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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

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    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

    well hey there folks .. seems there was no hump hump going on here today .. but always good down to earth feelings of life happenings ... .. sorry to hear about your dad mama .. just be there for him in every way... use this time like its the last day .. and i mean what i say i wish in alot of ways to have just one more call from my dad .. but thats just between you and me ok ... but anyway sending prayers and big hugs out to one and all .. have a great day tomorrow ...
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

      Hello All!

      I need to catch up! Feeling low..... Ten days until Christmas and not so much as a card from my immediate family....... I know they are assholes but really? Once this holiday passes with no reconciliation I am pretty sure I will have lost all hope of my parents ( the life sucking,money sucking hillbillies) and I ever coming to terms. I hope we get buried in snow and they get stuck for a month without my hubs to dig their hillbilly asses out.
      Sorry....... G


        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

        Feeling a bit sad...anybody around?


          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

          I wish we were all in the same time zone.

          Still no snow here, which is so crazy! I can't wait to start skiing.


            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

            I am here my Fen. You r not alone


              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

              Thanks, Gina...
              My spouse is punishing me. It's really hurting tonight.


                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                Been there... Done that...... Why? You can PM me:hGina


                  The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                  Alright then......... Going to sleep. Sweet dreams everyone!


                    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                    good morning folks ... hope everyone has an awesome day NOW GET THOSE ASSES IN GEAR AND GET THIS DAY SHIFTING FORWARD ... love and big hugs one and all im off to work i go hi ho hi ho
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                      Hi all
                      Hope things go better for you today Fenn...Rubes your inlaws are like a sitcom...having trouble with my eldest this morn and lately. Hate to say it but she has her nose so high in the air, nothing is good enough for her and damn I am sick to death of it...rant rant blahhhh...not going to work, have my final composition and not getting any ideas....back later...b


                        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                        Awwwh, my sweet family. So wonderful and painful we can expose our hurts here, isn't it?
                        G, I understand, really. Even though we wash our hands of of them, we hope, somehow, they will admit not only our shortcomings, but theirs. And also admit they still love us. It's almost a primal thing, that we crave their acceptance, but the holidays make it worse. We know all the the words, we understand all the actions, but still, our personal cradle of life is a difficult maze to tread. I deal with it with my siblings. I understand all the ulterior motives, but still hope that just respect for our connection will see things in our light, just once. Hubs gets SO upset with me doing just that, and when I finally told him what had been going on here, on the site (and he knows exactly what I've done to try and make things work), he tells me this place is harming me, that people are causing me pain I didn't earn. That's why I don't share 'us' with him very often, but we were having a very deep conversation about our wants and wishes for ourselves, and our future. I don't tell him about the 'slights' I get because he immediately thinks he's got to do something about them, and for me that's not what I'm about. I can handle my business.
                        Yesterday was wicked busy. Tay was SO nervous about grocery shopping with Hubs, asked couldn't we just give her the money and let her do it. No. Hubs said she zeroed in on the prepacked, microwave stuff, and he vetoed it, showing her the better buy that actually had to be cooked. He picked up packages of cornbread mix, and she said 'but I don't know how'. He turned the bag over and asked 'you can read, can't you?' Over $200 later, with a well stocked pantry and no junk/pre-cooked/pre-packaged stuff, she called, sounding like a little bird. They were cooking hamburgers, and she rattled off all the meals she had stuff for. Today, I'm taking her Christmas shopping. She want to make some quick gifts for her family. I would have had to fight her mother before to teach her differently, so now, it's coming together. The girl has learned more in 3 months than in a year before. And with Hubs doing it it was even better.
                        THEN, son calls to tell me cousin is so desperate to sell he may put all the land with a broker who'll buy it in a snap. Hubs and I had talked and agreed we couldn't do it now, but this is crisis mode, so we made an offer last night, that will give cuz money to get through the holidays and preserves the farm I love. We also really talked about selling all the properties that are draining us. Praise the Lord!!
                        OK, TMI to share, I know, (and I didn't even get into my dental appointment, all my girls coming over after schoool with their Christmas lists, and in-laws!:H) It was a good night.
                        I have to get ready for a probably contentious shopping trip with Tay and JC. Fen, I can't imagine you being naughty enough to be punished. You need to stamp that little squirrel foot!! Everyone thinks the grass is greener elsewhere, but it's usually greenest over a septic tank.
                        Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                        awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                          X, Birdy. I remember those days, when my daughter wouldn't be caught dead at Wally World. Unfortunately, her MIL is still the same way. They need to remember, if they had a loving family, don't get about your raising! Remember what's important, and where you come from.
                          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                            fennel;1226475 wrote: Thanks, Gina...
                            My spouse is punishing me. It's really hurting tonight.
                            Im right there with you, and for reasons I dont even understand.

                            Let me tell you why I hate fuggin AL.

