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I now know my decision

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    I now know my decision

    I thought maybe after being AF for 6 months because of my hepatitis treatment, I would drink very little, if at all, after. Well, I went to my old bar today after work and ended up drinking too much. I think I always knew it was not a safe place for me, but I kinda though I would be in a new place now. UGH! I guess it is better to realize it now rather than get myself to the place I was last spring(many of you that recognize me know what I'm talking about).

    Hugs everyone!


    I now know my decision

    To Marcie.


      I now know my decision

      It's just so easy to get caught right back up in it again. I'm glad you found out again so quickly, Marcie! Love ya lots!

      AF as of August 5th, 2012


        I now know my decision


        You have come sooo far. Glad you are not falling into that trap again. Continue to make decisions you are proud of.

        You have scared me also into getting tested for Hepititis when I have my thyroid checked again in a couple of months.

        All the best Marcie-



          I now know my decision

          Lucky, Might Campral be advised for Marcie should cravings become strong do you think she should talk to doctor?

          Hugs Pansy.

          See you on abs board, Marcie??? (so glad to see you Marcie)


            I now know my decision

            Pansy, I was on Campral before I started treatment for Hep. It did help. I have some left and will take it again if I need to. It was more a craving to see my friends and see what I'd missed out on the past 6 months. Let me tell you, it wasn't much. They weren't really my "friends", it was just a place I went to drink before. I guess I needed to go experience it for myself, and being in a better place than I used to be, as soon as I left I really didn't see the need to be back there again!


              I now know my decision

              lucky wrote:

              You have scared me also into getting tested for Hepititis when I have my thyroid checked again in a couple of months.

              Lucky _ I didn't mean to scare you, then again, maybe I did. I wish I could "scare" everyone into getting a test for it.


                I now know my decision


                You already know silly goose, you had to see what would happen with your friends. I really do think you'll be fine. A lot of us are doing Campral ( well me jan 5th long story). There is a huge Campral momentum going, I've taken it before too and probably wasn't ready and was doing it because I had just gotten on here and I wanted to be clean for a pregnancy that I could not pursue so I kinda gave up on it. But I m giving it another chance with new dedication and am doing it for myself more than anyone else. I really think if you just do it for others and not for you first you are asking to fail. I know you and your strength and you will be ok. I am so happy you are done with your treatments and are doing ok despite the slippy. :h
                Sunny days, sweeping the, clouds away. On my way, to where the air is sweeeet!!! Can you tell me how to get, how to get to......LOL


                  I now know my decision

                  Hey Marcie! So glad to see you back on board. Really glad to hear you're finished with your treatments. Thanks for all the info as well.
                  Hey, how're the doggies? Happy New Year Sweetie!
                  :l Judie

                  Yeh, those ol bars are over-rated! It's like a time warp... same old s**t , just another day... people talkin trash, about somebody not there... till they walk in, then they're suddenly "best friends"... Sooo much fun... Not!
                  The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


                    I now know my decision


                    It's good that you recognize your old patterns. You're strong, you'll make it! These are our lives we are talking about here. Our health and whether we will be here in the near or distant future.

                    I remember when my mom died at the age of 55 and how angry I was for a very long time. She abused prescription drugs which ultimately hastened her demise. My sorrow was amplified because I felt that she didn't love me enough to want to stay in this life.

                    I think about all the people who love us and that they must feel the same way when they see us harm ourselves.

                    We are behind you 1000% X 1000% plus! Just reach out when you need support. We will be here for you.

                    Hugs :l

                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                      I now know my decision

                      Hi Marcie, Good to see you again. Happy new year to you. : )
                      Gabby :flower:


                        I now know my decision

                        Just saw this, Marcie. I've been away for a few days and am floundering myself.....
                        It's great to see you. 6 months, huh? I remember you telling me that after a while, there were days that went by where you didn't even think about alcohol. Man, that would be nice! You know what to do, you tested those stagnant old waters, and hopefully you are back on track having seen what happened.

                        Yes, I remember you in the spring and how difficult it was. Remember how you don't want to go through the process of giving it up AGAIN. You are so smart, Marcie! Incredibly brave too.
                        You can do this. You have proven that already with flying colors.
                        All the best to you, and I have my cell phone back if ya want to call


                          I now know my decision


                          Good to see you back! One time and you realized you didn't want to go back down that road. Congrats on being such a strong spirit.



                            I now know my decision

                            Hey Marcie,

                            So glad you are finished with those treatments and your head is in such a great place! we are all proud of you, and I want you to know what an inspiration you are to us!!

                            Hugs and Love,


                              I now know my decision

                              You have come so far in 6months.I was thinking of you knowing that your treatments were coming to an end.
                              Despite your unfortunate "bar experience" the other night you seem to be in a good place. Congratulations !!!


