Happy weekend and all that!
I'm up at my mum's. She's been without Internet access since Monday so I had to drive up and have a look at the problem. The router had got itself all discombobulated. Anyway, I reset it to factory default and then configured it and it worked, so my mum's over the moon. Some people are easy to please!
Poppy, on the other hand, is a bit miffed cos she's away from home and she doesn't get on with my mother's cat, Lillemis (that's Danish for "little cat").
Not got anything much planned for today apart from to go for a walk along the towpath of the nearby River Severn and eat my mother's delicious food, but not overeat it, if you get my drift. Got my new scales from Amazon today and I'm a whole stone overweight. Definitely not happy about that at all. :upset:Anyway, the excess weight is coming off, and I am unanimous in that!
Might wander off and have a night nap shortly. Probably return home this evening.
Hope you all have a good day .