ATL, unfortunately, 'tis the season to endure some of our family. Do they live near you? Yes, your son's old enough to remember them now, whatever happens. Take a picture of them together. He'll want it one day.
Ry and Jack are both slim, and Ry is even tiny, but his biological people are small. Jack's a full head taller and 10 months younger than Ry, and so it will always be, but they are both soundly healthy. Again, your mother is trying to push your buttons! I was chubby, then sprouted up past most of my schoolmates and was rail thin. AB is small and wiry, takes after her Daddy. We don't have a chubby child in our whold family, but they are all good eaters, healthy, and that's all that matters. Genetics have a lot to do with it, and your son may suddenly be taller than you before you know it, like his dad.
Don't let your mom get to you. Just smile serenely, it'll drive her crazy! :H Thanks for the compliment on my family pic. I wanted to knock those hats off the boyfriends, but I was nice! Gonna start demanding no hats in the house, though. They wear 'country' like a badge!!
Have a good trip (do you have to stay over??) and get back to your wonderful life. And it does sound wonderful. The new year is a good time to think about getting healthy, but don't worry too much about thin, OK? I've been all sizes. Tay even told me to eat the other day before I blew away. No danger in that, I think.