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DAY 10 AF and bored to death

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    DAY 10 AF and bored to death

    I don't mean to complain i am very happy about being on day 10 BUT.. OMG its so boring.. what do sober people do all night??? watch TV and clean the kitchen.. UGHHHH .. i go to bed when the kids do because I can't stand the thought of sitting around being bored to death.. I have knit more hats in the past 10 days then i can stand.. the dog is starting to NOT want me to walk her anymore. i can read her mind when i head to the door .. "ummm!! really?? ANOTHER walk? can't i skip this one? " LOL
    Does this pass? will the boredom ever end? i quit for 6 weeks a few months ago and i can't remember beng this bored... maybe i blocked it. Its funny really, when i drank i could sit for hours just staring at the walls and not care... now i can't sit still for 5 minutes. AAWWWWWWEEEE.. I use my ativan to fall asleep i am afraid if i don't i will lie in bed awake.. oK now i am babbling.. but good lord..
    well gotta go, the dog is sleeping and i need to wake her up and walk her again... HEEHEE...

    caper *yawn*
    AF since Sept 2013...

    DAY 10 AF and bored to death

    I SOOOOOO feel where you are coming from Caper. Sleep is an issue for me as well and I actually feel myself getting anxious around bedtime
    I have lost myself in needlepoint, and my absolute might to give that a try
    the other thing I try to remember is....what the hell did I do before I got loaded night after night....and that was ...take care of small children
    my kids are teens and don't need me to be as hands on as I used to be, but it sure is nice to be able to have conversations with them with a clear head and actually remember what we talked about the next day

    ps...poor puppy.....she is prolly getting leg cramps!!:H
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      DAY 10 AF and bored to death

      How did you spend your time when you were drinking?


        DAY 10 AF and bored to death

        Well when i look back on my drinking career, opening a bottle and pouring a drink,lighting a fag, settling down in front of the tv,lighting a fag, drinking,lighting a fag, flicking channels,lighting a fag. finding a show I wanted to watch,lighting a fag, pouring another, ringing my mother,poring another,lighting a fag, talking shite, pouring another, lighting a fag, arguing with my mother, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, going on facebook, posting shite, lighting a fag, sending crap emails to people I have not seen in years, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, playing sad songs, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, crying over same sad songs, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, ringing ex boyfriend, pouring a drink, crying on the phone, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, eating a load of shite, pouring a drink, lighing a fag, pouring another drink because I spilled the one before, light another fag off the cooker and burn my fringe off, pour another drink, sit and get maudlin, pour another drink, light another fag....then PASS OUT.

        Now that to me is boring......
        "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

        AF 10th May 2010
        NF 12th May 2010


          DAY 10 AF and bored to death

          I love my family more than alcohol.:h
          Live in the Solution....not the problem


            DAY 10 AF and bored to death

            hey flyaway....well when i was drnnking i didn't care about doing nothing, like i said i could sit like a blob and stare at the wall in a drunken stupor.. but sober... no way..
            mamabear, your right.. when the kids were little i would not drink until they were safe in bed asleep.. and even then it was only 1 or 2 glasses.. jsut in case they woke up during the night... but now they are teens... maybe i should have a baby??? BWAHAHAHAH i'm not that desperate.. LOL
            AF since Sept 2013...


              DAY 10 AF and bored to death

              NO BABIES for this bear!!!!
              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
              Live in the Solution....not the problem


                DAY 10 AF and bored to death

                HEY ONE2Many

                That post was great! I laughed out loud. Hilarious!
                That was certainly descriptive of me too, but I would add in a couple other stupid activities, and I agree THAT is boredom.

                Without drinking I am getting a lot done. Tonight I'm actually hanging curtains in a window-have never done that. Drinking is such a waste of time.


                  DAY 10 AF and bored to death

                  HAHAHA One2... yes ok when you put it that way..its sounds stupid and a waste of life.. thanks for the reminder..
                  AF since Sept 2013...


