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    This past week has been rife with stories of the horrible nature of a generation of people in America, with much more subtle ones of the heroism of stangers during this time. It scares me that people would walk around and over the body of a dying, older man, having a heart attack, to get to a sale. Or pepper spraying the crush of madly involved shoppers looking for a deal that saved $20 or so. Crushing into a place, shoving people, madly looking for bargains.
    This is not people looking for food to keep their families alive. Or a job that will keep their loved ones intact. It's the insane chase for a bargain, for more crap that people don't need to survive, and a HORRIBLE example at how far some people have devolved from the sensitivity of their fellow man. I HATE shopping, on my best day. Yet I know quite a few unhappy people who live for that chase, grab, fight, pull, argue, to get that bargain for someone who may use it a few times, then it's on to the next new thing.
    Sometimes I wonder why I connect so much with the past, learn all the ways our ancestors survived, still use a wood stove, cut my firewood, design my home in efficient ways, troll the antique places for purchases, still sew my own things. Then I see this, and it's sad and wrong on SO many levels. When our children get a little older, of course they're influenced by what their friends have, and advertising. But really. What have we taught them? Can they survive, for a day or more, without modern technology? What have people learned about their actual needs, as opposed to their wants and status?
    I've been embarrassed by some American trends in the past, such as deifying celebrities without merit, but this is the worst. Yes, I have strong opinons on how these people got to this form of addiction, but they are my personal opinons, and the ones I stick to with my family. I don't know what the answer is, but I'd suggest better parenting for a start, and teaching children real history, real need, and how to understand the dangers of addictions. 25 years ago, I witnessed how parents handled the situations when their children were caught breaking just the minor rules of human decency. They became outraged at the forces that had challenged, the right to this behavior, became litiginous. There are ways to change things, but not by saying whatever your progeny does in public is their right, without purpose, IMHO. Cover your ass, don't swear, don't act a fool in PUBLIC. Same goes for drinking too much, right? What anyone does in private is completely their business, as long as the innocent aren't harmed. I just want a more understanding, peaceful world. Sorry for my :soapbox:
    Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
    awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


    I could have written your post, Dear Ruby, but without your eloquence. My sentiments exactly.:applaud:

    I'm angry at what people think they need, and will hurt others to get. NEED? 51" TVs? Wii? iPads? DVDs? What is wrong with us? I'm remember being happy with a doll, a nightgown, and a bag of candy after candlelight service. Oh, I sound like an old fogey, I know, but there's something to be said for not having much, and being grateful for a little.

    Before reading your post, I was sitting here thinking about how to reduce my Christmas "baggage." And, yes, to me that's what it is--sheer baggage. Christmas weighs me down with its heaped-on expectations. l get stressed, furious, sad, rebellious, and am then made to feel I'm inadequate and a scrooge. So be it.

    I received an invitation to a wrapping party for the needy. One buys a gift a needy person has listed, wraps it and has fellowship with others who made purchases. I'm truly not a judgmental person, but I was appalled at what some people needed! My jaw dropped at some of the requests. The needs were never that over-the-top in the past. Forget it.

    This year, to ease the stress, I am responding with more "no's." No, I decline your invitation, solicitation, recitation, and choral presentation. I will do that which brings me peace and joy--- those states of being that I can pass on to others.

    And, yes, I'm waiting for the day when the grid goes down. What an interesting day that will be...

    Thanks for letting me vent. :soapbox:
    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey



      Right Juja. I've decided to stop the madness. I've always shopped for meaningful gifts, or given antique things I had that have special meaning. I gave up on that 'gotta have a gift' stuff years ago. After Christmas (much after!) I'll pick up things that might be usefull. Have a handmade wooden bowl full of Santa pens, with flexible fuzzy tops, I paid about 20 cents apiece, if that much. The kids can get them for themselves or give them to their friends. Daughter has told her 2 6 y/o's and one 11 y/o diva they get 3 gifts apeice this year from Santa. They work with the truly needy, donate toys, do public service work, and these are the 3 least deprived kids in the world. I have pics of youngest g'son thanking each person as he received his b'day gifts. Made my heart swell and eyes mist.
      We have a generation or 2 of those who feel entitled, and those that truly misuse the gifts they're given. Here's to hoping everyone, young and old, realizes the truth about value, and giving. Thank you for your post. Get back to the real spirit we're supposed to have, and enjoy the beautiful season the way it is MEANT to be enjoyed.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

