she crawls sheepishly back after her tirade Morning loves. Kell and I are fine. I shall bite my tongue AND fingers heretoforth. Just know I'm swelling up with what I've been keeping in, so don't be close or in my line of fire when it blows.
Sunny, that's funny. But if you have the elderly in your daily life, you know to expect the unexpected. I have had many 'crawl under the table' moments with the in-laws, and even with my late Momma who was only 69. Momma had the most unintentionally HORRIBLE use of the English language (hysterrectum?). But I miss her unbearably, and Daddy, this time of year. I could probably write a book about the things that happened at our Christmas gatherings (NO al allowed), and they are all endearing. None of the grandchildren will ever forget him riding them on his new young bull who was decorated with red ribbons and bows. (Yes, it ended badly!)
ATL, I want to know how the corned beef comes out. I did tell you if you don't want to make cornbread to buy Rye bread, didn't I?
Thanks for the lovely card, Rog. Maybe Sue can help ATL mail hers out. :H
And thank you, Fen for the support. I think I'm just really kinda wired right now and spoiling for a fight. Could be why Hubs is really keeping his distance. Poor man, but he knows his limitations!
Kelly did go to work (sitting on hands here) but promised to leave if she didn't feel well. It's nice to have friends, like you all, who understand my faults, understand when you chew them out, and still love you. I wish for you all at Christmas to have personal peace. Happiness comes in little waves, and we have to enjoy them when they do.
Update on the starving grands at my door: Hubs has decided that he and Tay will go grocery shopping tomorrow night, just the 2 of them. He surprises me sometimes, and it will mean more to her than she and I arguing through the aisles could ever, though they'll probably spend twice what I would. I even got a note from the ex-b this weekend, thanking me for everything I was doing for her. Being broke and dependent seems to suit her too.
SOOooo, I've got to get back to my day. I think Hubs is jealous a bit, because I carry you all with me throughout the day. I just wish I could give you back as much as you give me.
And the rest of us could really support Fen during this season. Who's a soprano??
