I am :new: to this forum and thought (with the advice of others) I would introduce myself and my story.
I am 38 and have been heavily drinking on and off for years. Looking back this has been on going a while- say 10+ years. Really started drinking at University and have been in that kinda culture since.
I would love help comments and general support to kick this habit. I tend to have a bottle of wine or 5-6 shot and mixers of an evening. I find my 'witching' hour is when my little girl is asleep (9 months old) and I have time for me. I tend to have a glass cooking and then with dinner- and then just finish off the bottle once I am at that 2 glass stage I dont have much control. The longest stretch i have done without drinking is all the way through my pregnancy and about 12 weeks after she was born as I was breastfeeding. After that stopped I went back on it

Normally I will have a few heavy days of drinking and then a few days off. I notice the depression it is giving me, mood swings, irritate GI tract and tiredness. Recently, I have not had a day off alcohol for ages. I think about 2-3 in October. Not all heavy drinking days- some with just a glass or two but enough to make me worry.
I need to work on the witching hour which I see as a habitual event every day. I have hidden the amount I am drinking from Hubby but took the step last night to ask him to help. Having said that I did have a drink last night- though started much later and had less than normal.
Anyone else in the same boat and want to go through this together?:thanks: