Damn - cant go without saying how much I love your avatar too Tips! Ok really out now.
No announcement yet.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
myhappyplace;1226294 wrote: Ha! Just what I need! Morning all Internationalists and Undies yet to awake! Orf and into it, might be off air for a bit the next few days so just letting you know. Mwah mwah mwah to all!Psalms 119:45
?Start by doing what is necessary, then what is possible, and suddenly you are doing the impossible.?
St. Francis of Assisi
I'm not perfect, never will be, but better than I was and not as good as I'm going to be.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
myhappyplace;1225960 wrote: Mmm petite...you are so nice. Shortarse is so harsh.
Mr G is about but Bridgey is AWOL in answer to your other question.
Okay, luddite here. HTF do I send pics? I have no idea what Photobucket is, so don't even go there. How do I take them from my camera disc and email them? My pics always want to go to Outlook something-or-other, and then everything gets fusked up.
Why am I talking like an Aussie?:H Jaysus, (oops, Xmas) this should be in a southern US accent, i.e., "whii ham iii talkin' like ahn Awssie?"
"Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Arvo all,
Well ... if Bridge is pissed off - I wanna know who done it.
Juja - I only know how to post pics using Photobucket - so I won't go there ...
Thinking a lot about Happs and her mate this arvo and crossing all things crossable.
Ella - how are you doing?
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Hope you're all doing well. I must say I was a bit shocked at the change in Frog's avatar. I find it sensual, but not too far from innocence. I'll be moving on now.Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Hi Undies, quick whizz in and no time to read back. Shes done and waiting for CT scan. They took both lumps but one WAS the lymph node. As far as I can tell its all abit sketchy yet. Just waiting. Kids are at movies and will be dropped back soon. Waiting to speak to another friend who is from a nursing background. So a lot will depend on chemo I think. But I dont know. Going to make a tea.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Hello the House!
Note to Self:
Next time self is travelling maniacally from crisis event to crisis event puhlease do not forget computer power cord.....
(veeeerrryyyy) long story short pundies, I am in a part of the country that I have never been to before, unexpectedly, dragging boy, dog, computer sans cord around in 14 year old blue-smoke-blowing-kangaroo-jumping Mazda..........I am on a surprise mission. As far as I know I am not on the run or in the witness protection programme......yet.......:H
Having Undie withdrawals however....then, after 2 days incumbent, Uncle Butthead the Demented says ....'Eh Bridge....I've got a HP Pavilion power cord'..........
Good on you U B/H the D.......
So I'm powering up, showering down......and I shall return.......If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19