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Perception of reality

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    Perception of reality

    I was thinking last night about how I perceive myself and the world and I feel like all this drinking has made it hard for me to figure it out. Like life is a dream or something and I don't know how to go through it normally.

    Does that make any sense?

    Anyone else feel like this after years of drinking, and has anyone been able to collect their thoughts after a few weeks/months/years of sobriety?

    I think anxiety is part of the problem too. I can barely stand going grocery shopping any more. Even when I'm not drunk/hungover etc.

    Perception of reality

    I kniow I am in a fog if I am drinking...everyone says this clears up
    I love my family more than alcohol.:h
    Live in the Solution....not the problem


      Perception of reality

      Gimp, I feel exactly the same - like I've lived a life that revolved around alcohol and that suddenly the rug has been pulled out from under me. But, as more time passes, things are getting better. I don't expect miracles. I'm discovering my true self, though, which isn't revolutionary, but worthwhile. And, there is a great sense of accomplishment and acceptance that is slowly emerging.

      I think drinking gave me this illusion that life was about yeehaw and swinging from the rafters so to speak. Well, the party has to end sometime and we are left with ourselves. If we can cultivate it properly, I think it will be better than the drinking world.

      Sending you peace and strength.


        Perception of reality


        Be patient, it takes a good long while but things will definitely get better!
        Funny, I was just thinking today (while I was at the supermarket) how crystal clear my thinking & everything else is these days Like I said, it takes a while to rebuild the brain circuits we damaged with AL so hang in there!
        AF since 03/26/09
        NF since 05/19/09
        Success comes one day at a time :thumbs:


          Perception of reality

          Hey Gimp

          I know what you mean! It took a long time to realize,looking back, how my sober behavior was affected by excessive drinking. You brain is affected by alcohol, and not only when it;s soaked in it. Your decisions, thought patterns, attitudes and many aspects of behavior are affected.
          Clarity comes with sobriety. It seems like every day I remember something and have a clearer view of it now. I also keep realizing things about myself,strange motivations etc.
          But it takes being sober. It is amazing to think of the stupid stuff you do when drunk. Seems ridiculous to me now.
          Hang in there; it gets better.


            Perception of reality

            Hey Gimp, you have written a very truthful post. I would agree with what our friends have written above. Also, I would add that the anxiety, I also felt, when stopped drinking. This is one of the reasons that quitting fails (I think), because, it is easy to drink to take the edge off the anxiety.

            It takes time, and things will clear up. This is a battle, and you need great courage to fight the anxiety, to fight the urges, to hold fast. You can do it. But do not, ever, underestimate the kunning abilities of your enemy.

            Sober since Feb 7, 2010.


              Perception of reality

              What a great post, I can relate to what your saying, With AL and everyone I associated with would always be drinking. We would always have this self confidence amongst us. Tho Ive learned now being AF that that was temporary, I still get anxious and embarrased going to places when I was drunk and somehow feeling different. Day 12 AF , the anxiety and cravings are hitting me good. Today I am going to an herbal store , been doing some research and found that some natural remedies. Atleast its worth a try, seems they have a plant root for every ailment out there.LOL , Already take enough medicines for blood pressure, cholestrol, ect... rather it be natural than another substance on my liver.
              Wishing everyone an AF Sunday

