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Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

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    Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

    sapphire60;1223643 wrote: Hello Techstar,

    whats all this about a recipe book, am I missing something?:new::h
    Raggsey collected recipes from Undies and Internationals - probably when you were offline - and has made a book, just in time for might need to profess an interest in cooking???

    Dog, what have we done....The guitar and amp are plugged in and the house is rockin to Thunderstruck....Christmas has come early for one happy locust


      Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

      Happy - do you want to do a swap? some little kids for some bigger ones.....just for a few hours.

      The youngest got a pot of paint out of the cupboard, managed to get the lid off and used a crayon as a paintbrush to paint the sofa.........such trouble for someone who can't even speak yet. Luckily it is water based and I managed to remove most of it.

      Anyone know if I can get hazlenuts already roasted with their skin off? I haven't seen them in the shops and it really is a job I hate doing.


        Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

        And nearly forgot, Ella if you have a secret fudge recipe?? please share.


          Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

          Ha! cross posted!! no will stick with the noise maker I guess!


            Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

            My secret weapon is my thermomix.......without it we would be reduce to living on toasted sandwiches because I am not a great cook.


              Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

              Ella - have you tried the second method mentioned below? I used to use the first method but old Mrs. Google has just suggested the following:

              There is a hard, unsatisfactory way to skin hazelnuts, and then there is a new, scientific way to skin them. You might not call either of them easy, but if you've ever tried the hard, unsatisfactory method, you will love the new one. Either method also produces toasted hazelnuts, which are a lovely thing.
              The traditional method involves roasting the hazelnuts on a baking sheet in the oven at 350?F (175?C) for 10 to 12 minutes, shaking the pan once or twice during the roasting. Pour the nuts into a clean towel, grab the corners to bundle it up, and rub the nuts vigorously against each other inside the towel for quite a while, until most of the skin comes off. All of it will not come off, but you can get them fairly clean.
              The second method involves boiling the hazelnuts in a quart of water with four tablespoons of baking soda for three or four minutes. Rinse them in a colander under cold water. Some skins will pop right off; others will require you to slip them off; and some will take a little rubbing. But at least the whole skin will come off.
              Pat the nuts dry, then roast them in the oven at 350?F until they are lightly browned. In our experience, that can take anywhere from 10 to 20 minutes, depending on how much water the nuts absorbed.

              It is our belief that once you use the second method of skinning hazelnuts — with all its mess and fuss — you will not go back to the first method and its badly skinned nuts.


                Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                Thanks Tawny - I will try the second method. Have been doing the first and not all the skins come off.


                  Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                  tawnyfrog;1223669 wrote: you will not go back to the first method and its badly skinned nuts. [/I]
                  Just read this aloud and caused shudders in the happy house...


                    Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                    Christmas shopping all but I love the internet. Now have the Black Book DVD's secured...


                      Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                      myhappyplace;1223671 wrote: Just read this aloud and caused shudders in the happy house...
                      My job here is done.


                        Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                        Hmmm ...this is worrisome. P'rhaps 'cark' is derived from 'carcass'?


                          Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                          Hey Reggie - watched your beautiful 'Shark' video again this arvo. Absolutely love it. I know the lyrics of the music are in the wrong lingo but I can imagine Stirly's handsome boys doing the vocals.


                            Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                            Ellaq;1223295 wrote: Afternoon all

                            We braved the shops today..........we saw someone standing in a parking bay to reserve it......lots or carpark rage.......and way too many people.

                            Off to make my first fudge of the season.....cookies and cream.

                            OK and I have to ask what is B&I????
                            Hi ellaq,
                            Sorry, I am too busy and important to answer your question


                              Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                              tawnyfrog;1223669 wrote: ? you will not go back to the first method and its badly skinned nuts. [/I]
                              Mr Rags dreads the thought of badly skinned nuts.


                                Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                                Evening Undies,
                                Just reading back through.

                                MISSY: We too will get a beefeater one day. The chilli chocs were a gift from someone in Australia, and the Teddies are sending out a not so subtle hint.
                                Is Downtown on TV or did you buy a dvd?
                                Sapphy: Wonderful news you’re not tempted to join your man in a drinky poo.
                                Recipe book was sort of organised while you were offline. I only had enough dosh to get copies for contributors, and the postage damn near sent me bankrupt. A second edition will be coming out next year in slightly different format, but I may have to ask Undies for a couple of bucks to cover costs. See how enthusiastic you are to conrtribute more recipes.

                                Happy: Congrats on the house. Very happy for you.
                                Battery hens. I will work out a way next year to arrange to adopt some. Bridge don’t you have ex battery hens?

                                Eclipse. Bugger. Didn’t know there was one on.
                                Anyway I was having my bbq thing.
                                Blue vein cheese pastries : TICK They were a Big hit
                                Tawns sausage rolls Ditto
                                Gravlax so so (they are not adventurous eaters)
                                Dukkah chops. Next time I’ll need to zap them a bit first as the dukkah burns and the chops weren’t cooked properly.

                                RECIPE BOOK…. Seems all but 3 have got theirs. Missy yours should arrive soon.

