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almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

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    almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

    almost 3 weeks sober.. it gets easier everyday but i am concerned about xmas.. we are having lots of family at our house for dinner / overnights etc. all bringin lots of booze. I keep none in the house. and i know what everone will say "tell them not to bring any" "
    "have the gatherings at someone elses house" "just dont' drink anything"

    all easy things to say and not easy things to do. will i convince myself that i will only drink a bit and not overdo it? will i drink and drink and drink till i am a mumbling / staggering drunk? will i actually only have a couple of drinks and stop? all good questions. only 1 way to find out.

    and what do i want, you ask. well i want to be sober and have a couple of drinks... i want both. i want to NOT be an alcoholic and be able to control my drinking. i want to be able to get up in the morning and NOT wonder if there is any booze left over so i can start drinking at 8am... and not stop till i pass out at night. i want to have a drink in my hand and NOT have my kids look at me with disappointment. I want to be able to drink and NOT be judgemental and talk shit to everyone.

    well i guess that answere it. i can't have any of those things so i guess I should take my antabuse and just stay sober... *sigh*

    AF since Sept 2013...

    almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

    Whatever you decide, we're here for you.

    I'd like to suggest that you try to do it sober. There will always be booze around another day. It's not like it's going anywhere! And I'm sure you've had drinks at Christmas before. So you know what that's like. Why not try a sober Christmas and see how you feel the next day? It's a lot easier to be a good host/hostess when you're sober. You can make sure everyone else has a fabulous time and stay on track and feel good about yourself the day after. :l


      almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

      Caper, this is a holiday season, but it will come up again and again. Get yourself a game plan. 'I'm on medication' works wonders when we're offered. But if you decide to drink, you know in you heart all bets are off at this early stage. Do some soul searching, hon. What do you want? Is it possible? Can you drink 'moderately'? Or would you rather wake the next day laughing at all your sober self saw? How much is one drink worth? That's what it came down to for me.
      Never look down on a person unless you are offering them a hand up.
      awprint: RUBY Imagine yourself doing What you love and loving What you do, Being happy From the inside Out, experiencing your Dreams wide awake, Being creative, being Unique, being you - changing things to the way YOU know they can BE - Living the Life you Always imagined.awprint:


        almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

        Hi Caper!
        Sorry you?re having the inner-battle already. I know this time of year is so hard for so many people. My advice? Take the Antabuse NOW?take it everyday and get it built up in your system. By knowing it?s in your body, you have just relieved yourself of the inner-struggle. You know for a fact that you can?t drink. And believe me, you do not want to try (I have tried it, and it?s not pretty. You will never get drunk or buzzed with Antabuse in your system, you will however get sicker than you can imagine). Sounds like you don?t really want to drink?so why not just remove that option right now and get back on the Antabuse? That way you can focus on more important things like enjoying your friends, family and delicious food! Keep us posted on how you are doing!
        :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

        Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


          almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

          yes i agree with everyone.. yes i do want to do it sober for once.. i don't think i've had a sober xmas since my teens.. and no i can't "moderate" it is too early... and YES i am going upstairs right now and taking my antabuse.. i have tried a glass of wine after only a 5 day absence from antabuse and wow it works.. it was terrible. i wonder what it will be like watching everyone else be drunken idiots... heehee...

          Ok i can do this... yes is can.. yes i can
          AF since Sept 2013...


            almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

            I?m proud of you for getting that Antabuse down the hatch! You will NOT regret your decision of staying sober!! Let us know how the ?drunken idiot watching? goes?haha. I?m never surrounded by anyone drunk and sometimes I think that actually seeing alcohol in action would strengthen my resolve?but alas, I?m surrounded by well-behaved social drinkers?.none of whom ever pressure me or even question my drinking (or non-drinking) habits. And I KNOW this is a good thing, but sometimes seeing others stupidity can be a huge reminder of where we don?t want to be. Maybe this is why I am obsessed with shows like Intervention? GREAT job Caper?you?ll be so happy to remember your Holiday!
            :heart:I love my daughter more than alcohol:heart:

            Believe in yourself. You are stronger than you think.


              almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

              Good job Caper! Take that Antabuse! :goodjob:


                almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

                Hey Caper

                Just thought I'd chime in, wishing you well.
                BUT you wrote " I can't moderate-it's too early"
                It's not too early or too late--there is simply no
                such thing if you are addicted to alcohol.
                The statement makes me think you imagine a
                time in the future that you will able to moderate
                -when it's not "too early"
                Wishful thinking.


                  almost 3 weeks and worried about Xmas

                  I have been taking Antibuse, two pills a day for the last 40 days and it works. I absolutely know I can't drink and it seems to end the argument. I have not done a Christmas sober in a number of year, if ever but I know this one will be. I am looking forward to it. Just take the pills. Wish I had done this before. Best of luck and Merry Christmas to all.
                  Don't worry, be happy!

