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The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

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    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

    rubywillow;1230356 wrote: Everytime I want to complain, I read about what's going on with others, and usually stops me. I guess I just want you all to realize when you're complaining about people in ivory towers, they're not as golden as they seem. When I talk about the material things have it gives the wrong idea to some. We still live day to day. Everything we have was either inherited, with so much pain, or we worked for literally night and day. Times when we had $5 left for groceries for the week, knowing without our parents we couldn't make it through. Even today we're sweating Christmas buying. Doesn't help Hubs and I are feuding over retirement, which will be because of what my parent's left me, and my family is trying to steal away, what he's earned, and what we have built with our hands.
    We've gotten above what we can manage, with himself working nonstop, and me trying to deal with all the fall-out. I am NOT asking for sympathy. If i was 30 years younger, I could do all of this. But I just want you all to to reallly look at yourselves, your incumbrances, and think of that. We need to own, be able to say 'this is what I've earned to be 'be connected to something, but I needs to stop when it becomes too much
    Dearest Ruby,

    I'm not quite following you. You sound angry and upset, and not yourself. Are you okay?

    Yes, as we age, we need to take stock of what we want/have vs truly need, and what is and isn't manageable. Enough is enough, and most Americans have too much.

    I'm sorry if someone is giving you grief, or begrudging you what you've earned. That's usually based on jealousy, and not worth the negative energy you might be feeling.

    I hope everything's okay. Pm me if you want.

    "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

      Hey everyone - I am home from work! Want to know what the question of the week from a customer was today........?

      "Why is it so busy in here?"

      SERIOUSLY !!!!!!???????

      Got to love the public. we were run ragged at work today, but as I said earlier, energy creates energy - and fen, you are right about working out making you feel good. No, I don't work out, but with all the lugging of boxes and stuff I do, it is as good as a work out and I am feeling good!

      Ruby - I know that despite what Juja said, you are fine - it is just your 'OLD' self trying to explain stuff - LOL. I think most of us live paycheck to paycheck pretty much these days but it seems as if others have more - some do, but it doesn't mean they 'have' more - if that makes sense? I know what I mean but it isn't coming over right.

      Vicki - lovely to hear from you - you are as rushed and as busy as the rest of us these days - we shall all be pleased when it is over I think - I would love for Christmas to go back to the way it was many years ago (be quiet Ruby or I shall come after you) when it wasn't so commercialised. We got one present from our parents! Or maybe that was an English thing - I am sure everyone here will let me know. And it didn't put them into debt either. if they didn't have the money, then they didn't buy it. anyway, I digress.... I hope you are feeling better - Grateful too - I think of both of you and send you prayers and love.

      Rog - thank you - I have e-mailed you. :l:l

      Bird - pleased that your asthma is doing a bit better - must be miserable for you when it acts up - maybe you should get the children to clean for you while you go off out somewhere? I know what you mean about wanting to stay home Christmas instead of having to go somewhere and be sociable. I am totally unsocial and would be the same. I am going to my daughters this year - she is doing Christmas - well, I am cooking the turkey (which is a joke as I am a veggie and have no idea where to start) but it is just us family which will be nice - oh and my M-I-L who is wonderful!

      Hey there Jan - you sound good today - is everything good with you? I have some books to send you - but it will be after Christmas now - not even for you, will I brave the P.O. now!!! LOL

      I need to go and sort my ironing out - I need to do enough for the next few days - I work until Christmas now. love and hugs everyone,

      Sun XX
      How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

        Hi everyone.

        Feeling much better today. Thanks again to you all for being there, it really helps to know that there are people who understand that as people who have/had a drinking problem, we sometimes have some difficulty with emotions and dealing with them in a constructive manner. Re-focused now, will be getting into some creative competitions to keep my mind busy, also I will be going to the gym with my daughters.:h thank you again. G