                    DAY 10 AF and bored to death

                    one2many;1220909 wrote: Well when i look back on my drinking career, opening a bottle and pouring a drink,lighting a fag, settling down in front of the tv,lighting a fag, drinking,lighting a fag, flicking channels,lighting a fag. finding a show I wanted to watch,lighting a fag, pouring another, ringing my mother,poring another,lighting a fag, talking shite, pouring another, lighting a fag, arguing with my mother, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, going on facebook, posting shite, lighting a fag, sending crap emails to people I have not seen in years, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, playing sad songs, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, crying over same sad songs, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, ringing ex boyfriend, pouring a drink, crying on the phone, pouring a drink, lighting a fag, eating a load of shite, pouring a drink, lighing a fag, pouring another drink because I spilled the one before, light another fag off the cooker and burn my fringe off, pour another drink, sit and get maudlin, pour another drink, light another fag....then PASS OUT.

                    Now that to me is boring......
                    Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning.


                      DAY 10 AF and bored to death

                      Hey Oney-that was too damn funny! But, oh so true! :H
                      So, maybe , we can offer up some suggestions...
                      Caper, is there something other than knitting? Like some other form of creativity you can try, painting, painting clay pots, immersing yourself in a good book-crosswords, and playing around with your pics on the computer-using special imaging techniques?
                      Maybe knit the dog a sweater? Paint a picture of the dog? Or use special photo imaging of the dog? Now your dog will surely just run away....:h
                      It's always YOUR choice!


                        DAY 10 AF and bored to death

                        Oney, your post deserves a gold star. Outrageously funny; sadly so descriptive of the time we've squandered. I'd much rather try to be deciding what to do with my time and feeling bored now and then as opposed to desperately overcoming a hangover.

                        Caper - I (and I'm sure most) of us have the same dilemma. All I can say is I fill my time with t.v., reading, exercise, meditating (just learning), cooking, internet. Like you, though, I'm looking for an additional hobby. We're even thinking of moving back into town (we're kind of remote right now) so we'll have access to things - there I could actually do some volunteer work, which I think would be really rewarding.

                        Hope that helps some.


