I am in the process of re reading this for the third time, and I think I finally narrowed down the points that are not clicking with me.
1. I completely understand that alcohol is the cause of the uneasy feelings and the deprivation we feel in between drinks. Just because I completely understand that alcohol causes the anxiety, nervousness, boredom, etc, does not mean I don't want to use it to at least momentarily get rid of the feelings.
Using Allen Carr's analogy of continuing to use an ointment that causes a rash to momenterily relieve the itch...... He states that as soon as you KNOW that the ointment you've been using all this time was what caused your rash, you will automatically want to stop using in and in a couple of days the rash will be gone. Well, not me, I am an instant gratification person and I will want to continue to use the ointment. I know I am anxious because of alcohol, but also the knowledge that there is an instant fix out there (alcohol) all that knowledge goes out the window and I still want to use it, even though I know it just relieves me for a moment. Like scratching an itch. If you scratch a rash that itches, you know it will get worse, but knowing that doesn't make you stop from scratching if it's bad enough. How can I get past this?
2. I completely understand that alcohol is poison and the same as any other drug addiction. I am sure that most heroin addicts believe that heroin is poison and is a drug addiction, that information alone does not stop them from using. It seems to me that the message in these books is that as soon as you believe it's poison and not the glamorous drink we are brainwashed to believe, you will not want to pour it down your throat. I still want to at times, even though I know it's poison and does "nothing" for me, except for reason stated in #1
3. In these books, it is stated that as soon as you are absolutely certain you will never have another drink again, you will "get it". Have all of you that have quit using this method come to the realization 100%? Because I still can't rap my brain around it.