          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

          Sorry for my tirade this morning, just being pulled in so many directions. Went on another disasterous shopping trip with Tay and JC, and when I finally blew my top, then quit talking altogether, she started really looking at me, telling me how much she loved me. Came home to the Poppa Bear Grump, and he quickly realized it was no time for nagging, so he went in twice and brought me out gifts he wanted me to unwrap. One was a book on CD by Stephen King, because he knows I like books to listen to when I'm driving. Then, after I'd commented on him wearing his fleece-lined suede house shoes I gave him last year, and being wrapped in a quilt talking about how cold I was, he had me open my new houseshoes. Yes, they do pick up on my moods, especially after I tell them to all go live by themselves away from me.
          Juja, and Sun, thank you for commenting, and Sun, I'll let you off on this one. I'm worth a fortune at the bank, but ready cash is rare. Maybe that's a good thing, since I don't get used to a fat wallet.
          Been reading some political news - never a good thing. Looks like the European countries are really headed into a big recession, without a bailout, and I don't think this country's voters will stand for another one. And for some reason actor Matt Damon has got himself into the political fray. For goodness sakes!! He's one of those people who flies over the rest of us, on the ground working. I used to admire Schwarhenneger, and look how badly that turned out!
          Vick, good to see you, at last. You don't even have a phone you can post from?In any case, have a wonderful holiday.
          I admit, I've had a very painful day, having a major 'flare'. But tomorrow is another day, and it will be better. Seems I've scared the crabs in my life a bit with how hard is was for me to walk today, and even JC told Tay to calm down and be nicer. She came on my computer and read some of the things I've told ya'll about her and her mother, so I've promised not to talk about them again, but I also told her that reading my private posts is like me reading her diary, and it's not her business. So now we have an agreement.
          On a lighter note, bought some wonderful Staghorn Ferns today, since the ones I'd had for years died while I was in the hospital. Clerk mistakenly rang them up for $1.00 apiece, and when I started to go back in and pay the difference, JC drove off from the store, telling me it was their mistake. But next time I go in, I'll correct it. Right is right. They are beautiful, big green leaves shaped life elk horns, and I bought gifts for Tay to give her Daddy and her g-gmother, poinsettas. My Momma called them poindesetters! Another one of her language corruptions we love.
          Unfortunately, I have to shop more tomorrow. I'd rather be skinned and boiled in oil. So if I'm less than pleasant tomorrow night, forgive me.
          Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
          awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

            Day 21 AF
            These cravings are calling me tonight, Tonights stressor is that I let someone from the past occupy my head and thought process.. wow still after all these days , my reaction was to get AL. Guess I will be reading posts and posts again tonight ...Thanks for all the support from this board.


              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

              Glad to see that you are feeling better Ruby. I thought the same as juja but was afraid to say anything so as not to offend. What type of flare? Arthritis? Take it easy tomorrow shopping and take rests if you need them. Goodnight G


                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                Hey A Guy,
                21 days is AWSOME!!!!!! Post or read or clean something if you have to. Just keep up the good work! I have never made it to 21 days. Don't blow it. Gina


                  The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                  mama bear;1229785 wrote:
                  MIshy....THANKS FOR THE TUBE OF VEGAMITE.....i THINK???!!! What in the heck do I do with it.:new:
                  Hurrah, glad the package arrived safely. Vegemite is a spread you can put on toast or in a sandwhich, but spread it thin until you get the taste for's like Marmite, Promite or Bovril.

                  Well, sorry I've been AWOL for so long. Lots of dramas with James, Mother and Ashe that have kept me on my toes and, as much as I wanted to drop in, I just haven't had the energy. I would have coped so much better on my Dexies, but it was not to be. I turned up for my appointment on Tuesday, only to discover that I was a day early. Panic stations as yesterday I had to take Mother shopping in the morning, then to Radiology, take her home again and then get to the Psych. I made it with ten minutes to spare and am now, happily, back on the right medication and feeling much more able to deal with everything.

                  Still no word from Ashe and the kids as to when they'll be coming up. She's 24 today and probably wants to spend the holidays with Chris. I've not made contact with her for a couple of reasons. First, I don't want Chris to think I'm interfering, involving myself in their business or influencing her. Secondly, she had her phone stolen. From what I gather from following Chris's FB, he got into a fight in town with someone on drugs. Chris 'smashed his head into a wall and car' but the guy took Chris out and laid into Ashe as well. She ended up with a fat lip and a sore head, lost her iphone (with all her baby photos) and Chris lost his leather jacket. He sounded more upset about his jacket but is going to get the #*&# who took it and that no-one gets away with hitting his wife. I only hope to God the children didn't see it all. Truly, as hard as I've tried to stay out of it, I just want her to get away from him before those kids think that's normal behaviour and turn ferral. It's tearing me into pieces.

