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Why Do We Drink?
Why Do We Drink?
:hiya: I just read Today's thread in General Discussion called "All Stuffed Up" and the last posts to this thread were from Flip, Sammys and Lorisunshine. I thought they were very interesting. Flip said to sit down and write Why we drink so as to better understand and then perhaps prevent it. I related to all of them--I drink for so many reasons--bored, happy, sad etc. I also relate to the work hard/play hard excuse. I need to let off steam--dance on the table etc. If I had no hangovers, probably would not want to stop. But hangovers are your body's way of telling you that, hey! you are Poisoning me. Anyway, does anyone want to share their reasons why they drink and then maybe we could all submit Positive ways to satisfy these reasons WITHOUT the evil alcohol.:new:Tags: None
Why Do We Drink?
I drank because drugs were illegal and alcohol wasn't. I drank to get drunk never in moderation and I thought it was cool that I could drink so much and hold my own. I liked the mellow feeling and thought it gave me some of my best thoughts and a different perspective. Then I started to think I wasn't fun or full of life if I weren't drinking. I drank for no reason except that I could. I started to use excuses to drink later in life. Drinking became a burden and I was sufficating myself with it, I had to have it and couldn't get away from it for more than a few days. This horrible suffering went on for years. I wanted to die many times and thought I was a complete failure. Now I can only think of reasons why I don't want drink and feel like my life has meaning and purpose I'm not a failure and fun and joy are mine.
Take care,
Why Do We Drink?
Stress, stress, stress and to forget the stress of a failed life, a failed or should I say dieing a slow death business. Three great kids that totally drive me bannana's, nobody to love, to hold, to laugh with to talk to to hold an adult conversation with, to sleep. TO FORGET that is why I have drunk myself stupid for the past 25 years or so and have wanted to drink so very badly for the past 30 days. I don't because I want to change all that into something positive if I still can at 39 years of age.Yesterday I dared to struggle. Today I dare to win!!
Why Do We Drink?
I think you drink because it for one is everywhere, for two were bored, for three people are bugging the crap out of us, and I believe is is mostly a pattern we have started - a very dangerous one as we all have found out. So I think breaking the pattern is the best thing for now- I have ben talking to myself so much lately. I guess that is where we start.
Why Do We Drink?
Sure, I'll share. I said before, I drank:
To Celebrate
When Happy
When Angry
When Bored
When Too Busy
When Lonely
When Tired
When I Felt Good
By Myself
With Family Around
In the Spring, Summer Fall & Winter
On Holidays
On Vacations
At Home
When Traveling
When the Weather was Cold
When the Weather was Hot
If it was Raining
If it was Snowing
If it was Sunny
If it was Windy
If the Weather was Perfect
But NEVER in bars, because someone might think I had a drinking problem!
I think you get my point. For me, it was time to quit! :h
Sherry"It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008
Why Do We Drink?
All of the above and and because I'm depressed about my past drinking. Going through that at the moment.
The depressed part not the drinking part. Whats really depressing is I can go for days and even weeks without and then i will screw that up by binging . Thats what I'm afraid will happen. AF for today
I really hope we can all make this work so we can all feel good.
KIkatAF since 12/11/2008:ranger
Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll: