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AF for December
AF for December
I'm selfish with my time now that I see how much of it I wasted
AF for December
Hello Guys - sounds like everyone is enjoying an AF Sunday. It's so nice to be peaceful and not sick on a Sunday!
I've been reading a lot - something I don't do when I drink - so I can relate to being pickier with my time! Unwasted, I've come accross a book about Buddhism and meditation that I'm reading.
Have a great AF Sunday night all!
AF for December
Hi Gang! Sorry I have not posted here in a few days...just made it through a busy weekend at work and glad to have a few moments to catch up on here.
AguyfromNC: Are you drinking enough fluids like pure water? The more water you drink, the less bloated your body is. Also, getting a good multi vitamin might help balance out your system after it has been affected by the heavy rum drinking for some time. Try the water and a daily multi and see how you feel and look. Well done on Kicking it for several days!
MyLife, I read over in the nest that you saw a boat parade last night...must have been beautiful with all the lights and all. We have a boat parade in September her cause by the time december rolls around, it's too darn cold and most of the recreational boats are pulled and stored for the winter! Sounds like you are really doing well, great job on your sobriety!
As for me, I've had some strong urges this month and I think the fact that it's the holiday season which has always been a heavy drinking time for me is why I am having a hard time some days. Others I can get by without thinking about it much and simply thank my lucky stars every morning that I wake up sober. I have to remind myself what that 3AM hangover wake up feeling is like and nip any cravings in the bud with that horrid memory. One drink just isn't worth it and I know I won't stop at one because when I'm halfway through with the first, I'll be planning my second and so on.
Drifty, as always you are an inspiration. Enjoy your music and your lovely evening. Won't it be nice for us all to wake up tomorrow morning with a clear head and sunny outlook?
Goodnight for now and onwards to Dec. 12th...we approaching the mid way mark!Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.
AF for December
Good morning Decembers!
Blonde - yes there are some advantages to Florida in the winter! Our boat parades can be in December!I can relate to the cold winters as I grew up in Alaska.
It's funny, but I haven't had the strong urges I've had in the past when I've quit. I won't say I haven't thought of drinking as I have had a couple moments where I thought a glass of wine would be GREAT - but it hasn't been as greuling as some other times when I've stopped drinking. There are two things that happened - I really have focused on my mental attitude of gratitude, and I've taken Campral. I can't say it's just the Campral because I've tried it in the past and it didn't seem to do anything. But maybe the combination is working...??!! Anyway, it's still early days - but I'm stringing together my pearls!
AGuy - try drinking lots of water with lemon. Also Ginger is a natural inflamatory. All I know is that the longer you go without drinking your body will miraculously start repairing and rebuilding - so just give it time and you will feel better.You're doing great!
Unwasted, Wally, Drifty, Ann - hope you all have a fantastic Monday!
AF for December
My Life, I'll be interested to hear what you think about the Buddhist materials you're reading. The meditation component helps me refocus my thinking. For the first time ever as I've mentioned, I'm feeling absolutely no deprivation about alcohol. I had dinner out last night; everyone was drinking but I didn't flinch. There was not one single moment I thought about missing a drink. That's definitely a HUGE SHIFT! I think it's partly the meditating and studying Buddhist ideas about our inner being and partly just history and finally getting it after lots of different attempts to drink. Even though I feel I achieved successful moderation, I still hated the residual feeling of alcohol the next day. I think that speaks volumes!
Guy, I truly hope you're still on track and feeling better. Just keep trying different things, especially along the line of hydration, exercise and diet. Aside from those things, I would say reading is the other huge component of what's helped me stay sober this go-round.
Ann, Blondie, Wally, Drifty, and anyone else visiting here today - sending you peace, strength, and the wisdom to carry on - it is so worth it as I think we are all starting to really understand!
AF for December
What an inspirational post Unwasted. You are such an asset to MWO, I have been meaning to tell you that. Love your thoughtful posts and I also really appreciate your book recommendations and that you are sharing what you find spiritually. Right now, I have joined a group of women who meet 2x a month to study A Course in Miracles. Are you familiar with it? We have just started out about a month ago and it is very informal, but so far I am really enjoying it. The group leader also studies Buddism; she is lovely and I enjoy her company. Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for being here!
