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Attitude toward alcohol is changing!

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    Attitude toward alcohol is changing!

    I posted elsewhere about a trip I took to NYC 10 years ago and how miserable I was the entire time because the trip was AF. My husband found my secret stash right before the trip and forbade me to drink. I was moping around the entire time because I didn't "get to" drink. I was like a little kid on a trip to an amusement park being forbidden to ride any of the roller coasters. I felt like I was on the outiside looking in on all the people "having fun". I really felt awful.

    Well, I am off for a weekend trip today and am so looking forward to a drink free weekend away. We are meeting a couple there and he doesn't drink at all and she has a half of a glass of wine. That helps a lot with temptation for me, because I still get tempted. I used to hate going out with couples who didn't drink. I thought they were so boring..... It was actually probably just me trying to justify my drinking as "cool", so therefore they "must be boring". I probably also felt like I was being judged for my drinking.

    I know it will be a great weekend. I'm not kidding myself, I may have my moments, but I will handle them.

    What a different attitude I have since that trip to NYC! I am also surprised at myself that I am looking forward to going out with a couple that doesn't drink. As early as this past July we stayed over a non drinking couple's house and I was a bit annoyed (not as miserable as I was in NYC, but I was quite irritated at them) because the wine was not flowing freely. I am grateful for my mental shift. Coming here and getting great advice has definately contributed. Thank you all who continue to take the time to help all of us who are struggling. Big Hugs, Peace

    Attitude toward alcohol is changing!

    Hey LFP

    I know exactly what you mean! I couldn't understand why everyone didn't swill drinks like me-for hours. Good for you with your resolve. Not drinking is so great.
    It takes a little while to realize that fun does not need to be equated with drunkenness.
    My music group ( a bunch of guys I jam with ) is meeting tonight. I would like to go since I wrote a new song to share but I'm kind of thinking I'm not ready.
    There is usually a lot of beer (for me and a couple for everyone else) and I think I'll just go home and work out. The next jam is 12/2; that is 60 days for me so maybe I'll feel like going then. I'm enjoying exercise and being sober so I'm very contect to be at home.

    I hope you have a great time! Keep on keeping on.


      Attitude toward alcohol is changing!

      Hurray for you LFP. I am happy for you that you are crossing that threshold. I am so familiar with the itching for the wine to come out at a party or get-together. You are gradually increasing your inner strength and conviction one day at a time.

      We are having people over for dinner this Saturday and the pressure is on as we are having a fondue and drinking has already been mentioned as part of the fun.

      I will handle it and I won't be boring. I bought some nice A/F coolers at the Dollar Store of all places that make a nice exchange for wine.

      I guess what they say is true. It does get easier.

      I do this for my children, my grandchildren, my health, my peace of mind, and mostly for the opportunity to learn to live with my true, unfiltered, clear-headed, vulnerable self.

      "If you do not change direction, you may end up where you are heading."
      ? Lao-Tzu


        Attitude toward alcohol is changing!

        LFP - I am so happy for you!!!!! This is such a tough tough journey and it sounds like you have turned a really important corner. There is such a huge difference between going through life thinking only about the next drink, and actually LIVING. I hope you have a great time this weekend. Stay tough through the difficult parts - it's worth it.

        Sobriety Date = 5/22/08
        Nicotine Free Date = 2/27/07

        One day at a time.


          Attitude toward alcohol is changing!

          LFP, so glad to hear that you've made progress. I can remember when I thought people who didn't drink were nutso - just couldn't fathom it. Now, I admire them immensely and am determined to remain as one of them.


            Attitude toward alcohol is changing!

            Great Job LFP! Seriously it only gets easier. Before I decided that I was not drinking, anytime I couldn't get my stuff when I wanted it I acted like an irratable SOB. I would let it ruin anything I was doing, and the feelings were so intense they would physically stress out my body. I would argue for no apparent reason, basically I let it control me, because not drinking wasn't MY decision. Once I changed my mindset and decided that it was MY decision to be sober and embrace it, things got alot easier.

            It seems strange that the your state of mind could have so much control over your whole life....but it really does. By changing the fact that it wasn't my wife or the police or someone else making the decision for me not to drink, and that I was being sober because of the decision that I made really changed my outlook.

            Good luck on your trip!

