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NY Eve - How was it for you

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    NY Eve - How was it for you

    Hi everone and best wishes for 2007.

    Sounds like we had really mixed bag of experiences for N Years Eve.
    I went to a dinner party and volunteered to be "designated driver"
    I am so pleased with myself - there was everything I love to drink
    It was all free - BUT I said NO thank you, no thank you, no thank you
    If I said it once I said it twenty times.

    There was a woman at the dinner I had never met before
    she was drinking, everthing, really quickly
    by 10.00 o'clock she was absolutely smashed. interupting everyone, swearing like a trooper and spilling her wine everywhere.
    By 11.30 she was asleep on the sofa.
    I know it sounds horrible, but I was really glad I saw this, I was thinking "that could be/has been me".

    Interestingly there were quite a few sober people there, they were interesting, amusing and very good company.
    It fueled my determination to stay away from the dreaded alcohol.

    Enjoyed reading all your posts about the silly season
    Best wishes to everyone

    NY Eve - How was it for you

    How fabulous, very well done...that woman was me, well could have been me and I really think the next time I go out i will be able to stay sober like you did, and enjoy it so much more.xx


      NY Eve - How was it for you

      Bt the way, I stayed in last night, I had a ticket for a wild party, but I decided to stay in, dtink tea and watch tv, it was fine and I feel great today, while all my friends are ill. xx


        NY Eve - How was it for you

        You did GREAT Change......:yougo: (as anyone who normally reads my posts will guess...I have FINALLY worked out how to use smilies...only took 3 1/2 weeks!!!! I am genius...)

        It must have been nice to go and find other sober people, sounds like you had a good's always harder to enjoy yourself if EVERYONE is drinking big, as drunken conversation is something YOU have to be drunk to 'appreciate'.....That woman could probably be/has been a lot of us, and yes, it doesn't sound nice to say, but I know exactly what you is an in your face reminder isn't it!!!!

        Keep going changeling....:banana: (I love these things) xoxoxo


          NY Eve - How was it for you

          Hi Stoatqueen

          Glad you had a good new year,
          I knew it wasn't you, I have seen your avatar and she was not half as cute.
          I woke up today and thought to myself I am probably feeling better than 95% of the adult population.
          All that for free......
          way to go

          regards C


            NY Eve - How was it for you

            :goodjob: Great to see everbody feelin so good!
            Hey Weemelon, it only took me about 4 mo to figure out how to get into chat! And even then I had to have Hubby's help ! Look what else I can do!!!:H :alf:

            click on the "A" above where you're posting, then just to the right is the little down arrow, it'll give ya all of the color options... cool huh????????

            Oh, my New year's Eve was OK.. I had to work, but I had fun picking on people! Came straight home after work, to ring in the New Year w/Hubby, he was already in bed... but got up for a bit, to give me a smooch! Had a little wine & party'd w/doggies!
            The only thing worth stealing is a kiss...:flower: zwink:


              NY Eve - How was it for you

              Change - Congrats on a successful New Years Eve! It is always an eye-opener to watch others. All that runs through my mind is "Oh God - am I like that?" ummmm.....yep - probably been her!

              This is the first Jan 1 in a number of years I am not hungover. Its a wonderful feeling. I had my two wines at dinner and tucked safly in my crib by 11. AMEN! Glad the season is over!


                NY Eve - How was it for you

                I too am glad the season is over. I got absolutely mashed, same again yesterday


                  NY Eve - How was it for you

                  Come on Owly, how does the song go....Pick yourself up...Dust yourself off......Start all over can do it, after all you have all of us to support you....
                  A F F L..
                  Alcohol Free For Life


                    NY Eve - How was it for you

                    Come on Owly

                    Sorry things not going great for you at the moment.
                    We are all here for you and the fact that you keep posting is telling us you want to change.
                    Hope you feel better soon.
                    Best wishes


                      NY Eve - How was it for you

                      Thanks guys. From past experience I won't start feeling better until past midnight. Hangovers/withdrawal with anxiety disorder are not a very pleasant experience. I'm just taking it one minute at a time, drinking lots of water and forcing myself to eat, just a few grapes. Taken lots of supps too, I don't normally take the recommended amount as it seems a bit much but will certainly do so today!

                      Tristan xx


                        NY Eve - How was it for you


                        Season is done, a lot of us hit that slippery slope. You can do just what Irish Lady said, pick yourself up, dust your self off and start all over again. I think there are a few of us dusting ourselves off! You can do this.

                        Irish Lady - I just LOVE your avatar!! You crack me up with eveyone of them. I am a cat lover and boy those do it for me!

                        Hugs and Love,


                          NY Eve - How was it for you

                          i bought a bottle of vodka a couple of days before new year and had a couple of drinks a night finished the bottle last night i would normally have finished that in one night so quite pleased with myself for that althought i did have too much last night but it is all finished now so hopefully i will be more successful in the coming year

                          love maryt


                            NY Eve - How was it for you

                            Happy New Year Everyone...
                            I Hope This New Year Brings You Every Bit Of Power And Strength To Stay Sober Owly.
                            I Know That The Holidays Are A Pain In The A**.
                            I Almost Fell Off The Wagon Myself.
                            I Was All Alone Christmas & New Years Eve And Day.
                            But What Kept Me Sober Was Me Saying To Myself That "New years is about making resolutions and sticking to them. If I do not keep the promise of staying AF then this becomes just another year of the same old crap."
                            BUT FEAR NOT...
                            Its OK To Fall... Just Remember To Pick Yourself Up And Do It Better Next Time.
                            Don't Be Discourged....
                            How Many Times Have Your Friends Stopped Smoking Before They Got It Right???
                            Practice Makes You Perfect.... So Keep It Up.
                            Life Without Drinking Is Life Worth Living.


                              NY Eve - How was it for you

                              Heeeyyyy DIS...I've missed your scary avatar! Very glad that you whipped the horses, shook the reins, and stayed on that wagon!! Your drink tracker always looks great...It would have been a shame to spoil that pretty yellow pattern n'est ce pas????? Good on you.....weemelon xoxo

