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Army Thread Thursday 17th November

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    Army Thread Thursday 17th November

    Good morning!!!

    Still dark outside but there's a decidedly autumnal feel with a high of 11C expected today. I've had my exercise for the day and now I'm gonna break the habit of a lifetime and do the washing up before tackling that six-month old pile of unopened post sitting at the bottom of the stairs.

    Happy Thursday and may you all have fair winds and following seas.

    Army Thread Thursday 17th November

    Good morning Recluse. If you do the washing I will hang it out here as it is already very hot and sunny. Oh just read it properly and it is washing UP!

    Well Reccie you have done the exercise for me as I have had a lie in (it is 9 am here) It is too hot to run now much to the releif of number 3 daughter.

    What did you do this morning? Still got Kilimanjaro in your sights?


      Army Thread Thursday 17th November

      When you are awake Expat I would love to hear about the meeting last night. I hope you manage to get some real support


        Army Thread Thursday 17th November

        Good morning Whizzie & Wreccie

        Cape Town is set for a decidely summery day: 27C, warming up to the low 30s over the weekend. Maybe someone will use the fecking pool now. I dunno why I keep it clean.

        Well done on your early exercise and getting some chores done, Wreckstar :goodjob:

        It's lovely to have a lie-in sometimes, Mrs. A - you owe it to yourself, I think. Maybe it's a sign that you're switching off and relaxing a bit?
        I'll do whatever it takes
        AF 21/08/2009


          Army Thread Thursday 17th November

          Good morning Tips.

          Same temperatures in Capetown as here. Bloody hot aint it?

          Tips I am frightened to relax too much in case the drinking monster notices that I have dropped my guard


            Army Thread Thursday 17th November

            anon;1209831 wrote: Good morning Tips.

            Same temperatures in Capetown as here. Bloody hot aint it?

            Tips I am frightened to relax too much in case the drinking monster notices that I have dropped my guard
            There's a big difference between relaxing and complacency, Whizzie. And I don't think you're complacent.

            We're used to these temperatures: anything below 18C, and we start shivering. The only truly uncomfortable time is around February, when temps go up to the high 30s and into the 40s - then sleep becomes impossible (and we don't have aircon).
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Army Thread Thursday 17th November

              Morning Mrs A and Mr T

              the exercise was my usual fast walk to the end of the lane and back, whizzy. Yep, still got Kili in my sights. Washing up has been done, the washing will be done later on today. I'll have it flown over to you for drying!

              Loved the view from the front of your house that you posted the other day, tips. Seems like a lot of the army are privileged in where they live (although I don't envy you your neighbours!).


                Army Thread Thursday 17th November

                Good morning Reccie, Mrs. A, Tips and everyone else to come
                Cold here this morning but I'll be working inside all day so it doesn't really matter. I have classes from 9-5:15 which is a pretty long day for me. Can't complain though because I need the work and things slow down around Christmas time. I'm tired though. I didn't get home from The Parents of Dyslexic children till almost 11pm. I can't believe I was nervous about going-everyone was wonderful. There were at least 40 parents there and everyone was so supportive. There was a mother-the president of the association-who has an adult dyslexic son and she gave a talk and showed a short film-and then everyone was able to discuss and ask questions. The info was a real eye opener for me. There was a video clip of a 20 yr old woman who shared her experiences and frustrations of having this life long handicap-and how she has managed to have a happy and productive life. When she spoke of how she was made to feel stupid by her classmates and even ridiculed by her teachers-I (and quite a few other parents) had tears streaming down my face. I really feel that I have a better understanding and more tools to help my son after attending the meeting. Plus, the support of the group. I will definitely be returning for more meetups and contact with them in the future. Another reason to be thankful for being sober--I would never have ventured out to the meeting if I had still been drinking wine in the evening. So a tired but happy expat this morning. I hope everyone has a positive Thursday.:l Back laters (way later!) if I have not collapsed. xxx


                  Army Thread Thursday 17th November

                  Zenstyle;1209836 wrote: Testing... From the new droid.... This phone is quite good now that im starting to get the hang of it...
                  :H Hello Zenners! Hope to see you later! x


                    Army Thread Thursday 17th November

                    Reccie: the students are mostly OK. IT's just that when they party, they PARTY. They'll be gone for a whole two motnhs as of next week. Can't wait!!!

                    Expattie: great news on last night :l:l:l I hope you get through today OK.

                    Zenners: Lo0p is a 'droid fan. You can get some pointers from him on useful apps and that kind of thing
                    I'll do whatever it takes
                    AF 21/08/2009


                      Army Thread Thursday 17th November

                      Good morning Mr tips,recluse,expat ,zens,Anon & mollyka

                      In work today :-)

                      :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                      Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                      I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                      This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                        Army Thread Thursday 17th November

                        Its still dark out there but not cold.

                        :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                        Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                        I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                        This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.


                          Army Thread Thursday 17th November

                          Morning peeps!

                          GREAT news Expat!!

                          You are doing GREAT Reccie.

                          Have to go and register the youngest for school today...where do the years go??
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            Army Thread Thursday 17th November

                            Morning guys. Indeed Oney been asking myself the same question. DW tells me to stop projecting years even decades forward.
                            Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                              Army Thread Thursday 17th November

                              Morning one2many & ktabs, sitting here in the truck waiting to be loaded,very slow this morning so they are.

                              :congratulatory: Clean & Sober since 13/01/2009 :congratulatory:

                              Until one is committed there is always hesitant thoughts.
                              I know enough to know that I don't know enough.

                              This signature has been typed in front of a live studio audience.

