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What should i do?

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    What should i do?

    Hi Lou Lou,
    Good to see you around. Hope the new year brings you good stuff! gabbs
    Gabby :flower:


      What should i do?

      Hi Lou,

      I've only just read this, how are you doing??????

      If you haven't done already, please get some help ..............

      We all love you .......... Paula :h :l :h


        What should i do?

        Lou, I hope you're ok. Just saw this as well. Really hope you've taken Mack's advise, and you're getting some help right now. Thinking of you.
        The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


          What should i do?

          Hi Lou.

          Thinking of you and sending healing thoughts your way.
          Keep us posted.


          : doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results................... Albert Einstein


            What should i do?

            Oh dear

            Im afraid i failed again...was really gonna do it then my mum and my brother and his fiance came round for dinner, so i gave in to the dinner wine ....My mum ended up really laying in to me, telling me i was making myself ugly and that im losing my looks through drinking...she was drunk and has put up with so much from me, she knows everything and has been fantastic through it all but i think it just got to much for her and she was trying the "tough love" approach...but it hurt so much and guess who i turned best friend the vodka bottle. She was really sorry the nxt day that she'd upset me so much but i cant blame her, all iv done for the past 12 months is upset and worry her.
            So im back to square one again...i know what she said is true and thats why im still drinking cause it hurts to much to be sober and face everything that iv done to myself and my family.
            Thanks for being here for me everyone


            Lou-Lou x x x
            "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky


              What should i do?

              Lou-Lou, I hope you can look toward a time when the drinking is behind you and you won't have to feel guilty. It's possible that all of this will one day just be a memory, love. I am thinking of you.


              AF as of August 5th, 2012


                What should i do?

                Lou, its a new year....last year is old-make some new rules and goals for yourself. You can do it.
                Gabby :flower:


                  What should i do?

                  Hi Lou-Lou,
                  Sending love and support to you - you are in a crisis state and you know that this will pass- keep your chins up.
                  The best advice i have ever been given with regards to the insidious, relentless shame and guilt we all feel b/c of our actions is to 'witness the shame'. when i am totally crap and have all of those debilitating side effects and can hardly think straight i imagine i am outside of myself and dispassionately observe what i am feeling. i will say to myself "that is shame that you are feeling" and by doing this i validate and acknowledge what the feeling is but then LET IT GO.
                  I dont know about you but i am soooo good at getting my thought patterns stuck in a self flagellating groove which only exaggerates the original hangover effects.
                  the anxiety increases, i see no future, the spiral gets worse.
                  you have so many people on your side here Lou-Lou.
                  I know you can do it.
                  You will break this cycle, blue skies ahead for you.
                  Mwah mwah mwah


                    What should i do?

                    hi Lou,

                    I dont know how understanding your doctor i s but you must make sure he knows the complete truth..please see your doctor because ther is nothing to be afraid of and everthing to be afraid of if you dont..

                    i wish you all the strength and courage you need.



                      What should i do?

                      Thank you all so much for your support,
                      Im feeling rather positive year new start, i had a rather nice new years kiss with a guy iv known for years. He knows all about me and still wants to take me out....maybe the motivation i need?? for the first time in days iv been up early, cooked breakfast for everyone and i dont feel too bad at all, still gonna go see my doc tho as i know i cant withdraw on my own...its too dangerous.
                      But im determined...I AM gonna do it, im sick to death of drinking.


                      All my love

                      Lou-Lou x x x x x x xx
                      "Every passing minute is a chance to turn it all around"...Penelope Cruz...Vanilla Sky

