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Bummed out Saturday night

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    Bummed out Saturday night

    *sigh*___Feeling like crying this evening.
    Not sure why. My daughter's visit was fine but
    short; she left today and won't be back until
    My bf hurt my feelings-he didn't mean to-I'm just
    in a weird mode. Feeling lonely?
    One block away-cigarettes and beer
    NO WAY-I went out and got a movie and
    I'm drowning my sorrows in Diet Coke
    and pumpkin bread.
    Perfect example of when I would have gone out
    drinking before.
    Happy Saturday night to all

    Bummed out Saturday night

    Hi Ann. Sorry you are feeling a bit down. I had a really hard time getting used to actually FEELING stuff and being able to sit with it, and eventually deal with it like a grown up. That was freaky after a lifetime of drowning everything in booze.

    I hope you have some really good movies and end up enjoying your evening despite everything. :l

    Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
    Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

    One day at a time.


      Bummed out Saturday night

      Thanks DG

      I got over feeling sorry for myself. I reminded
      myself that I have all I need and then some
      and I'm very lucky.
      I've decided to go hiking tomorrow and I don't
      have to work until Wed.
      Unfortunately something happened to my Internet
      connection so that's something to deal with.
      Could be worse.


        Bummed out Saturday night

        (((Hugs))) Ann. Glad you are feeling better.

        The worse part of quitting drinking was the roller coaster of moods. Feeling happy, sad, happy, sad, blah, mad......... it was H*ll but worth it!

        Have fun on your hike tomorrow!!! Take care of yourself. You are doing great!


          Bummed out Saturday night

          Ann 221;1207528 wrote: *sigh*___Feeling like crying this evening.
          Not sure why. My daughter's visit was fine but
          short; she left today and won't be back until
          My bf hurt my feelings-he didn't mean to-I'm just
          in a weird mode. Feeling lonely?
          One block away-cigarettes and beer
          NO WAY-I went out and got a movie and
          I'm drowning my sorrows in Diet Coke
          and pumpkin bread.
          Perfect example of when I would have gone out
          drinking before.
          Happy Saturday night to all
          Hiya Ann--Any night can be lonely---it's all in the perspective....I could woe you with my sad life but the best I can say is look after you. Only you can do not mean to be trite....sorry if I intruded on this thread..
          Psalms 119:45

          ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

          St. Francis of Assisi

          I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



            Bummed out Saturday night

            Thank you Cedars

            You didn't butt in! I need all the support I can get
            It was a little dicey for an hour or so but I made
            it through. Very happy about that.
            I kind of finally feel a sense of responsibility-
            a sense that I owe it to myself to take care
            and stay clear about who I want to be.
            If I had gone down the wrong path tonight I
            would be so unhappy tomorrow. I just can't go there
            My sister called this evening, drinking wine
            as she does every night. I really feel sorry for
            her. BUT I also know that I can't change her.
            She doesn't go out and act like a nut like I
            did; she goes her drinking at home alone so
            she always implies she is not "bad" like me.
            Makes me laugh now


              Bummed out Saturday night

              Ann 221;1207579 wrote: You didn't butt in! I need all the support I can get
              It was a little dicey for an hour or so but I made
              it through. Very happy about that.
              I kind of finally feel a sense of responsibility-
              a sense that I owe it to myself to take care
              and stay clear about who I want to be.
              If I had gone down the wrong path tonight I
              would be so unhappy tomorrow. I just can't go there
              My sister called this evening, drinking wine
              as she does every night. I really feel sorry for
              her. BUT I also know that I can't change her.
              She doesn't go out and act like a nut like I
              did; she goes her drinking at home alone so
              she always implies she is not "bad" like me.
              Makes me laugh now
              Good for you getting through that feeling empowered. I bet your sista loves ya
              Psalms 119:45

              ?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?

              St. Francis of Assisi

              I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.



                Bummed out Saturday night

                Hi Ann,

                I just wanted to send along my support and also say a neighborly HELLO! I really have been enjoying your posts. I hope you are feeling better this morning and a big pat on the back for not caving into to AL over the weekend despite some challenging moods. Sometimes it's like a rollercoaster, isn't it?

                Have a lovely week. Oh, PS, I sympathize with you about your sister who drinks every day. My mother does this and sometimes calls or emails after she's had several glasses. Actually, now she emails more than calls because sadly, I don't even pick up the phone if it is her after 5PM because I know the conversation will irritate me as she will be drunk and you can't talk to her when she is. The emails will come in and they will be obvious that she drinks. Then the next morning her emails will be back to normal. There should be a new campaign just like the drunk driving one..."Don't Drink and Email or Call".

                Anyway, have a wonderful day and thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.
                Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



                  Bummed out Saturday night

                  Hey Blonde Thanks!

                  Thanks for sharing that about your mom. I almost
                  didnt answer the phone last night. If she's not drinking
                  she's never on the phone past about 8.
                  So when the phone rang at 9 I knew.
                  It's interesting that I moved here to NC in 2007
                  and she has lived here for years. After I got here
                  and after years of thinking I was the absolute
                  worst in the family-I saw that heck she was right
                  up there with me in terms of drinking. I don't
                  go around her much; besides the drinking she
                  is a control freak and likes to demean me I'm front
                  of people. I dont need it so I don't go there.
                  Have a great week

