HP, I don't even have kids and I am at the store 5 days a week! Practice I spose!
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Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
myhappyplace;1221216 wrote: Blonde giraffes surprisingly nice and extremely clever and enthusiastic in a way that my natural cynical self smiles at...potentially good for business and maybe for me personally....will see....still like being on my ownsome - a lot...
Will R&D pressies for you Beags....locusts spread to the never reaches of Briz at the moment.
Ella stay well, think Tawny could be right...I know when I was in a similar sitch it was the case - for me anyway I wanted my turn to play up and my husband felt guilty about leaving me with the monsters - whoops sorry that was supposed to be leaving me AND the monsters...
Back later gotta get food, we have NOTHING...does anyone else shop 5 days a week? this is bloody ridiculous!Outside of a dog a book is mans best friend. Inside of a dog its too dark to read
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
techie;1221407 wrote:
Happy - you know we dont do secrets!! Spill!!!!!
Finished my last big report last night. And it is very good if I do say so myself!! Now I just have a couple of little ones to get out of the way and I can start the Xmas wind-down .
Just as well I woke up in a good mood this morning ........ went and made my normal carrot and apple juice, and decided to add some beetroot. Put the compost bin on the kitchen bench to put the waste from the juicer in and when I went to put it back into its container I knocked the juice off the bench and all over the floor. You have no idea how far that juice splashed!!! Thank god for steam mops :H:H
You know the most amazing thing?? There is not a drop on my PJs!!!! I think it is because they are old scummy ones. If they were new or nice I guarantee that the beetroot would have had a magnet-like attraction to them!! :H:HNever give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Techie that is perfect! Except one of them had longer eyelashes than a giraffe - mink eyelash extensions ...
Morning Undies and Internationalists! Missy your juice story made me laugh and I agree about the PJs - new ones would have been doomed.
Its just started raining here and looks to be like this all day so a good day to work. I've confiscated the game controllers from the locusts because I am annoyed with them for playing late last night without permission...so there...
Can probably spill my secret....99% we have a house. A little house so dog knows how 5 people are going to fit but we'll make it work. And it needs a bit - a lot - of work. Just waiting for valuation to come in. And heres the thing, hoping to settle before Christmas...so thats a nice present hey? So cross all the necessary body parts for us please
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
All body parts crossed Happy!! Wow - what a neat thing to happen!!
(Although I wondered whether you were going to tell us that another locust was on the way)
Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Miss Behaving;1221522 wrote: All body parts crossed Happy!! Wow - what a neat thing to happen!!
(Although I wondered whether you were going to tell us that another locust was on the way)
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
myhappyplace;1221515 wrote: Techie that is perfect! Except one of them had longer eyelashes than a giraffe - mink eyelash extensions ...
I'll never be any good at this beauty stuff and :goodjob: too I reckon!!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
I'm with you Missy - I try and fail....will just stick to having a nice pedi...THAT I can do at the moment...
Have you ever really stared at someone who's had botox rooly rooly close up? Its fascinating...You keep waiting for something to DO something...The trouble is you cant help wondering whats happening with your own face...very weird.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
tawnyfrog;1221542 wrote: Morning all,
Great news, Saucy!
You know ... I have such thick, long, luxurious lashes - I have to plait them before going to sleep. It's such a bother.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
I quite like pedis too! Makes me feel a bit better about wearing jandals at work :H
I dont think I know anyone who has had botox, but I imagine it is like looking at some with silly putty under their skin .......Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
morning supercrew - missy, that story about your beetroot juice AND your eyelash extensions...:H
plaiting eyelashes tawns? :H
well it bucketed down last night - 31 mm tipped out so far so that has put an end toi harvest for at least a few days, but the forecast ain't good! we still have 1800 acres of wheat left which will prolly be damaged, but that's Nature for ya. twas pretty hard to sleep thru the racket, & no doubt the gravel road will be absolute slush!
hubby going to Perth today to watch Top Gear live, & golden dog keeps pushing at me with a ball,so will exit for now & go find some flippers....
morning happy,sunny,missy,tawny, & all those yet to drop in.
ps happy can i have a bacon sanger with avo & mayo please.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Morning all.
Now I think my little girl would bet you all hands down on the eyelashes........We are all so tired of the same relentless questions........are they false, is she wearing make-up. Not so bad now that she is older.......but who would really stick falsies on a baby. And everyone that asks always looks straight at me to see if I have them...............No I bloody well don't.
Beags........sorry about the crop. I also didn't sleep much last night. With the wind and the rain I was afraid that the pergola was going to collapse as it is not properly retained at the moment. Off with my shovel now to try and retain it a bit more and hope it doesn't rain for another few weeks.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Morning Ella! Beags update on Christmas gifts for teenage boys - mine just say get them a game....argh! no imagination....but if they read, books are always great too, I am no use really...sorry to hear about the crop too. Will put extra bacon and avo on your sanger:l
Dog to vet this arvo - now shaking his head and looks like his ear is bunged up...need to have a big talk to the animals of this household about BUDGETS!!