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life is such a mess

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    life is such a mess

    i am only 23 which may seem young to have a drink problem but i do and it is ruining my life i have lost jobs i have lost freinds and family and hve a criminal record as long as my arm all drink related including 4 months in prison and i frequently embaress myself just feel there is no way out i am writing this with hang over but i know by tomorrow i will have forgot how bad i feel .At the moment i feel like i have poisened my body on an average night out i drink 20+ pints wich cant be doing me any good and on average i will go out 3-4 nights a week any advice please?:new:

    life is such a mess

    I reckon if i'd been smart enough to even think i had a problem when i was your age (38 now) i would of saved myself a lot of bother. Admitting the problem is the first step and yes you do have a problem with alcohol as we all do here. Well done for joining, keep posting, even if you do carry on drinking for now. God I sound like an expert now, i've only stopped drinking a week!! xx best wishes


      life is such a mess

      Hello Yorkshirelad and welcome,
      If you are up for the challenge then you have come to the right place, because it will be a challenge, there are no quick fix solutions, but you already have two things going for you and they are;
      1. At the age of 23 when most young men would consider it macho to be able to down 20+ pints in a night
      you have realised that this is not the right thing to do, and it's not, it's the slow road to killing yourself.

      2. You have the intelligence and, yes, the courage to seek help.

      As I have said, it won't be an easy journey, it will be one filled with hard work, it will require you to change the way you spend your leisure time, it may even mean dropping some of your friends, but it will be a journey filled with hope, laughter, tears, achievment and a belief in yourself, and you will also find strengths you didn't even know you had....So, are you up for it??
      You have already taken two important steps forward, recognising you have a problem with alcohol and deciding to do something about it, but I do agree with Kate when she says you should see your Doctor, even just to get yourself checked out..

      I have a son of 27 and I know how I would feel if I were writing this to him, so please, keep on reading and posting on here, we are all here to help each other

      I wish you success...Love from Louise xxx
      A F F L..
      Alcohol Free For Life


        life is such a mess

        Age, like education, race, religion, gender is not an issue here. If you are posting, there is something about drinking which is your issue and we face that regardless of our age religion etc etc etc. Its a motley crew here with various opinions floating on what people do for themselves. There is no magic pill or quick fix... sure you may read that people have done things that helped them.. and you may try that.. but YOU take responsibility for what YOU do to YOURSELF.. so do it with care, I"d say.

        Louise is right, its not an easy journey.. but it may be the best journey that you have. Its turned my life around and I hope sobriety turns your life around too.

        Good luck


          life is such a mess

          yorkshire lad, if I were only half as smart as you at your age...arg. when I was a younger lad my most notorious "social skill" was to down a ton of liquor and somehow hold myself together. now it's all backfired and my health is declining only in my 30's. it's a terrible trap but bravo for you for getting the message so soon. Happy 07!!!!!!
          nosce te ipsum
          (Know Thyself)


            life is such a mess

            Welcome Yorkshire,

            Very good advice above do go to a doc.

            I have a long road ahead so I won't pretend to know everything.

            I have done some research on supplaments that you might want to get, milk thistle, good for the poor liver,
            multi vitamin, a must, B vitamins, lots and lots, ok don't go DON'T crazy with vitamins and make yourself sick.

            This is a real good place to learn about a lot of good things to help your body repair, and stop cravings wich is what I must look into.

            Keep posting and take care:welcome:

            AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
            Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


              life is such a mess

              P.S. I can spell really

              Just have to recover a few brain cells, I hope

              AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
              Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:


                life is such a mess

                Hi Lad- :welcome:

                One of the hardest things to do is to start being honest with yourself. Sounds like you have started down that road. If you can be honest with yourself it is harder to talk yourself into a drink. for example...
                "This drink will be good for me" - you know deep down that it will not.
                "I will just have one or two to relax" - you know you will want more and have more
                "tonight is a special occasion and I'll stop drinking tomorrow" tonight is not special - not drinking would actually make it special.

                We all have an inner dialogue going on. The trick is to change what is being said.
                One thing that has helped me is to read lots of posts here and to visualize the "next day". i.e. The day after I didn't drink. I try to focus on how good I'm going to feel the next day. After awhile, I don't want to give up that next day good feeling...the temptation becomes less and less.
                Hope what I've said isn't too abstract sounding. Irishlady is right - this isn't easy - but it is more than worth it. My best to you on your journey.


                  life is such a mess

                  Hello York and welcome to this site.
                  Like someone said before we are a motley crew here and come from all walks of life and age groups. You have made the first step to help yourself. Please come here and read the posts and post your own and you will see that just knowing you are not alone with your struggle is already a great help. Yes, it is a real struggle, but you can do it. When I was your age it was simply cool to hold ones liquor. Little did I know what time and this habit would do to me. Please keep coming back and again welcome to MWO.
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    life is such a mess

                    I too am 23, i decided to make today day one, I am going crazy right now... I don't know if I will make it without popping something open, maybe I should just break down and got to the doctor, i can't take pills i order overseas that require a prescription where I live, I could lose my job, so i don't know...
                    It's not that some people have willpower and some don't. It's that some people are ready to change and others are not.
                    James Gordon, M.D.


                      life is such a mess

                      Hi All this is only a quick visit cos im at work

                      Yorkshirelad you have soooo come the right place, :welcome:

                      Lias3102 im only on my 2nd AF but your posting had spurred me on tremendously.

                      Take care all WE CAN DO IT .....

                      Love & hugs, Paula :h


                        life is such a mess


                        I don't think they can fire you for going to the doctor and they don't need to know why. Plusdoctor could probably give you a note.

                        Hope that helps

                        Take care!!!!!!!!!

                        AF since 12/11/2008 :ranger c:
                        Today well lived makes every yesterday a dream !:catroll:

