri,

      I have suffered from migraines for 18 years.
      This sure sounds like what you have and only appropriate medication will take care of it. Call your doc!


      : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


        Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?


        Are you in the UK? Reason I ask is that there is a virus going round that gives such headaches and it might be as simple as that. We all, and my 5 yr old has had it right behind the left eye - pretty sure she hasn't been at the sauce!


          Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?


          Sorry your baby is sick. That must be just awful for 5 year old!! I will be hoping for her speedy recovery! Did she not just have flu also?



            Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?

            Thanks awfully for your concern Pansy you sweetie, but wasn't anything serious - just an annoyingly persistent virus that has been doing the rounds - main sympton was nasty headaches that wouldn't go away.

            Thought it might be the case here was all.


              Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?

              Cluster Headache Reply

              I hardly ever got headaches throughout my 55 years and my hangover headaches usually are on my right temple. But last summer, I got what you described on the Left side of my head behind my ear all the way up to the top of my head and down my neck to the bakc of my neck and it felt piercing-like--like an ice pick stabbing me--very sharp and odd and it pulsated with my heart-beat and it Never went away--even with Ibuprofen which always works. This was also during one of my valiant attempts at abstinence so I cannot blame the alcohol. I was biking and running and lifting weights and the head hurt through all this. I finally saw my Doctor and she was very worried and sent me for an MRI for my brain which kinda worried me

              Luckily, they found absolutely nothing wrong. They also did extensive eyes tests, blood pressure etc.--Nothing. So when all this was over, the headache went away. The Only thing that I remembered changing/different is I took away my second pillow. About 2 months later (drinking resumed), I slept one night With that damn pillow and the next morning I had the exact same headache in the exact same location. So go figure.

              Also: When I was Googling and Yahooing about it--there seemed to be a lot of info. about that it could be a type of Migraine. But I never got Migraines. But they say there is always a first time.

              Please keep us updated. And Best of luck, pisces9


                Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?

                Hi Pisces9,
                I suffer with Migraines exactly how you decribed it, only all my left side goes numb and i can't doctor says its a mini stroke. I am 30 years old and started with migraines at the age of 16......My daughter is 13 and she started getting them about 1 and 1/2 years ago.......There not nice at all i had a brain scan about 2 years ago and they found nothing. The best thing to do is sleep it off, if you can and stay in a dark room i find if you try to fight it they can last upto a week...And my doctor said avoid wine, chocolate and cheese........hope this helps
                Love Lisa XX
                Elvis is'nt dead, he's in my broom cupboard ....


                  Cluster Headaches - Horrible!! anyone have these?

                  I have occular miagraines. My doctor first diagnosed these as a ministroke. My symptoms
                  were no pain while the event was happening. Just really severe blurred vision in my eye. Afterwards then came the pain my eye was tender to the touch and just ached. Maybe you could look into this for help,