                          DAY 10 AF and bored to death

                          150 Things To Do Instead of Drinking

                          1. Read a book
                          2. Take a walk
                          3. Play a musical instrument
                          4. Knit
                          5. Clean your closets
                          6. Research your genealogy
                          7. Cook a gourmet dinner
                          8. Write an article for your local newspaper
                          9. Go take some pictures
                          10. Clean the mildew in your bathroom
                          11. Start writing that book you've been planning
                          12. Plan a garden
                          13. Plant a garden
                          14. Play with a pet
                          15. Read to a child
                          16. Visit someone in an old folks' home
                          17. Watch a news special on TV
                          18. Set up a family budget
                          19. Make a web site
                          20. Take up archery
                          21. Exercise
                          22. Go to an online recovery meeting
                          23. Surf the internet
                          24. Call your mom
                          25. Learn a foreign language
                          26. Write a poem
                          27. Play golf
                          28. Take a bubble bath
                          29. Draw
                          30. Teach a parakeet to whistle
                          31. Take a nap
                          32. Listen to music
                          33. Paint
                          34. Clean your desk
                          35. Start a stamp collection
                          36. Go window shopping
                          37. Browse in a book store
                          38. Go to an art gallery
                          39. Go for a drive
                          40. Paint a room
                          41. Watch the clouds go by
                          42. Play darts
                          43. Do target shooting
                          44. Do home repairs
                          45. Clean your garage
                          46. Sort your photographs
                          47. Make a scrapbook
                          48. Climb a tree
                          49. Plant a tree
                          50. Make marmalade
                          51. Make a list of things to do
                          52. Write a letter to the editor
                          53. Volunteer somewhere
                          54. Take a hike
                          55. Take a college class
                          56. Try yoga
                          57. Meditate
                          58. Get a massage
                          59. Make fruit smoothies
                          60. Bake cookies
                          61. Do a crossword puzzle
                          62. Go to the gym
                          63. Plant a color bowl
                          64. Sharpen your pruning tools
                          65. Change your engine oil
                          66. Sew
                          67. Groom your dog
                          68. Go see a play
                          69. Write a sonnet
                          70. Sort your recipes
                          71. Play solitaire
                          72. Go bird watching
                          73. Write a letter to a friend
                          74. Read a poetry book
                          75. Repot your houseplants
                          76. Go to a movie
                          77. Mow your lawn
                          78. Put up (or take down) your Christmas lights
                          79. Make pickles
                          80. Go jogging
                          81. Watch sitcoms
                          82. Plan menus for a diet
                          83. Do a jigsaw puzzle
                          84. Play chess
                          85. Write a country-western song
                          86. Watch a video
                          87. Go for a bike ride
                          88. Plant an herb garden
                          89. Start an online journal
                          90. Dye your hair
                          91. Go to a restaurant
                          92. Lift weights
                          93. Bake some bread
                          94. Learn a martial art
                          95. Polish the furniture
                          96. Make a flower arrangement
                          97. Read the newspaper
                          98. Start some seeds
                          99. Sort your magazines
                          100. Do some laundry.
                          111. Take a nature walk
                          112. Play with your kids
                          113. Volunteer at a homeless shelter
                          114. Volunteer at a school
                          115. Pick up garbage in a park
                          116. Tickle your kids
                          117. Play basketball
                          118. Volunteer at an animal shelter
                          119. Read to a child or pet
                          120. Sign up for obedience training with your dog
                          121. Take a walk and pick up litter you see on the way
                          122. Spend time at the library
                          123. Sort all your digital photos and make an album to print for holiday gifts to family.
                          124. Help your kid organize his closet.
                          125. Figure out the melody and chords to your current favorite tune on the piano.
                          126. Practice your holiday cookie recipes
                          127. Make crackers from scratch (that one didn't go so well).
                          128. Make tortillas from scratch (better). />129. Reread a book you haven't read for years.
                          130. Tango
                          131. Learn about someone else’s religion.
                          132. Reread one of your college textbooks.
                          133. Key out a wildflower.
                          134. Do your nails.
                          135. Do word puzzles.
                          136. Play a board game.
                          137. Burn CD’s of some of your favorite music for a friend.
                          138. Plant a bonsai.
                          139. Play Mad Libs.
                          140. Speak only in heroic couplets for an hour.
                          141. Read poetry online.
                          142. Ride a stationary bicycle.
                          143. Set up a domino topple.
                          144. Play backgammon.
                          145. Build a house of cards
                          146. Make an entry in Wikipedia.
                          147. Read a world almanac.
                          148. Publish a family newsletter.
                          149. Throw cards at a hat.
                          150. Go to bed.
                 can fill in 101 - 110!
                          "It's not your job to like me, it's mine!"

                          AF 10th May 2010
                          NF 12th May 2010


                            DAY 10 AF and bored to death

                            You're bored because you let yourself be bored. It has nothing to do with drinking or not drinking. Find something to better yourself. Take the time to learn about something that interests you. Improve your living space. It's sounds like you were bored before you quit drinking. Don't blame your boredom on not being able to drink, blame you bordom on you for not taking action in your life to keep yourself mentally stimulated.

                            Boredom is a state of mind, and it is caused by a lack of fulfilling action in your life, and you are trying to use it as an excuse to drink. Start using this free time to focus on how you want your life to be and embrace your sobriety, then start making changes through learning or exercise to accomplish the things you are focusing on. If your child came to you and said, "I'm bored", would you say, "well there is a 12 pack in the fridge you should get drunk." Or would you say, "read a book, or find something useful to do, or go to bed and get up early and workout tomorrow."?

                            I apologize but the drinking out of boredom excuse was one I used for many years, and one that I hate because it just means that I'm too lazy to take action to try and better my life.


                              DAY 10 AF and bored to death

                              Oney...did you mention HAVE SEX????:H:H
                              I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                              Live in the Solution....not the problem

