Back soon, orf to draw a plan....where is bloody Bridgey??? and Missy and Sunny for that matter???
No announcement yet.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
sapphire60;1222748 wrote: You rock Geestar, well done on 7 days. Juju has just reported that you called me and Jones bogans on another thread!!! Is that true dude? :H:H:H
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
sapphire60;1222629 wrote: Missy Check in,
We need no know if there are any more developments re: earth quakes. Hope you are o.k.
My apologies for my absence - no more earthquakes, just a couple of deadlines needing to be met today. My list of (work) things to be done before Xmas now fits onto one page, and for the first weekend in about 2 months I can have a whole weekend instead of having to catch up on work! Came home and just sat on the deck in peace and quiet reading my book and listening to the birds.
myhappyplace;1222700 wrote: Hi Undies! Got us a house!!
Mr G, I think you may have to be a little more silver tongued than that :H
Have got some nice things planned for the weekend. Tomorrow morning is mostly a bit of Xmas prep - normal market shopping in the morning, giving the house a good clean before my family descends on Xmas Eve, maybe buying a Xmas tree, buying a few last things for the wee ones Santa sacks. Then social in the afternoon and evening - afternoon with an old friend who has just bought a new house, trying out our new BBQ for the first time with some friends coming over ito try it out. I am particularly looking forward to the last of these events - the woman has been a very close friend of mine for close on 30 years, but she has always lived in Auckland and I have mostly lived in Wellington. Her partner got job in Wellington about 2 years ago and has been commuting, but about 6 months ago my friend go a job in Wellington and they moved down here about 3 weeks ago. So we will get to see lot more of each other!!
Sunday is completely devoted to outdoor pursuits!! Swimming and gardening mainly!
HAve a good evening undies - I am heading off to put my eyes to bed!Never give up, for that is just the place and time that the tide will turn
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Guitarista;1222777 wrote: Umm.....errr.........umm........well, sort of. A member of innashnal origin asked what a bogan was, and i found it hard to explain except to invite new strayan resident to this thread, and um, err, you and Bridget came to mind for reasons i do not understand. But i did state that my understanding of a bogan was an extraordinarily talented person. Am i off the hook? :HI am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Miss Behaving;1222783 wrote: My apologies for my absence - no more earthquakes, just a couple of deadlines needing to be met today. My list of (work) things to be done before Xmas now fits onto one page, and for the first weekend in about 2 months I can have a whole weekend instead of having to catch up on work! Came home and just sat on the deck in peace and quiet reading my book and listening to the birds.
Happy, I am so thrilled for you!!! How excited are the locusts?????
Mr G, I think you may have to be a little more silver tongued than that :H
Have got some nice things planned for the weekend. Tomorrow morning is mostly a bit of Xmas prep - normal market shopping in the morning, giving the house a good clean before my family descends on Xmas Eve, maybe buying a Xmas tree, buying a few last things for the wee ones Santa sacks. Then social in the afternoon and evening - afternoon with an old friend who has just bought a new house, trying out our new BBQ for the first time with some friends coming over ito try it out. I am particularly looking forward to the last of these events - the woman has been a very close friend of mine for close on 30 years, but she has always lived in Auckland and I have mostly lived in Wellington. Her partner got job in Wellington about 2 years ago and has been commuting, but about 6 months ago my friend go a job in Wellington and they moved down here about 3 weeks ago. So we will get to see lot more of each other!!
Sunday is completely devoted to outdoor pursuits!! Swimming and gardening mainly!
HAve a good evening undies - I am heading off to put my eyes to bed!
Have been worrying about you all day. :hI am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Question: How do you note with profound relief that the generation gap is not as yawningly vast between yourself and your progeny as it was betwixt you and your (very straight) parents?
Answer: When you see a movie advertised called 'The Beaver' and both piss yourselves for 10 full minutes.........and then never speak of it again.......
Sorry chaps....that's all I've got.....I am SO FUCKING TIRED that I can't even bleep out my swears.......
Read backs will occur at at a designated time in the future......
Full Stop.If your 8 year old self met you, would they be proud?
Rejoined life 20/5/19
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Hello Aussies!!!
I'm new here...
Friday night, my 5th AF Day seems successful..
But i got another suprise - my Boganboyfriend (good aussie alchoholic) is drinking Soda water with lemon instead of gallons of beer!!!!!
He' s following my example!!!
If i' d ask to drive to bottle shop (we have Thirsty Camel, i gave a new name - Red Camel) for my wine he could do it..I hate to go to bottle shop because in Europe you can easy buy wine in supermarket with other i have to walk in and i have shame..
But i have pride not to ask him because he' s doing so welll..and i want my venes filled with blood not red wine (good Red you have here and affordable prices...)The time for action is now. It's never too late to do something.
/Antoine de Saint-Exupery/
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Audrey14;1222815 wrote: Hello Aussies!!!
I'm new here...
Friday night, my 5th AF Day seems successful..
But i got another suprise - my Boganboyfriend (good aussie alchoholic) is drinking Soda water with lemon instead of gallons of beer!!!!!
He' s following my example!!!
If i' d ask to drive to bottle shop (we have Thirsty Camel, i gave a new name - Red Camel) for my wine he could do it..I hate to go to bottle shop because in Europe you can easy buy wine in supermarket with other i have to walk in and i have shame..
But i have pride not to ask him because he' s doing so welll..and i want my venes filled with blood not red wine (good Red you have here and affordable prices...)
ANd welcome to the undies. Good for you for tyring to giver up the beast....if you keep trying eventually it will become a way of life. Welcome to the undies..we are here to support each other..quite often we use Australian self effacinghumour, but that is a good thing...after all if we can laugh at the idiocyncracies and foibles that each and everyone of us have, then we might see the world in a more relaxed way.
Love and strength Saff xxI am part of the family of humanity. Not one person on this earth is a stranger to me. - Rev. Ted Noffs
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Night Saph,
Good to see you Audrey. I hope your vains remained filled with blood and not wine.
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Night Saph,
Good to see you Audrey. I hope your veins remained filled with blood and not wine.
Geez it's good to see you Jones.
Working w/kend here, so orf to bed soonish.
Night. :h
'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'
Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Hi Audrey and Welcome
Where are you from in Europe? I am from Ireland but have been here a while now.
Tonight the monsters are extra noisy but I think I am just extra sensitive. And I am suffering a very petty vent regarding costumes and a teacher......too petty to post but still eating away at me. Got to love all the crap emotions that come with the end of school year.
Congrats happy on getting a new house. Exciting times and hopefully not too stressful.
Night night Sapph.......glad to see it is bedtime someplace in the world.
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Hi Audrey, and good job on the 5 days.
K so, after my sleepless night, I have spent the last two nights after work, falling asleep as soon I am on the couch. Exhausted has new meaning. I am still reading here of course. Working Sunday this week. Just now thinking about dinner.
Things the baby LOVES:
Tropical fruit (mainly mangoes and Pineapples)
Baby bump is protruding and hardening and it's only the beginning of month 4.
I love yous ALL!
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington
Underoos and Revered International Guests - December 2011
Hiya Ella and gster! Somewhere out there hello to Beags, Rags, Reg, Jones, TF, and all the other sleepy eyed dreamers.
Ive learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances. -Martha Washington