AGuy, ditto on the lemon water...squeeze some fresh lemon or a teaspoon of bottle lemon juice in a large glass of ice water and sip throughout the day. Lemon is very cleansing and diruetic (sp?) and can have a positive effect on flushing toxins and bloat out of your system. Good luck!
MyLife, wow, from Alaska to Florida, Night and Day! I also am praticing the "Attitude of Gratitude" every day and boy, can I say that it really makes a difference how you think about things. When we are trully grateful for what we do have in the present, good things come our way, including sobriety!
Hi to everyone checking in today. I hope you have a glorious Monday. Stay safe and strong and make good choices!Whatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.
AF for December
Blondie, thank you! I love the way we are all connected on this site - even when we don't know it. I read posts daily that inspire me in all kinds of different ways. There's something pretty special about this place.
I am familiar with Maryanne (sorry can't remember her last name). I used to listen to her on XM radio when I was driving home from work. It's great that you're branching out and getting together with others to discuss her works. You'll have to post more about what you're learning. Another person who inspires me greatly is Eckhart Tolle. His book, A New Earth, has helped me similarly to the Buddhist teachings - giving me a different way to view life which is helping trememdously with my sobriety! I don't remember Maryanne's teachings very well - you know the phenomenon - the student (me) probably wasn't ready to hear what the teacher was saying.
One profound thing I'm learning (and Tolle addresses this) is that most religions have at their core very similar messages. Humans, however, have distorted those teachings and we've been left with very ideas far afield from what the "prophets" of those teachings, i.e. Jesus, Buddha, etc. were trying to tell us. It's wonderful that people like Tolle and Maryanne are coming along and reminding us of what's at the core of our being and helping us tap into that so we can achieve peace (at least that's the goal).
AF for December
Hi Unwasted: I am reading Marianne Williamson's Gift of Change book. We are actually starting this book with the book group I am attending as a preface to The Course in Miracles. So far I really enjoy her book and I will put the other one you mentioned on my list. Funny, I am also into Tolle as well and am currently reading The Power of Now, which was recommended to me by Lavande. Seems we have similar interests in what we are reading and interpretingWhatever you invest in the circle of LIFE is what comes back to you. Multiplied. What you give to people is what they eventually give back to you. Don't do the math. Just increase your LOVE.
AF for December
Hello Guys - just thought I'd pop in and say I've read both the Eckhart Tolle books you've mentioned Unwasted and Blonde, and really got something from them. I think one of the things I'm grateful for is that this journey may have forced me to grow as a person mentally and spiritually. If I hadn't experienced this problem, I can't say I would have sought out the help I've found from these teachers.
I'm going to look up the Marianne Williamson book Blonde.
I also recommend Wayne Dyers book "Change your thoughts Change your life" - recommended I think by Lav or Chill...someone here! Anyway, It's a great teaching book as well based on the Tao.
AF for December
I am hanging in for december! AF so far and passed my first AL event with flying colours on Sunday. Friday is going to be one of the biggest tests - work party, with flowing AL and even rooms for the night to allow a drive free night! I am reading and posting in order to keep my resolve stoked....this thread is my challenge - I do not wish to post the message that I am back on day 1 (AGAIN!!!)....“The only courage you will ever need is the courage to live the life you want"
AF for December
I used to be a big reader but with college I don't read as much in my free time as I used to. I guess all those reading chapters is affecting my non school related book reading.
Made it another day AF. I am so glad to hear of all of you being so successful.I quit drinking on March 8, 2020. Taking it One Day At A Time and no more taking my quit for granted.
Also doing it for me. I got to stay sober for me.
Just consecrate on today and do what you can to remain sober for today and worry about staying sober tomorrow, tomorrow.
AF for December
Scottish - good work with getting through the sober event on Sunday - our work party was on a Sunday, so I think that helped me to stay AF. If it's any help, I will tell you my sober work party was one of the best times I ever had at a work party! You can do it!
Drifty - when I was in college I hardly read anything for fun - I felt too guilty about my required reading so I can completely understand!
Sounds like everyone is doing great here! I'm just logging in the days one at a time and trying to be aware that I "choose" to over come this - I'm not "forcing" it on myself. That's one way it is mentally easier for me.
Have a great day!
AF for December
Hello again. So glad everyone is still online. Still AF here and it's good. Hope everyone is feeling good as well.Wally22:confusedmonkey::confusedmonkey::confusedmo nkey:
If I don't want to brag but I can still wear the earings I wore in highschool
November 2, 2012