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Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

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    Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

    Happy December all and what a ripper hayfever day it is too! I'm sneezing for Australia.


      Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

      Just back from doctors with one of the locusts - mmm so he wasnt scamming - eyes bloodshot and looking like crap - and its allergies. $30 eyedrops... Then a trip to the dog parlour to be told all the monthly Revolution and Advantix arent working at the moment coz of the floods and such a dry winter so every pet owner in Brisbane is inundated with fleas. So more stuff from there and have to book in a pest control...So consequently a lot lighter in the back pocket...and how funny is it when you think "flea" and now you cant stop scratching yourself...


        Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

        ello all, happy december.
        goo morning missy :P
        AF since 10/26/2009

        It will be five years sober 10/26/2014


          Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

          myhappyplace;1218214 wrote: Just back from doctors with one of the locusts - mmm so he wasnt scamming - eyes bloodshot and looking like crap - and its allergies. $30 eyedrops... Then a trip to the dog parlour to be told all the monthly Revolution and Advantix arent working at the moment coz of the floods and such a dry winter so every pet owner in Brisbane is inundated with fleas. So more stuff from there and have to book in a pest control...So consequently a lot lighter in the back pocket...and how funny is it when you think "flea" and now you cant stop scratching yourself...
          We also use Revolution and Advantix, so I'm guessing many of the brand names must be the same. There is an aerosol surface spray called Flego (yellow can). One treatment of your home and fleas begone. We live in an area where the summer flea infestations can become terrible, and it really works.

          Here's a link (SA info, unfortunately): Pets Online Den. flego aerosol
          I'll do whatever it takes
          AF 21/08/2009


            Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

            Aspy! Great to see you. Judging from your avatar, the little ones aren't so little anymore.
            I'll do whatever it takes
            AF 21/08/2009


              Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

     is a hayfever hell here too.......
     fleas...also a plague here. I got ao frustrated that I rang the product manager at Sentinel and had a crack. She was really nice and explained that yes indeed it is a plague, almost nation wide, due to weather, also 'hitch-hiker' fleas heard it here first....are to blame ie: treat em all you want, if you walk em the fleas will just jump on board.....

              Can I suggest treating the locust with Advantix? You just never know............
              If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
              Rejoined life 20/5/19


                Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                Have any of you other dog owners tried Confortis yet?
                Comfortis? (spinosad) Flea Protection Chewable Tablet —
                We were super skeptical about it as nothing we have tried seems to work. Anyways it really does work. No fleas now for almost a year!

                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                  Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                  Anywho, back home now. Accomplished work, gym, post office, and now at home.
                  It's raining, cold and windy here.
                  I too have crazy allergies, but I don't know if it's me being pregnant or allergic.

                  Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                    Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                    Prolly a dumb question but I'll ask it anyway ... are dog fleas different to cat fleas? I have five cats and can honestly say I've never seen a flea on them, nor have I been bitten by one which surprises me because I'm told that all cats and dogs have fleas. At the first sign of one of the cats flicking and scratching it's ears I give them all dose of Frontline Plus directly to the back of the neck and that seems to do the trick. I continue to do this over the summer months and it is fairly exy but it seems to work.


                      Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                      sunshinetoday;1218234 wrote: Have any of you other dog owners tried Confortis yet?
                      Comfortis? (spinosad) Flea Protection Chewable Tablet —
                      We were super skeptical about it as nothing we have tried seems to work. Anyways it really does work. No fleas now for almost a year!
                      Housemate uses Comfortis on her cattle dog, and it's works better than anything I've seen. As soon as my current stock of stuff runs out I'm all over it.....haven't seen a single flea on that dog since she started it .....

                      Re dog and cat fleas Frog, I think they are the same. The dogs however go 'out there' and get the fleas and bring em back to my poor old Mademoiselle, so I have to be super careful with her. Even though you are rural, cats don't have the same propensity to pick up hitch hikers maybe? Dogs see long grass and creeks as an invitation/challenge.
                      If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                      Rejoined life 20/5/19


                        Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                        Hey guess what???
                        I got to work with horses today for the first time in years had a horsey cuddle/scratch:welcome:
                        I am high as a kite about it. Dog I love horseys.
                        If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
                        Rejoined life 20/5/19


                          Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                          Good thoughts, Bridge. I've been a tad worried because my cats hang around with rabbits (albeit briefly) if you get my drift ...


                            Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                            byebyebridgetjones;1218246 wrote: Dog I love horseys.
                            I absolutely :h :h :h :h :h the smell of horseys.


                              Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                              ***In other news ***

                              I've just started watching the first of a 4-part US TV series not screened here yet called "Breaking Bad". Bloody brilliant stuff. Short synopsis ... 50-year old married chemistry teacher finds out he has inoperable lung cancer. With one disabled teenager and another baby on the way he needs to find a way to look after them financially so starts cooking meth in an old RV. Excellent viewing. Some of you know how to download stuff or watch on-line - I don't so I bought the first series and I'm sure I'll buy the next three.


                                Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                                sunshinetoday;1218234 wrote: Have any of you other dog owners tried Confortis yet?
                                Comfortis? (spinosad) Flea Protection Chewable Tablet ?
                                We were super skeptical about it as nothing we have tried seems to work. Anyways it really does work. No fleas now for almost a year!
                                This is what I've been recommended - mind you $80 plus for 6 tablets at the parlour but now have it on its way from online for $57....drugs drugs drugs drugs...but will investigate the spray stuff Tips recommends too...cats are on another drug Capstar.

                                I am beginning to feel like one of those people who know the name and make up of all kinds of this stuff...