                  Mother's cancer has spread to her other kidney now (I can't remember if I've told you this before...sorry if I'm repeating myself). It's aggressive. She's having radiation every week day. Brooke's been marvellous and 'very sweet and caring.' Now I'm medicated I'll try and take on a bit more responsibility and take the load off Brooke a bit. Mother is 83 on the 24th. Guess what her mother named her? Noelle Eve. She hates it and has always been called NEA, her initials as a child, marriage to my dad and then her second husband's surname. Just a bit of trivia. It's horrible watching how feeble she's getting. I have to help her in and out of my car and she even lets me take her hand when she's walking...unheard of six months ago. She's coping well, otherwise, but is very tired.

                  I've helped James sort out his last crisis and got him to the Psych as well, so he's on Dexies now, too. Thank goodness for small mercies. He's giving up smoking on Christmas Day. I think he's realised I've done as much as I can for him now and the rest is up to him. He has the right attitude but I'm just hoping he's going to follow through. He's also started on Baclofen and Naltrexone, but it's early days yet. Not everyone goes at it like a bull at a gate as I did, so he's not experiencing any bad SEs.

                  I haven't read back far, but did catch a reference to flatulent dogs. I totally recommend if you get the chance to see 'Red Dog' that you do so. It's a movie made in Western Australia and is a true story. I took Kaysi when she was here for the school holidays and thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a pretty accurate insight into life in the North West.

                  Well, time to head off for now, but hope to be back more often now I'm feeling 'normal,' whatever that is. I had to rely on a script of Vallium for a few days there, but feel more in control of myself again, even though crises continue around me.

                  Love and hugs to you all.
                  :h Mish :h
                  Never give up...
                  GET UP!!!

                  AF since 25th November, 2011

                  What might have been is an abstraction
                  Remaining a perpetual possibility
                  Only in a world of speculation.
                  What might have been and what has been
                  Point to one end, which is always present. T.S. Eliot


                    The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                    Morning! AGUY - keep going - you are doing so well - it is when you think you are almost okay that the cravings will hit big time - AL is so sneaky - you are doing wonderfully.
                    Mish - lovely to see you - sorry for all that you are going through but pleased you got your meds sorted. It is really hard to see ones parent get feeble - I watched my dad do the same thing and it is so strange. No more time right now as I have to get off to work,

                    Back later all - hugs,

                    sun XX
                    How simple it is to see that we can only be happy now and there will never be a time when it is not now....


                      The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                      Hi all
                      Gosh Rubes, I first read your post as you had opened your horse shoes!! hahaha Well, my Mom called and found she had broke her ankle in 2 places after they had said it was just sprained. How do they make mistakes like that? Today is our last day of work till Tues. so will get the kids to help clean house and cook etc..will go to Y today, yes it really helps with mood, something about to the races...later


                        The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                        rubywillow;1230693 wrote:
                        Juja, and Sun, thank you for commenting, and Sun, I'll let you off on this one.
                        Dear RubyWillow, et al,

                        This has been bothering me for over 24 hours now, so I feel I must clear the air. I did not, in any way, shape or form, mean to imply that you were drinking. It didn't even occur to me that you might be, regardless of others' perceptions of my post. You seemed so upset that I was worried, that's all.

                        Even though we aren't "close," I always read your posts, and enjoy your prose--you're a good writer.

                        I don't know anything of your illness(es), but I do hope you feel better soon, and that your Christmas will be peaceful.

