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Happy Happy New Year 2007!

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    Happy Happy New Year 2007!

    Hi everybody,
    Well, I've been feeling horribly guilty these last couple of months, after saying that I wanted to start a French website for My Way Out. I looked and asked questions and tried to find resources to help me get started, but time got away from me and I ran into several problems, such as how to offer hypnosis CDs in French that were anywhere near as powerful as the ones offered here on this site! And while I was researching, I got interested in so many things at once, that I just continued learning and feeling better and better...

    Now I hope 2007 will be the year that I can help other people.

    I started with the My Way Out program back in August of 2005. I followed the program to the letter, but after only a few weeks was unable to continue Topamax because of pressure on my eyes. So, although I initially started out wanting to moderate my drinking, I was forced to the conclusion that I had to stop. Then and there. So, I went back to my great doctor (who had prescribed the Topamax in the beginning, telling me "well, you're a wacky American but I trust your judgement"), and he gave me Campral. I started using Campral, together with all the supplements and the hypno CDs... and just continued on. And on. And on.

    Today is January 1, 2007 and I've been sober, except for one slip-up in September of 2005, ever since. And not only that. I felt SO GOOD once I started staying sober that I decided to continue looking into everything I could to feel better. I discovered alot of new things and one of the things that has made alot of difference in my life is E.F.T. If you'd like to find out more, go to the official website at

    If anybody is interested or would like some additional help in getting clear from alcohol (from my own experience of course) by talking with me or letting me help you with E.F.T., please let me know. I would be more than happy to guide anybody through this method or encourage you in the process of giving up the sauce. Believe me, believe me, your REAL LIFE is waiting for you once you get the alcohol (and any other addiction you might have that goes along with it) monkey off your back. I've been there, and I'd be thrilled to share what I've learned with anyone who might need it. It's my way of paying it forward...

    I especially want to give a BIG NEW YEAR'S HUG to RJ. Without her and her story, and her willingness to put it all together into a book, a website, and all the extras that go with it, I would probably be dead by now. It takes alot of time, and research, and just plain love, to share what you know with others and take the time to put it all into form. Thank you, RJ, for all you have done and continue to do. May you reap a hundred times over what you have sown! I am so grateful for the day I found this website and found the friends who encouraged me to keep going.

    Happy New Year to you all. Please keep coming back to this website and keep trying, even if you slip up. The rewards are so worth it. And let me know if I can be of any help to anyone.

    You've all already chosen to beat alcohol. It's done! Now, go out and live it.

    Anne from France

    Happy Happy New Year 2007!

    Hi Anne,

    Thanks for that and welcome to the site, i've been moderating since november but i'm going for an AF january, i'm soooo sick of feeling rough. I'm hoping that today is the start of my life without alcohol.

    Thanks again, Paula xx


      Happy Happy New Year 2007!

      Anne from France,

      Your post brought tears of happiness to me and an ache in my heart for the time I was wasted being drunk or hung over or pre-occupied with the next time or the embarrassment from the last time. We do have a better life waiting for us and it is time to embrace it. Congratulations on your success.

      I will google E.F.T for more info.

      And yes, MANY MANY MANY thanks to RJ. She is a saint.


        Happy Happy New Year 2007!

        Hi USAnne:

        I have already downloaded the EFT starter manual, and scanned through it quickly. I am going to print it out for a more thorough study, and begin the technique today.

        Thanks so much for introducing a new possibility for help. I am always so grateful for any new methods to address the root cause of my problems. This looks to be very interesting, as it ties in with other things I have been doing.

        I found out about the Meridian stretching system about a month ago, and immediately realized physical benefits. The EFT system seems to follow on the same concepts of balance and release from past psychological issues.

        I have been sober for over a year now, and also gave up cigarettes over a year ago too. It has always been my feeling, that to get to the heart of matter it would take some intense psychological work on my part. I have been using NLP techniques, self-hypnosis, brain wave entrainment, among other thngs to root out and clear the "garbage" out of my psyche. For me, getting long term sober is just a beginning. There is much to do, and this method has got my enthusiasm stirred up again.

