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Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

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    Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

    Minimal fleas here, most have been dispatched.

    Grey skies here, but i can think of no better day for new beginnings.

    'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

    Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


      Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

      Minimal fleas here, most have been dispatched.

      Grey skies here, but i can think of no better day for new beginnings. :welcome:

      Great to see you Saphstar. :h

      'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

      Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


        Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

        Guitarista;1219386 wrote: Minimal fleas here, most have been dispatched.

        Grey skies here, but i can think of no better day for new beginnings. :welcome:

        Great to see you Saphstar. :h
        And you too Geestar:h I read your new beginnings thread late last night and was reminded in a very timely way that we cant let our guard down and dance with the beast. My new fella likes a drink or two, so that has thrown up a few challenges for me. So far so good, I havent given in, but have been tempted. I just have to keep firmly in my mind that my brain isnt wired the way it used to be, due to the damage that the grog has done over the years, therefore social drinking will never be an option, but it is so bloody easy to fall into the trap. Even my family whoi have borne the brunt of my maniacal recklessness over the last ten or so years, have this idea that one day I will be able to sit down with them and share a nice glass of wine. But I know the truth at an intrinsic level these aint gonna happen cause the minute I put the bottle to my lips, its lights out 24/7 until I get so wretched and deathly ill that I have to go cold turkey and endure the hell all over again. Not to mention the money that I will fritter away and the dangerous situations that I will invariably find myself. Who wants to wake up in a prison cell wearing only a flthy nighty and not know how the hell I got there? I get my licence back soon after 2 and a half very long years and I could never risk being tempted to drive under the influence again, and risk a jail term, fusk I have been blessed to get this far and still have my freedom and my choices.

        Anyway enough about me, I hope you have a wonderful day my friend and that things get easier and easier, as we both know they will. Saff:h:h:h
        I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


          Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

          Check this out Undies... I had to play t 3 times to catch all the action. Am keeping it hiden from my Teddies.

[/video]]Cycles - YouTube

          Sapphy! Good to see you. And vous too Beags


            Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

            Morning all

            Been a few days now since I checked in. Had the ultrasound yesterday........nothing to see there. A big Yay. Have to have one down the throat now........thinks it is an enlarged valve or something......which would be right because my whole body is lopsided.

            My father has to now have all his teeth removed. I think he is stalling on how bad this treatment is going to be for his mouth cancer. He can't get dentures because of the treatment and will have blisters down his throat.

            I have been drinking a bit, moderating possibly. But after last night dinner and 3 drinks I feel a strong urge to detox. It was a lovely dinner but not really worth the whole 1kg weight gain.

            Now I need to find the time to read back and see what is happening with everyone.

            Take are all.


              Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

              sapphire60;1219412 wrote: And you too Geestar:h I read your new beginnings thread late last night and was reminded in a very timely way that we cant let our guard down and dance with the beast. My new fella likes a drink or two, so that has thrown up a few challenges for me. So far so good, I havent given in, but have been tempted. I just have to keep firmly in my mind that my brain isnt wired the way it used to be, due to the damage that the grog has done over the years, therefore social drinking will never be an option, but it is so bloody easy to fall into the trap. Even my family whoi have borne the brunt of my maniacal recklessness over the last ten or so years, have this idea that one day I will be able to sit down with them and share a nice glass of wine. But I know the truth at an intrinsic level these aint gonna happen cause the minute I put the bottle to my lips, its lights out 24/7 until I get so wretched and deathly ill that I have to go cold turkey and endure the hell all over again. Not to mention the money that I will fritter away and the dangerous situations that I will invariably find myself. Who wants to wake up in a prison cell wearing only a flthy nighty and not know how the hell I got there? I get my licence back soon after 2 and a half very long years and I could never risk being tempted to drive under the influence again, and risk a jail term, fusk I have been blessed to get this far and still have my freedom and my choices.

              Anyway enough about me, I hope you have a wonderful day my friend and that things get easier and easier, as we both know they will. Saff:h:h:h
              Sometimes we have to try drinking again if we haven't yet got it through our thick heads (in my case, and i know in your case recently) that we are for whatever reason, chemically wired differently than most folks. Particularly it appears when we've 'crossed the line' into problem drinking/alcoholism, it's a battle to moderate, and frankly, who'd bloody want to in our case. My recent adventures show me drinking is boring, a waste of my precious time (and of others'), and not necessary for me to 'enhance' any situation, or to believe the myth that i'm enjoying my life more. It also puts me out of action and not at my best for a couple of days. We don't need it, and each day we are AF, taking positive action, and being true to ourselves, i know that old habits and negative thinking patterns become weaker and weaker as the positive patterns begin to take over. There is no tomorrow. Freedom is here now. There are no negatives in being sober.

              'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

              Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                Arvo all,

                Inspired by that great Ovarian Foodie, KTAB, here is today's lunch ... fettucini, smoked salmon, brocc, baby asparagus, capers, cream, lemon juice, cracked pepper and a truck load of shaved parmesan. Can't move now ...


                  Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                  TF, That looks Delish!

                  Hiya Mr. G, Nice to see you!
                  And Saph, lovely to have you back!
                  HP, sound like the party was success.
                  Ella, glad you'rem okay.

                  Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                    Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                    Beautiful day here. Took the pups to the beach. Lots of jellyfish out.
                    Had sushi last night for dinner. I told hubs I don't want to go there again until after the baby is born. I can't eat any of the beautiful fish which is what I love about sushi. The dog also ate my Christmas smurf, and opened a few baby presents from my parents. Oh well.
                    Hubs is making pizza dough for our dinner. His home made dough is yummo.
                    Lots of relaxing and appreciating things this weekend.
                    I hope you are enjoy your day/night!

                    HIya Beags my dear!

                    Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                      Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                      Arvo ratbags,

                      Tawn that food just made my salad sandwich look so bloody boring, I must get a bit more adventurous with my cooking. Hello Sunshine you are right to be cautious about eating sushi whilst preggie. How far along are you now?
                      I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                        Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011


                        Had a bit of a "Come-to-cheeses" moment this arvo.

                        Was digesting my lunch and playing some music when I heard the most beautiful bird song just outside the back door. Grabbed camera and recorded. Just one of those inexplicably beautiful moments. (also my first go at uploading a short video) Click on the pic to start it ...


                          Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                          tawnyfrog;1219561 wrote: Undies!!!!!

                          Had a bit of a "Come-to-cheeses" moment this arvo.

                          Was digesting my lunch and playing some music when I heard the most beautiful bird song just outside the back door. Grabbed camera and recorded. Just one of those inexplicably beautiful moments. (also my first go at uploading a short video) Click on the pic to start it ...

                          Awesome Tawny, just brilliant!!!:thanks:
                          I am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs


                            Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                            What Reg said....bloody lovely...thanks for sharing TF...


                              Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                              sapphire60;1219560 wrote: Arvo ratbags,

                              Tawn that food just made my salad sandwich look so bloody boring, I must get a bit more adventurous with my cooking. Hello Sunshine you are right to be cautious about eating sushi whilst preggie. How far along are you now?
                              14v weeks on Monday. Slowly but surely coming along!

                              Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington


                                Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011

                                TF, lovely song bird. I also had a look through your photos. If lived closer I think I would "pop Up"at meal time. Your cooking looks divine.

                                Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington

