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countdown to sobriety

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    countdown to sobriety

    techie;1225501 wrote: Let's all have a sober Christmas.

    Spuds I hope you read about Oney's last unsober Christmas, I'm sure you could tell some similar tales.

    Yes my quit date was 1.1.10 but can I tell you that the Christmas preceding it was one of the most miserable in my life and I spend most of it alone at home drinking by myself.

    I know we have spoken about meeting up and I think it would be a really good idea, let's make it happen in the New Year and in the meantime I am here whenever you need a kick up the feathers.....

    Spuds can you remember the last Christmas Morning you woke up without a hangover? I couldn't...... Make this one your 1st and let's all make 2012 completely AF.
    "In the depths of winter I finally learned there was in me an invincible summer ."
    AF - JAN 1st 2010
    NF - May 1996


      countdown to sobriety

      K9Lover;1225532 wrote: Hi Spuds,
      Good to see you here and see that you?re still trying! I know your goal is to be sober on 1-1-12. Can I ask why you want to wait? I have found that the longer I go on drinking, the harder it is to quit?so you would be doing yourself a favor if you quit earlier. Another thing I?ve found helpful is quitting on a Friday. Days 1-3 are the hardest. The first weekend is the hardest. So why not get them both done at the same time?
      Anyway, I?m glad to see you posting. Please hang in there and let us know how you are doing. Just remember that the sooner you quit, the easier it will be.

      Every time I set a "quit" date, the closer I get, the more I panic. Then, when the date arrives, this alcoholic brain starts bargaining about a truly better quit date.

      Have been on that merry-go-round many, many times.

      AF April 9, 2016


        countdown to sobriety

        Cinders;1225559 wrote: Spuds,

        Every time I set a "quit" date, the closer I get, the more I panic. Then, when the date arrives, this alcoholic brain starts bargaining about a truly better quit date.

        Have been on that merry-go-round many, many times.

        Hi Spuds,
        I agree with Cinders 100%. Setting a quit date that was too far away was like an execution date hanging over my head. Then as the date got close, I'd try to justify that I was drinking too much to quit cold turkey, so I'd have to taper down (thus adding another week or two). Then it would more than likely be the middle of the month, so why not set a new date of the first of the next month? See where this is going? There is never going to be a perfect day/date to quit. And nothing will change the difficulty of getting past days 1,2, just have to DO it. No it's not easy. But yes it CAN be done. Come on Spuds, jump in with us...make the committment and get it going. We're here to help!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          countdown to sobriety

          Honestly quit dates never worked for me either. It just gave me an excuse to drink like hell on the days leading up to it. Then when the actual day arrived I could always find an excuse to make it another day. When I got ready to quit, I just quit. I don't think I had it planned the day before or anything. I knew I was done and that was that.


            countdown to sobriety

            I set "quit dates" for years, but for some reason I always had an excuse to push it off. I quit June 2010, and thought I was cured. I tested the waters in November of 2010, and by December 15, 2010 I was back to drinking daily. I decided to set a quit date for Jan 1, 2011, and I was gonna have one more drunk Christmas to end. Then as I was trying to sober up for a couple of days before christmas I had a huge withdrawal that sent me to the ER on the morning of December 20, 2010. As I was sitting in the ER with an IV in my arm and trying to explain to the doctor and my family why I was having a serious alcohol withdrawal, it dawned on me......Right now seems like a good time to quit forever! So my final date was decided in the ER and it was that day. Don't wait to long, because there is never a better time to quit than right now. Good luck, you can do it!!


              countdown to sobriety

              Quit dates

              Quit date=a license to go nuts for a while until that date? I don't know; I still believe in the "click" we talked about before. Somehow when you get it you get it, sort of.

              I notice that stop smoking help sites nearly always advise picking a quit date. That doesn't seem to be a bad idea. I still look at my own situation in amazement and I really have no answers but I like the way it is.

              I notice too that my thoughts never get very far about drinking. Seems that I cannot in good conscience allow my car to veer into the pub parking lot, knowing what I know. Just can't do that to myself anymore.

              Long - winded I know but one more story (guess you can tell I'm feeling better )
              A good friend told me today that his father went to his doctor with chief complaint of fatigue.
              Turned out to be stage 4 lung cancer, cell type related to smoking though he quit 10 years ago. He died in a week. So that doesn't seem fair, but life is not always fair and you just never know.

              Love and peace to all you guys!


                countdown to sobriety

                Supercrew;1225792 wrote: I set "quit dates" for years, but for some reason I always had an excuse to push it off. I quit June 2010, and thought I was cured. I tested the waters in November of 2010, and by December 15, 2010 I was back to drinking daily. I decided to set a quit date for Jan 1, 2011, and I was gonna have one more drunk Christmas to end. Then as I was trying to sober up for a couple of days before christmas I had a huge withdrawal that sent me to the ER on the morning of December 20, 2010. As I was sitting in the ER with an IV in my arm and trying to explain to the doctor and my family why I was having a serious alcohol withdrawal, it dawned on me......Right now seems like a good time to quit forever! So my final date was decided in the ER and it was that day. Don't wait to long, because there is never a better time to quit than right now. Good luck, you can do it!!
                Although my "quit date" wasnt exactly picked by me, Im very glad it happened. Without getting too much into specifics, I woke up in the ER with virtually no idea how I got there.

                I remember waking up a few times during my stay and trying to talk. The problem was, was that I could not make my mouth form words. I knew what was going on, what I wanted to say, I just couldnt. My tongue just was not working right, I felt like a total invalid, and was praying that this was dream, Id wake up, and everything would be all right.

