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Well, I did it..

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    Well, I did it..

    Atfer last posting in september I left alcohol behind. My need for desperately wanting to try for a child took over all urges and I wanted to be clear for ovulation. I Did! And I gave up smoking and ate healthy. For the first time in a while I found me again, everyone commented on how well I looked... ironic as I got caught straight away and had bad morning sickness, but I didn't care as for once all was perfect.

    I miscarried this weekend gone at 10 weeks, went for a scan on thursday to be told there was no fetal heartbeat and from measurements died within the last 3 days. Everything has been taken from me in a simple stroke. From thursday I've been drinking heavily.. babe passed on sunday. I said to myself then time to get a grip, you need to stay healthy, but no each day more and more.

    I've no one to turn to, I'm thought of a a successful business women with a happy life and a perfect husband, which he is just wished he worked normal hrs so I couldn't drink like I do. Tomorrow is my first day back at work.. and dear me what a hangover I'll have. I'm writing this here so when I wake up in the morning I can see in black and white how I am fooking up my life... it worked last time I did it.

    Well, I did it..


    I am so sorry for your loss.

    Your desire to get alcohol out of your life, in spite of your grief says alot about your inner strength. I genuinely hope you can "find you again" (what a beautiful way to put it!).
    "When you have faults, do not fear to abandon them." Analects of Confucius
    AF 11/12/11


      Well, I did it..

      Hi, my heart goes out to you as it has happened to me twice. It is hell and i hit the bottle too but all it did was depress me more.
      You will go through a grieving process and it will be hard hun. Feel free to message me if you want to talk more.
      Hugs, pink.xoxo


        Well, I did it..

        Dear MustLove,

        I am very sorry for your loss. Tomorrow is a new day. Give up AL for yourself, not just for a life you will conceive. You will be healthier and maybe in time be able to conceive again. Don't wash your sorrows in AL, it only makes things worse. Best of luck to you tomorrow. Again, my sincere apologies for such a great loss.
        Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.



          Well, I did it..

          Oh MLD - I'm so very sorry for your loss. My son has a revolting tattoo across his collarbone which says "one day at a time". Take some time to heal and feel - then see how you want your life to be. One thing I've come know is that wherever you go, there you are so YOU will be waiting for YOU when you are ready..... Only you know how you want your life to be and you've already said it was better being YOU AF. Much love and many hugs.
          It is not what we do, but how much love we put into the doing.
          Mother Theresa