        Thanks again for the link, and the recommendations.

        Be well.



          Happy Happy New Year 2007!

          You know, one thing that E.F.T. has taught me is to ask myself the following questions :

          - What is the UPSIDE of continuing to drink as I do?
          - What is the DOWNSIDE of stopping?

          This may seem silly and obvious, but when you look at the questions and really think, it can lead to some extraordinary insights. For example, an upside would be that, if you stay schnockered in the evening, you don't worry as much about your job, or your failing marriage, or your kids, or whatever. You can escape to fantasy island and dream about the day when all will be right with you and your world. Or maybe it's just a way that you've learned to relax and you can't figure out any other way to do it.

          A downside to stopping might be, for example, losing a certain set of friends that are important to you or losing your "status" in a group of drinking buddies (and might be the only friends you have at the moment, who really "understand" you..). It might mean having to change what you do in the evenings, or on the weekends. Or, at least for a time, not being to enjoy your favorite restaurant without a glass of wine.

          The lists are endless. And boy, do the answers keep coming! Once you find things, you just tap on them... and somehow the emotional "charge" is taken away, answers become clearer, and you just feel more and more empowered.

          E.F.T. can neutralize a lot of these scary feelings and help to get them out there, so you can take a look at them and knock them down, one by one. It also helps with the cravings, as do the supplements. And the hypno cds are the greatest!! Not only do they work, but they also give you something to do when you feel nervous and antsy. I've also used a method called "Holosync" and that works fabulously too... another one of my new "methods" that I discovered which works very well for me. Believe me, I've been addicted to almost everything in the book and have looked for alot of answers for a long time. I don't mean to come on too strong as an E.F.T. advocate, because anything and everything, within reason, that gets you to the place where you feel comfortable without alcohol (or at least in moderation) is worth exploring.

          XTexan, I was intrigued because I see you are in Tennessee (I am from Nashville) and I also lived in Houston for 4 years. It's a small world! Lucky and Paula, you are in the right place and I wish you all the success that you deserve in beating this ugly alcohol monster. If I can do it, anybody can, so take heart and keep going!



            Happy Happy New Year 2007!

            I am doing Holosync too! Just listened to the cd Making Change Easy. Love it!


              Happy Happy New Year 2007!

              Anne, I have been seeing an EFT therapist but sadly have not felt the benefits I was hoping for. Perhaps because I am still drinking? I also have the Holosync CDs which I will begin using this week. I am not utilizing EFT at home and perhaps I need to start doing that. Congratulaions on your sobriety. It gives me much hope.
              I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                Happy Happy New Year 2007!

                Holosync is pretty powerful, although I have only done the first "step" and haven't as yet invested in going further. I like to use it when I get home in the evening. Instead of having a drink, I stretch out, put on Holosync and listen for an hour (you start out at a half an hour at first). Sometimes I practically nod off, and when it's all over, I feel so refreshed!

                Lush (sorry I don't know your real name), you may be having problems with E.F.T., like you said, because you're not doing it at home, and/or you haven't chipped away at enough "stuff" to find your core issues. But it will come. Try tapping in the morning and in the evening before you go to bed. If you need any help, let me know (you can send me a private e-mail and I'll be glad to work with you on it). And there are certain points that are good for people with addiction problems and also, I find, that the finger points really make me tingle all over. Everyone is different. I don't think the fact that you're still drinking effects anything. Do, however, try the morning and night tapping, to begin with, and let me know.


                  Happy Happy New Year 2007!

                  Thanks Anne, I will PM you later this week if you do not mind so you can help me specifically find the points I need. I appreciate and need all of the help I can get.
                  I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


                    Happy Happy New Year 2007!

                    Great! I'll look forward to hearing from you. Keep on pluggin'... you'll get there.