                Well, it wasnt a dream, but I did wake up, and I could once again talk. My wife had been there all night watching and worrying about me. She was relieved to see me up, and able to talk right again.

                I felt so bad, that at that moment...............I promised myself and to her, I would never, ever drink again.

                Spuds, I hope that your "rock bottom" will not be quite as hard as mine, maybe you can pull some inspiration from it, I dont know. I kept the wrist tag from that day, its on my fridge. When I think I need a drink.........I look at it....and so far, it seems to be working.

                Wishing you strength and wisdom needed to set your..........."quit date"
                Living on Planet Sober since 05/02/11



                  countdown to sobriety

                  spuddleduck;1225325 wrote: i am inspired by chillgirl sober date
                  onely. i do hope to have a sober xmas but i dont know if i can. my all isnt in it enough. as far as xmas goes. im not a party animal anymore. i may want one drunken night over xmas..which is one too many. last year i drank on xmas day ( after the family doo) and next time on 3rd jan.... i got over all the new years eve jolity... so yes maybe this year i can have a sober xmas. i know if i come here more often it will help but ive got myself in a funny place where im scared. yep i know its bonkers as i know how much i love being here. gotta keep trying
                  Hi Spuds, that sounds to me a lot like you are planning on modding over Christmas & the new year. Have an honest look and and ask yourself how will that work out? I know for me it would be a case of not if but when I ended up in a heap.

                  Reggie;1226510 wrote:
                  AHHH spuds thats bullshit thinking ..your a alcoholic accept that fact !!!! count down PFFFFFFT.... to what? another due by date FFS its no milk and cookies this gig .... accept the fact you can NEVER...I will shout it from the mountain top NEVER EVER put an alcoholic drink to ya lips again ...come on spuds scream it out loud ...accept this FACT and you will be liberated!!! GUARANTEED...sorry to be so aggressive

                  I had a shit day sorry but its the truth
                  I know Reg sounds harsh and I hope it doesn't appear that we are picking on you but maybe he has a point? I would have to agree with this and the others about picking a date to quit. If you, like me are an alcoholic then that day has to be today, doesnt it?
                  Only you can decide that though can't you?
                  Ethanol is a toxic chemical, why would I drink it?


                    countdown to sobriety

                    thanks for all the replies to this. i really apreciate it. chill - the last time i woke on xmas morning WITH A hangover was when i was about 15 years ago.... i am always so afraid of upsetting my mum that i havent done it ( omg... i do have control?... ha ha). i have never before given myself a quit day... it was always gonna be sometime in the future when it was the right time.... even after time in hospital od on my insulin i thought i would be ok... ha ha yet again. well this is the first time i have set a quit date...... and i think it is part inspired by chillgirl..... i am giving myself an aim of a week at first .... to be followed by many more.. ive talked to mr spuds about it and he is on side. im looking forward to spending more time here as i have not been able to post for a while..... part head, part manky computer.... yes i am an alcoholic... perhaps is should be today or tomorrow...... but im choosing 1st jan...... and im not juist hoping i am sure this is right for me. BRING ON MY SOBRIETY.
                    Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                    Keep passing the open windows


                      countdown to sobriety

                      Life is a choice. Everything we do, from the most minor to the big decisions are choices. We can delude ourselves that we are powerless and have no control or we can exercise that one thing we do have control over. We get to choose. For all of the desires for self destruction that lays dormant in our mind sets, for all the times we just say fuck it, for all the reasons we find to just have that one drink that turns into 20 we can stop the madness by just saying no. Cravings can be overcome, bad thoughts can be turned around.

                      This is merely a gentle reminder that the final outcome is yours to control. Everything else is just an excuse. All the buts and could have beens and maybe tomorrows lead only to sadness and regret.

                      You choose and whatever you choose take ownership of those choices good or bad. This is life and you had better get a grip on it because as harsh as it sounds this is where you need to get to for you to get better.
                      I refuse to be labelled or ashamed. Through my struggles I am achieving self awareness and clarity.


                        countdown to sobriety

                        Right behind you Spud.

                        January 1st. New year, new day, new beginnings.

                        'I am part of all that I have met, yet all experience is an arch wherethro', gleams that untravelled world whose margins fade, forever and forever when I move'

                        Zen soul Warrior. Freedom today-


                          countdown to sobriety

                          Dave, I have to say I agree. Spuds, it may sound harsh, but I think Dave is right. Really hoping you can do it this time.:l


                            countdown to sobriety

                            GO FOR IT Spudds....
                            I am with Mr G Spot.......full support love!!
                            I love my family more than alcohol.:h
                            Live in the Solution....not the problem


                              countdown to sobriety

                              nearly there and i am so happyER that i will no longer have to choose .... to drink or not to drink. i am starting to feel very happy that i wont have to decide any more... no longer the decisions..... i can just say to myself... i dont drink alcohol. WEHAY... its feeling good allready. the beast is leaving as it will no longer have control of me...... all i know is that i do not drink alcohol..... i do drink lots of other nice stuff..... ooooooo give me some fizzy pineapple jucice....... I AM VERY LUCKY TO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL ANYMORE.... I TRIED IT..... FOR A WHILE...... IT DOESNT WORK FOR ME..... I CHOOSE A BETTER LIFE X
                              Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                              Keep passing the open windows


                                countdown to sobriety

                                Today is the tomorrow i worried about yesterday and it turned out fine
                                Keep passing the open windows