                            I need to preface this with the fact that my wife suffers from depression. By depression I dont mean she is simpy "bumed out" about something, she has been clinically diagnosed, and has to take meds to stay regulated. Most people dont understand what that truly means, I sure didnt before I met her. But it is one hell of a demon.

                            Money is very tight right now......Im still trying to get the lawn business to grow, but in these economic times, its not as easy as it used to be. I also have to pay 1200 dollars a month, EVERY month if I have income or not, or face going to jail.

                            I was doing some tax stuff yesterday and got a little nervous at the amount of money in the bank. I expressed my concern about our situation to the wife. I have always been "freaked out" about money, even when my ex wife and I were making a little over 100k combined, and I am a farrrrr cry from that much right now. Its just my nature, its what I do.

                            She comes home, everything seems fine, then out of the blue she says, Im falling out of love with you............WHAT?

                            I aint perfect god knows, but I fancy myself as a pretty decent husband. I didnt figure out that she had been drinking, until I saw her dropping things, and stumbling around. Depression and AL are a BAD combo, it amplifies all the feelings.

                            So, I spent 4 hours, following her around our neighborhood as she continually told me to leave her alone. Being worried for her safety I was not going to do that. Finally she decided to walk back to the house(glad she was drunk, I acted like she lost the keys to her car so she couldnt drive). We spent the rest of the time with her crying/apologizing and she finally went to sleep. I had to stay up as long as I could as a just in case precaution.

                            With everything else goin on right now, I dont see how well I would get along without her. And then she comes home and says that......WOW

                            We agreed she needs to go back to her therapist, and find out whats going on.....I understand its not really "her" talking, but Im in a mind numbing funk right now. So, the next time one thinks you are having a bad day.......remember ol Man Nelz, and be glad you are not him.

                            Just needed a place to air my shit out, dont know of anyone else I can tell it to.......Thanks for listening, love ya all
                            Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11

                            DAREDEVIL COOKIE MONSTER


                              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                              Nelz;1226730 wrote: Im right there with you, and for reasons I dont even understand.

                              Let me tell you why I hate fuggin AL.

                              I need to preface this with the fact that my wife suffers from depression. By depression I dont mean she is simpy "bumed out" about something, she has been clinically diagnosed, and has to take meds to stay regulated. Most people dont understand what that truly means, I sure didnt before I met her. But it is one hell of a demon.

                              Money is very tight right now......Im still trying to get the lawn business to grow, but in these economic times, its not as easy as it used to be. I also have to pay 1200 dollars a month, EVERY month if I have income or not, or face going to jail.

                              I was doing some tax stuff yesterday and got a little nervous at the amount of money in the bank. I expressed my concern about our situation to the wife. I have always been "freaked out" about money, even when my ex wife and I were making a little over 100k combined. Its just my nature, its what I do.

                              She comes home, everything seems fine, then out of the blue she says, Im falling out of love with you............WHAT?

                              I aint perfect god knows, but I fancy myself as a pretty decent husband. I didnt figure out that she had been drinking, until I saw her dropping things, and stumbling around. Depression and AL are a BAD combo, it amplifies all the feelings.

                              So, I spent 4 hours, following her around our neighborhood as she continually told me to leave her alone. Being worried for her safety I was not going to do that. Finally she decided to walk back to the house(glad she was drunk, I acted like she lost the keys to her car so she couldnt drive). We spent the rest of the time with her crying/apologizing and she finally went to sleep. I had to stay up as long as I could as a just in case precaution.

                              With everything else goin on right now, I dont see how well I would get along without her. And then she comes home and says that......WOW

                              We agreed she needs to go back to her therapist, and find out whats going on.....I understand its not really "her" talking, but Im in a mind numbing funk right now. So, the next time one thinks you are having a bad day.......remember ol Man Nelz, and be glad you are not him.

                              Just needed a place to air my shit out, dont know of anyone else I can tell it to.......Thanks for listening, love ya all
                              Oh Nelz, that must have hit you like a 2x4 up the side of your head! What a horrible thing to hear. :l


                                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                                Nelz, dear, I agree with Fly. What an awful day. I have an uncle (he's a bit younger than me, don't get me started on my family tree!) who was one of the best and brightest of 9 boys in the family. Out of the blue, he was hit with this depression, and like you said, it AIN'T the 'I'm having a bad day' kind. When I saw him a few months ago, he was like a shell of himself. He doesn't drink, but that day we were meeting for a commorative meal for an aunt(in-law) who had died. His grown daughter was with him, watching and taking care of him, since his wife was working. He's lost a great job, and now his family are his caretakers, essentially.
                                I can only imagine from my limited experience what you're going through. Uncle Rick's doing better on a new med, and they are coming out all the time. But your wife DOES need to be involved with her medical care providers, and you do too. In the meantime, you're left feeling helpless and holding the bag, so to speak, for all your expenses. I wish I could give you an answer, but at least here you have a place to tell whats going on without repercussions. OK? If I learn anything that will help, maybe, I'll let you know. Just understand that WE understand, and you're not alone in this.
                                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

