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Addiction and chemically assisted recovery

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    Addiction and chemically assisted recovery

    Hey Bleep

    I can't explain the click either, but I think it is a part of what each individual sees as their bottom. Bottom being defined as the lowest point you will go to in pursuit of drunkenness.
    Thus the expression "high bottom drunk" as someone who realizes they need to stop and DO, before things get to where our social norms consider very bad.
    For example I have a friend who was drunk about 6 years ago in front of his kids, and that was it. He stopped. He went to a doctor,got a physical, discussed his fears and has not had a drop since. So that was his bottom.
    This subject then lends itself to the familiar notion of a drunk as someone unwashed, lying in the street with a paper bag with something cheap and intoxicating in it. With this notion in mind lots of people are able to compare themselves to that and pretend and /or tell themselves "I'm not that bad"
    SO it takes courage,introspection,determination, and for me fear to get it.
    EVERY time I think of having a drink (and it's not very often) the thought is IMMEDIATELY
    almost automatically dismissed. I know I would be drunk and stupid in no time, and I cannnot bear the thought of staggering around my house and being stupid.
    I like the idea of a "click" though. Kinda neat.


      Addiction and chemically assisted recovery

      Bleep you have really got my mind doing overtime on this one now. What is it about one person that "clicks" when with another it doesn't?

      That click doesn't mean suddenly it's easy and that AL isn't an issue. It's the hardest thing I've ever done and maintaining it is another job. As Ann said it takes courage and determination and I agree fear comes into it too.

      However putting all that aside and going back to the "click" it must be something that is personal to each individual character. Each of us having a different bottom out level and some sadly never finding that bottom. Is it depending how we look at the world? How much we believe we can control our minds? Our self belief in general? Is someone who firmly believes they have no chance over a powerful addiction like alcohol never going to experience that click?
      "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
      AF - JAN 1st 2010
      NF - May 1996


        Addiction and chemically assisted recovery

        Some thoughts

        Bleep- I don't think the chemical imbalance of addiction necessarily has to be addressed in a chemcal way so to speak. I think the flow and uptake of neurotransmitters, primarily dopamine can return to more normal levesl with time and the absence of the addictive substance.

        As for the click, I think there are many factors playing a role in if and when you get it. Like the degree of self-loathing, the lack of self-esteem for real or imagined reasons, the lack of self-love. Also maybe a person degree of introspection, based on what they can accomplish intellectually and emotionally. I think negaitve self-talk has a lot to do with it, among other things. Damage and skewed thinking from childhood,various personality traits like never being able to believe that you are not in control though you clearly are not.

        Hard to know. I wish everyone well and a mighty "click" of their own!