                        "Remember, you are responsible for creating your life by every thought, action, choice. Choose well." Oprah Winfrey


                          The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                          Oh! No, I didn't think ruby was drinking,just angry about something is all, but I was afraid to say anything because sometimes people ( like my daughters) get MORE upset when you ask them what is wrong or why they are upset when they do not feel that they are.:H
                          Have a great one everybody Gina

                          Ps I didn't think that your post implied that either juja, like you I thought she seemed upset


                            The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                            Bird, I had to go back and look at my post to see if I actually said 'horse shoes'!! You are a crazy bird, and I love ya for it!!
                            Juja, Georgie (Georgie, you know with one small slip of a vowel you'd be Georgia? ) thank you for being worried. It takes a LOT to offend me, unless you say my kids are stupid and my Momma was ugly! It's been an emotionally and physically hard month. I escape to this place, and post my thoughts, then lurkers use them. Truely I'm fine. I have MS, and multiple other health issues, but mine seems much in remission, or a least minor compared to many of my new and old friends, who're almost wheelchair-bound now, so it's not something I dwell on. And I'll get back on my center soon. Like my Daddy, I feel the best way to overcome it is with hard work and never letting it get me down.
                            I have another day of shopping to face, and of course Tay thinks she has to be part of it, after her ritualistic getting dressed. I'm harder on her than anyone else dares to be, but she sticks to me like glue, so i can't be all wrong, can I.
                            I feel MUCH better today. Still not sleeping well, maybe 2 hours at a time, but I'm sure that's over worries about getting everything done right.
                            Guy, this is a tough season for someone newly sober. Ads show scenes of people who seem to only be happy drinking in lively party scenarios. But, from mine and Hubs experience, I can tell you it's SO much nicer to focus on whats real, and remember the holidays with a clear eye. We have stories that, with a 30 year hindsight, have humor, but were miserable at the time.Tough this out. Be the NCGuy, and revel in THAT memory later. We'll be here for you as much as we can.
                            Sun, you know me well, so I hope you know I love you. You can't imagine how dear you are to me.
                            Fen, dear gentle Fen, look after yourself, and don't be afraid to expect at least some of what you give. We all seem to be guilty of hoping our family will love us for ourselves, and appreciate our gifts and forgive our shortcomings. It's not the way some people are wired. We need to be a little selfish, and forgive ourselves. Good people deseserve happiness, even if it's giving away everything we can. The twist on the old saying is 'No good deed will go unpunished'. I've seen it happen with the best people I ever knew.
                            Mishy, again I tell you what a wonderful job your doing in such a difficult situation. We all, who have been blessed to have our parents in our lives, have to face what you are now with your mom. I wish you both the best sweety, but the day comes. And I know you're overcome with looking after your children, helping them to get through everything. Take a little time for yourself. We'd like news of Chickie, too, when you have time.
                            T, Tony, Biz, Fly, GRATEUL, Swan, RC, whoever else I'm missing, this place is getting very quiet and dull. POST!!
                            NOW I'm sleepy, and her royal self will be here shortly. ARRRGHH!!!!!!!! Shopping!
                            Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                            awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                              The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                              bird;1230814 wrote: Hi all
                              Gosh Rubes, I first read your post as you had opened your horse shoes!! hahaha Well, my Mom called and found she had broke her ankle in 2 places after they had said it was just sprained. How do they make mistakes like that? Today is our last day of work till Tues. so will get the kids to help clean house and cook etc..will go to Y today, yes it really helps with mood, something about to the races...later
                              Birdie, it took me NAGGING for the doctor to finally realize after multiple x-rays I had 7 broken bones.
                              Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                              awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


                                The Journey begins here so get YOUR ASSES IN GEAR!!!! for december

                                Juja;1230839 wrote: Dear RubyWillow, et al,

                                This has been bothering me for over 24 hours now, so I feel I must clear the air. I did not, in any way, shape or form, mean to imply that you were drinking. It didn't even occur to me that you might be, regardless of others' perceptions of my post. You seemed so upset that I was worried, that's all.

                                Even though we aren't "close," I always read your posts, and enjoy your prose--you're a good writer.

                                I don't know anything of your illness(es), but I do hope you feel better soon, and that your Christmas will be peaceful.

                                Sweetie, don't give it a second thought. I went all day without me meds, because I wanted to be fully aware of everything I was doing, and my pain meds DO dull me a bit, even though i use them in real moderation (at least 1/2 the prescribed amount) and I was tired and in pain when I finally got home and faced a new round of problems to solve. I need to remember to be in my right mind when I post, and not give anyone a feeling I've taken offense. I'm better, but sleepy, today. Just don't worry.
                                Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
                                awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:

